Anyone can get lucky and win the lottery. Anyone can pick a winning stock from time to time. But if you want to achieve lasting financial success, you need more than just the occasional lucky break. What I’ve found over almost four decades of studying success is that the most successful people in any field aren’t just lucky. They have a different set of beliefs. They have a different strategy. They do things differently than everyone else. I see this in every area of life, whether it’s sustaining a happy and passionate marriage for more than a half century, losing weight and keeping it off for decades, or building a business worth billions. The key is to recognize consistently successful patterns and to model them, using them to guide the decisions you make in your own life. These patterns provide the playbook for your growth and success.
When I embarked on my journey to find solutions that could help people financially, I studied the best of the best, ultimately interviewing more than 50 investment titans. I was determined to crack the code—to figure out what explains their stunning results. Above all, I kept asking myself one question: What do they all have in common? I discovered what I call the Core Four patterns that can powerfully influence your ability to achieve financial freedom, whether you’re investing in the market, or considering a new business venture.
When it comes to these principles for healthy financial growth, execution is everything. These principles make for a simple, invaluable checklist. Whenever I’m speaking with my financial advisors about a potential investment, I want to know whether or not it meets the majority of these four criteria. If not, then I’m simply not interested.
Strength and courage,
Phone: (250) 212-8220 |