Powerful Direct Mail Marketing that Works for Realtors in 2014

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Low Competition Effective Targeted Real Estate Advertising for 2014

direct mail for realtors 2014

There are many strategies to lead generation in real estate marketing. One factor I find many Realtors don't consider when looking at a marketing strategy is "saturation". Even if an idea "can" work, if every Realtor in your city is doing it then the potential clients can get "ad blindness" which will greatly lessen what once was a highly effective technique.

With all the people complaining about the high cost of postage lately, the idea of AdMail I'm presenting today becomes a great opportunity as there will be less competition in what I have personally proven to be an effective advertising medium... when using the proper targeting (as shown below) you can realize a great ROI on your marketing dollars.

Not many real estate agents realize this past year Canada Post introduced a new system making unaddressed admail more powerful than ever. (If you are not a Canadian Realtor check with your local mail service provider to see if they offer a similar targeting service).

Precision Targeter is a new online tool to help you develop effective Unaddressed AdmailTM campaigns quickly and easily.

This interactive tool allows you to combine specific demographic information along with route maps to reach the perfect audience for your real estate business. You will be able to produce Unaddressed Admail campaigns that are both cost effective and successful.

Unaddressed Admail is great way to build your real estate business. With this service, you can deliver your flyer, brochure, post card or product sample alongside the daily mail—even if you don’t have a mailing list. When you combine it with Precision Targeter, it becomes even more powerful.

With Precision Targeter, you start with a general geographic area. This might be a 5km radius around your listing, sale or open house for example. Then, you define your target audience by combining up to 3 demographic variables – things like age, income, education, dwelling type, own or rent, household size, employed or not employed, marital status.

Precision Targeter then combines this information and shows you the Canada Post delivery routes that best match your target audience.

This service also shows you the routes that contain very few of your target group, so you can save money by deleting them from your campaign. Precision Targeter takes you through the entire process of producing an Unaddressed Admail TM campaign in five steps:

[ez_box title="5 Easy Steps to an Effective AdMail Campaign" color="blue"]

  1. Describe your campaign (what you want to send, when you want to send it and how much you want to spend);
  2. Choose your target audience;
  3. Locate your prime delivery area;
  4. Review your plans; and
  5. Place your order.


It’s all in one place, and with the map-based tools, you can play with different options until you find the best campaign for your business needs and your budget.

In the past 20 years of my career sending out "Just Listed", "Just Sold", "Open House Invites", "Help I Have A Buyer" post cards created many leads for listings and buyers. This new Admail system will save you money and now assist you in mailing pieces going to people that actually qualify to work with you.

Some tips for these mailing pieces:

  • Just Listed – Include a photo of the ideal buyer for this home, what they can do when owning this home and a photo of the best highlights of the property. Call to action “know someone who might want to buy this home call now?” Use photos that trigger an emotion.
  • Just Sold – Include the % of the asking price it sold for, number of days it took to sell, a photo of the happy sellers and a testimonial of what they experienced with you. Call to action “Want your home sold? Call now!”
  • Open House Invite – Nobody knows the neighborhood better than you. Have a friend or family member thinking about the area. Come preview this home at my VIP neighborhood tour. Call to action “Thinking of selling? Call now!”
  • I have a buyer – Let them know that your buyers Mr. and Mrs. ________ are wanting to buy in your area and I made a commitment to find something for them. We need your help! Thinking of selling? Call now!

Jump online and check out the Canada Post Admail services available and play around with the free Precision Targeter tool to see just how far you can hone in on your ideal client. Try a campaign and be sure to track your results to find out if this is an effective lead generation tool for your real estate business in 2014.

Strength and courage,


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