We all have needs. We all have bills to pay, mouths to feed (in my case 5 mouths to feed – I know, it is not easy!), and some have university to pay for. I get it. Today, I want you to consider setting that aside, and instead start working in a vision. Ask yourself, "Is my real estate business driven by my vision or my needs"?
That’s right, what if you started working according to a vision, instead of working according to your needs? I recently went through this myself and earlier this year, I realized I was working according to my needs and not my vision. I had a vision, but it was blurry. And most importantly, it was secondary to my needs. Over the next 48 hours I got super-focused on what my vision was going to be. I want to share the exact formula of how I came up with my vision and magic that happened once I did; but before I do that I want to help you get a better understanding of the power of working according to a vision, vs. working according to your needs.
Most of us are used to responding to needs and do everything we can to meet those needs as they arise. This is not inherently bad, those things absolutely need to be addressed, but at what cost? This endless cycle is one reason why people never step into their true purpose. We’re too busy thinking about our needs. We find ourselves focusing on one closing, because ‘if this doesn’t close I can’t pay my bills.’ Or we got lost in the middle of a hard transaction and lose focus on what we need to do to move the needle of our business. We easily find ourselves stuck focusing on our needs instead of on our vision. Most inventions, scientific advancements, and dramatic accomplishments were done by people who didn’t focus on their need, but rather on something that motivated them. People who are visionaries are focused on the future, not now, and especially not the past. They are looking forward, and working in that forward vision.
Focusing on your needs instead of living according to a grander vision is like running around to put out a bunch of small fires. As long as you are only living to meet your needs, your focus will constantly be on those fires. This is stressful and often means many people never reach their full potential. When you live according to a vision, the fires bow to that vision. It’s fun to work on the things we love, right? We find we have more creativity and passion and energy, things are usually lacking when we are stressed about meeting the immediate needs in front of us. I am positive there are greater things for you to achieve…stop chasing fires and start chasing your vision!
Here Is A Top Agents Exact Business Vision. Put your vision into these three pillars.
The magic. Now this is the cool thing – not only did this give me a vision, but it gave my coaching clients a vision! We all made this our vision. Now it’s your turn. What is your vision for your business? Tell us in the comments below! If you aren’t sure – I want to help you with that. In my coaching program www.agentsboost.com we do just that. You can start planning your vision by getting a free business plan template. Click here to download the AgentsBoost Business Plan 2018.
Strength and courage,
Phone: (250) 212-8220 | Wade@agentsboost.com