Real estate agents across North America are facing the growing challenge of lower inventory and having enough saleable house listings available for ready, willing and able buyers.
As a result my Expired listings strategy becomes one of the most lucrative opportunities to win against this inventory shortage game and really take your sales this fall to another level.
Let us really think about this...
Do I need to say anything else to convince you why this client and prospect is such an amazing opportunity for a real estate market struggling to provide saleable inventory to the pent up buyer demand?
While many agents call Expireds on the phone, I have found it to be a total grind. In my area, there are almost 1,000 agents in our board. In some board’s they had to change the computer system to release the day's Expireds at 9:00 AM instead of 12:01 AM (just after midnight) because some agents started calling them at 5:30 AM and the public started complaining! By 9:45 AM, the average Expired in my area has already had NON STOP phone calls since 9:01 AM.
When you finally get through to them, no matter what you say or how slick your pitch, they are ready to shoot someone.
Not the kind of calls I want to make!!
Plus, a lot of agents take the phone numbers out of the listing before it expires, and many are vacant, have out of state owners, or unlisted numbers that can only be reached by mail or delivery.
If you love pain and rejection, then be my guest and call the Expired listings on the phone.
If you still want to give it a go then develop a benefit driven script and go for it.
Maybe only a few agents call Expireds in your area, and it will be easy. Try it and see.
NEVER FORGET: The smart marketers get potential clients to call them!!
I have listed hundreds of Expireds that all called me from direct response letters, postcards, and packages that I sent or had delivered to them. I use either first class mail, or often have an assistant hand deliver to hot Expireds that I really want.
I am not saying you can't be successful calling Expired listings on the phone, because you can.
You can also dig a basement with a pick ax and hand shovel.
Me, I would use a big tractor instead.
Either way will work, but one way will take a lot more time and wear you out.
Let me share with you the Expired power system step by step from expired expert Scott Kompa in Mullica Hill, New Jersey and watch your expired listing inventory begin to grow and increase your sales this fall and finish 2014 strong!
Scott has on average a 15% return response of "please come list my house" calls on his packages for listing expired clients.
I hope you like this Expired strategy as much as I did and thanks to Scott Kompa who deserves all your referral business in Mullica Hill, New Jersey for the fantastic idea.
I am excited about you building your listing inventory in the final quarter of 2014 and really beating the inventory battle in so many markets and finish this year strong!
Strength and Courage,
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