Realtors: How To Finish Your 2019 Strong

realtor finish 2019 strong

The summer is coming to an end and we just have one quarter left in the business year so let me ask you some questions? Are you on target for the year? Are you ahead of your target? Are you behind on your target? So what’s holding you back? What fears are weighing you down? […]

Seven Secrets To Becoming Fearless

fearless realtor

I can remember sitting in the audience waiting for my time to get up on stage to play my piano piece or sing my solo in front of an adjudicator at music festivals growing up as a young boy. My hands were sweating, my legs were shaking and kept thinking about playing in front of […]

Secrets To Attracting More Real Estate Listing Leads

real estate listing secrets

Have you ever heard the saying, “List to Exist”? One of the very important lessons I have learned as an agent is that getting listing/seller leads is crucial to my success. Something to consider… When you lead generate and market to attract buyers, you typically get 1 sale. But when you go after listings/seller leads, […]

Any Of These 5 “Debts” Holding You Back as a Realtor©?

5 realtor debts to repay

Debt is heavy. Until you’ve had it on your shoulders, you can’t know how it feels. When you want to take a career leap, debt can dissuade you from taking a chance. When you know you need a vacation, debt keeps you grinding away. The trouble is, not every debt can be paid down just […]

What Top Real Estate Agents Do To Build Their Business

realtor build business

For more than 25 years we have helped thousands of agents and brokers find better, easier ways to grow their businesses into profitable real estate practices. Below are FOUR strategies that will help you generate more clients, and build a long-term viable business. 1. Prioritize Your Marketing Time, Money and Effort According To the QUALITY […]

What Are You Afraid Of?

what are realtors afraid of

How does our brain create fear? What makes us afraid? Snakes, the dark, rejection, love, spiders, the unknown, public speaking, your first listing presentation as a new Realtor© flying, storms, failure — though the reasons are varied, we are all hardwired to feel fear. Or are we? What about people who never seem to be […]

How To Avoid Or Get Out Of A Realtor Summer Slump

realtor summer slump

Summertime is an interesting time for real estate. Many agents refer to the time directly before the summer start as the “selling season”and year over year, this time of year tends to be one of the most profitable for those agents who fully embrace spring and watch their summer numbers fall off slightly. Is there […]

Four Patterns For Realtor’s Financial Freedom

4 patterns realtor financial success

Anyone can get lucky and win the lottery. Anyone can pick a winning stock from time to time. But if you want to achieve lasting financial success, you need more than just the occasional lucky break. What I’ve found over almost four decades of studying success is that the most successful people in any field […]

How To Get Clients Picking You Through All The Noise

pick realtor

When potential clients are looking for a Realtor, they’re probably meeting with several before they decide on one. Because this is one of the biggest transactions people deal with in their lives, it’s no wonder they stress over choosing the right professional to stand by their side and help make sure everything goes smoothly. Plus […]

Secrets To Keeping Yourself Encouraged

realtor encouragement

Here is a familiar scenario for all of us: You have an exciting goal in mind for your real estate business, you’ve done your homework, you think you’re amply prepared… and things just don’t work out. You’ve probably had times when you thought you were doing what you were supposed to do, but you were […]