Top 5 Places Agents Spend On Their Business

top 5 places agents spend on their business

“You have competition every day because you set such high standards for yourself that you have to go out every day and live up to that. “ – Michael Jordan Curaytor recently surveyed real estate agents about what they were planning to spend their budgets on this fall. I know a lot of people say […]

The Dark Side of Retargeting: How Retargeting Could Be Killing Your Sales

real estate retargeting

Retargeting is the holy grail of digital marketing. It’s the solution to shopping cart abandonment. It’s the end of wasted Adwords revenue. It’s awesome. Except when it isn’t. Before I launch into what comes next, I want to make it clear I am a fan of retargeting/remarketing. I use it. I recommend it. I think […]