How I Sold 27 Homes In 28 Days

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Position Your Real Estate Business for Success in 2015 Starting Now

how I sold 27 homes in 28 daysAs the year begins to wind down and the temptation to let the foot off your real estate business gas pedal I always smile thinking about my success in February 2004 when I was fortunate enough to sell 27 homes in 28 days.

What most people don't realize is it was what I did in November and December of 2003 that allowed me that success.

Right now is a great time of year for us all to finally do what we are really meant to do in real estate and that is deepen and foster our relationships. Unfortunately we are all so busy being too busy and the market never seems to allow us the freedom to do just that.

Steps to Take Now for Success in 2015

So what did I do in the months of November and December that made a huge impact in my business and opened the sales gates for 27 sales in 28 days you ask?

I began by sitting down and looking at my business and making a list of every person that had an impact on my real estate business that year both directly and indirectly.

I collected all their names and contact information and planned to make a point of letting them know how much I appreciate them and what they do for my family and business.

I would order a calendar or a day timer in advance for each of them and take the time to write a letter of my year in review. The letter invited them into my family and my years events from all the things my wife and I did, my children were doing, the places we visited and all the years highlights and included a photo in the letter of my favorite moment of the year.

I then would arrange a large order of Poinsettias (beautiful red holiday plant) to accompany my calendar or day timer and my year in review letter that I printed out on a nice holiday season themed letterhead stuffed into a large envelope.

I would call each of them and set up a time for me to come by their home and deliver my holiday season package and spend some time with them and see how they were doing and see how they were settling into their new homes.

IT"S IMPORTANT when you call to setup a time to let them know you just want to drop off a "little something" for the holiday season.

With my first few calls I didn't make that distinction and later found out people thought I was trying to sell them another property or wanting to list their home they just bought and as a result weren't returning my call.

My plan was to visit between 65 and 85 people in that 5 week period and for at least 45 minute visits. I would ask if their place of work would be better than at their home and give them the choice of what was best for them. Personally I loved the work place visits as all the people around would be wondering what they got for a gift and who I was... can't beat that type of social buzz.

So I filled up my schedule for a few consecutive weeks and met with as many people as I could delivering them a little token of my appreciation but more importantly sharing the greatest gift I had and that was "my time".

Sow Your Time - Reap a Harvest in Your Real Estate Business

I cannot tell you how many times I heard we can’t believe you came by, we thought we would never see you again, it is so great to see you and thank you so much for taking the time to come by and for the nice gift.

The reaction I have to admit, was surprising and reminded me how impacting the gift of our time is to people.

Over the five week period I had more coffee, wine, tea and sweets than you can imagine and had the best time sharing great conversation with so many wonderful people and being able to connect, catch up and greatly deepened my relationship with each of them individually.

I never imagined I would have the opportunity to receive referrals for buyers and sellers during the visits. Clients were setting up appointments with me to list their homes in the new year and for me to meet with them to buy or they were passing on their friends and family members who were wanting to meet with me in the new year as well.

The more time I spent along with the small token of my appreciation began to set me up for an incredible start to the year which led to the sale of 27 properties in 28 days in February which would be a good year for any agent in just one month.

I don’t share this story to impress you but to impress upon you to make it a priority to share the gift of your time this November and December and see what kind of response you get to you and your business in the start of 2015.

What do you have to lose?

It is so much fun playing Santa Claus and spending time with people you know and like and enjoy showing them you do care and aren’t just in it for the pay check.

Please take the time to let me know some of your experiences with this little idea of mine.

Strength and Courage,


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