Click Here to Hear Audio Podcast AgentsBoost Realtor Coaching with Wade Webb Audio Podcast
I believe if we help people get what they want in their life, we will get what we want in our own life. My purpose each and every day is to impact and improve people’s lives personally and professionally in their real estate careers. I believe that each and every one of us has knowledge, wisdom and experience gifted to us; and what we have learned in our lifetimes, our struggles, our challenges, our trials and our triumphs can be used to help other people.
My story began in an emergency room connected to an EKG machine with pain in my chest thinking I was dying of a heart attack. Lying there with my wife by my side telling me that she is done with it all and she is taking our children and leaving me if things did not change. Looking at all the wires and tubes connected to my body I started wondering about my life. I had an incredibly successful business but was extremely overweight. I was working all the time and I hardly ever saw my wife, children and the other important people in my life. Until that night I thought I was one of the most successful real estate agents I knew. Then I realized that I was one of the most unbalanced real estate agents I knew and on the verge of losing everything that truly mattered.
That event changed my life and I went back to my normal real estate life where I was overweight, working long hours, spending little or no time with my family but I took that night with me and I began using it to shift and shape my life for the better. I became a different person. I became more alive and vibrant, more loving, more focused on serving and making a difference in the world. My life began to take on true purpose and for the first time since I could remember I felt fulfilled.
I began speaking, training and coaching real estate sales professionals to build long term realty businesses where they are working relational not transactional and with purpose not apathy. To train REALTORS to serve their clients at the deepest level to create lifetime businesses with lifetime advocates in the realty industry. The result would be real estate agents loving their work and enjoying who they work with while creating a long lasting sales career helping their clients buy and sell their homes.
The challenge is, it’s hard to believe in yourself. It’s hard to believe that who you are and what you know has value in the marketplace but I’m here to say it does, because once I started sharing my voice and my message and my story with other real estate agents, everything shifted for me. I went from literally losing it all to having and doing more with my life then I ever could have imagined.
I started getting to hang out with celebrities, influencers, people who move the needle of the world and I never imagined I get to hang out with these people because I started from nothing this really humbled me. We had nothing financially but my parents had an abundance of love for us, an abundance of belief in us and I carried that in my work. As a result I love other people and I believe in other people.
I believe you have a purpose. I believe that you’ve learned something in your lifetime that can help other people with their real estate needs. If we can just teach you to position and package that information and who you are in the marketplace, then not only can we get you paid for that knowledge and help you build a real estate career, brand and business from it but we can also help you serve and inspire other people along the way. Because what is life really about? Why are we all here? Are we here just for ourselves? Are we here to serve and help other people?
If we’re here for other people, I say then let’s do that. Let’s not let our small businesses or small backgrounds make us small-minded or limit our future. Let’s not limit our capabilities and our vision for ourselves tomorrow based on what our capabilities are today.
I think part of our destiny is to claim the vastness of our vision, to see something bigger for ourselves, to help other people, to understand that we can go beyond our current horizons and that we can stand up, that we can rise up and use our real estate business to make a difference in the world.
We all need a boost to be our best. My job is to help you find that boost. My job is to help you get that boost out of you and my job is to get you paid for that boost. My job is to ensure your real estate boost is authentic and real for you and to show you how you can use that boost to build something that you never imagined possible. I believe in you and the power of your AgentsBoost.
Phone: (250) 212-8220 |