Many real estate agents, business owners and companies have less and less face to face interaction with their clients and telephone conversations have declined as well because of the Internet and online marketing and sales.
We are also seeing more time, effort and spending money on marketing to existing and past clients and not nearly enough on selling to them and the balance is wrong and needs to be more in favour of sales.
I know many of you are saying that people hate "to be sold" and I agree but the other important part of sales vs. marketing is "if you don't ask, then you won't get."
The trouble is many real estate agents, companies and business owners have forgotten how to sell or have got rusty through lack of practice. The unintended consequence of online commerce is the reduction of opportunity for sales training that used to take part “on the job” – and it’s time to put this right.
Nearly all great sports people, actors and musicians practice every day. The best do so with a top coach knowing this will enable them to consistently deliver their best performance. For some crazy reason many salespeople believe that they don’t need to practice, that they know it all. The reality is you get less opportunity to practice in the normal course of business, thereby increasing the need to time block for sales and contact opportunities like this!
Begin today with these 10 Steps and I promise you will be amazed at how it stimulates business for you.
Strength and Courage,
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