How To Finish Your Real Estate Year Strong

finish 2021 strong in real estate2021 for many of us, has been a good, bad or very different year in the real estate business, including myself. Many of you might not have heard a starting gun, but make no mistake about it… The race has begun. You’re in an all-out sprint to end the year. That’s how I’d encourage you to look at the time remaining in 2021. Whether you’re still making up for lost time or you’re striving to establish new personal bests, now is not the time to take your foot off the pedal.

It’s time to finish 2021 strong in your real estate business.

Let me share some tips to keep you motivated… A new quarter is always a good opportunity to revisit your goals and establish some new commitments and promises to yourself. Maybe it’s one discipline you need to practice every day from now until 2022… Maybe it’s closing strong on the behaviors necessary to reach your 2021 goal… Whatever the case, it’s time to make some commitments and promises to yourself:

How many appointments will you book?

How many listings will you take?

How many closings?

How much revenue?

What about savings goals and money set aside for taxes?

It doesn’t have to be all about the bottom line, either.

So answer these questions:

What books do you need to read? Here are my recent recommendations.

What topics do you need to learn about?

What events will you attend?

What people do you need to know or follow?

Make Your Promises Public and hold yourself accountable to your promises to yourself. Once you’ve answered these questions, do not stick them away in a drawer. Do the opposite… Make it public information. Get them “up and visual” in front of you and your tribe. Track your numbers and measure your progress every day. The more emphasis you put on the numbers, the more you’ll follow through on the actions to achieve them. Remember, how you finish 2021 will also determine how you start 2022. Come January 1, will you be starting from a standstill, or will you be flying into the new year full of momentum? The harder you run in this sprint to the finish line, the better position you’re going to be in once 2022 arrives.

Which begs a few more questions you need to answer now:

When will you create your 2022 business plan? Reserve time on your calendar today!

Where people, processes or services do you need to expand your business to achieve your 2022 goals?

What resources do you need to achieve your 2022 goals? Is it time to start growing your team?

Take a Look at the Bigger Picture. Right now is also a good time to look beyond your business and check in on the equities of your life:







Wisdom & Learning

You might want to make a chart or simply ask yourself if you’re trending in the right or wrong direction in these categories. What do you need to work on to achieve better balance? You’ve Come A Long Way. Don’t Stop Now.

In closing, let me remind you how far you’ve come so far in 2021. Everything that’s been thrown at you, and you’re still standing. The strength is within you to persevere. I hope the questions I posed above provide the motivation to keep pursuing your goals throughout 2021. Don’t take your eyes off the prize. Keep going and make it happen!

Strength and courage,

How Do I Finish 2018 Strong?

finish strong in real estate 2018I always remember this time of year when my family always said to me “Dad, when you’re too busy you’re freaking out and when you are too slow you’re freaking out. You’re always just freaking out!” Being a chapter member of the control club it is so hard to remember what is in my control and what is out of my control, when you are someone like me who believes I can control everything.

Ugh!! This is the time of year and season in real estate that is typically slower and consumers tend to not be as much in the buying and selling mindset and that my friends is out of our control! What is not out of our control is what we do, what we think, what we say and what we believe is to be true. I love the photo of the small goldfish with a shark fin attached to the top of itself. It kind of reminds me of real estate agents at this time of year. We are either the gold fish and being eaten or we are the shark fin and we are the one that is eating. Right now ask yourself, which one do I see myself as the goldfish that is being defeated and eaten or the goldfish with a shark fin and is rising up and taking what it deserves? What is your mindset? How do you see yourself right now? What do you believe about yourself? What is your inner voice saying about you and real estate? What do you hear others saying about yourself? If I can encourage you to take control of one thing at this time of year about yourself personally and professionally, then take control of your mindset! If you can’t buy you then who will be able to buy from you?

I am reminded of the story where the British shoe company sends two shoe salesmen over to Africa. They wait a few days and call the first salesman and he reports back to head office that it is a waste of time here because nobody here is wearing shoes and I am heading back. Then they call the other salesman and he is so excited because the opportunity is beyond belief because literally nobody here is wearing shoes! It is the same for us in real estate at this time of year. We can think it is over and this is it for me and my business or you can think this time of year is the greatest gift and that the coming year is going to be my best as agents leave the industry and it moves to a professionals market. Now that we have our thoughts and mindset in check for the balance of 2018 let’s look at activities that will help us finish the year strong!

How to Finish Strong in 2018

1.)    Low Lying Fruit – What would help me get paid today??

a) Get A Listing
b) Get A Price Reduction
c) Present A Reverse Offer To Interested Buyers
d) Find Something For My Hottest Buyers To Buy
e) Get A Buyer To Sign An EBA
f) Get A Private Seller To Sign A Fee Agreement or Exclusive Listing and find them a buyer

2.)    Now More Getting Lucky – Time to work on
a) Seller Counselling Skills
b) Buyer Conversion Skills
c) Questioning Skills
d) Presentation Skills
e) Pre Listing Packages
f) Pre Buyer Packages
g) Closing Skills
h) Advisor Skills

3.)    Full Contact Sport
a) Present Offers Face To Face
b) Present Counters Face To Face
c) Get Signatures In Person
d) Take Clients Their Paperwork In Person
e) Meet Your Clients At The Office For Advisement Session

4.)    The Gift Of Time
a) Coffee, Lunch, Breakfast
b) Pop By gifts
c) Calls, Texts
d) Calendars, Christmas Cards,
e) Hand Written Notes
f) Client Event g) Complimentary CMA
g) Business Directory Book
h) Santa Visits

5.)    Face To Face Activities
a) Open House
b) Mall Kiosk
c) Door Knock ( Just Sold, Bona Fide Buyer )
d) Networking
e) Volunteer

6.)    Planning 2019
a) Business Plan
b) Marketing Plan
c) Budgeting
d) Track, Plan, Measure
e) Implementation Execution

7.)    Make a list of activities that generated your business this year. Now go do what already has made you money and do more of it!

Let us recap…..Change Your Mindset ( Hunt or be hunted! ) Worry about the things you can control and not the things you cannot control. Get Face To Face, STP (see the people), Implement & Execute ideas are useless. Do what you already know works. Back To Basics. Practice Your Skills vs. Being Lucky. Be Intentional, Strategic and Planned. Do More Of What Worked. Give Others Your Greatest Gifts (Time, Touch, Talents and Treasures).

Strength and courage,