How To Compete For The Listing

realtor compete for house listingBack in the early 90’s Colliers Encyclopedia sales training taught me the power of a process and presentation in sales will give you that competitive edge every time. If you wing it then you get “wing it” results! If you are planned, intentional and know what to say and how to say it then you are there to decide whether you like the client, their home and their motivation because you have their listing if you follow these steps. This week we follow step by step the competitive edge and winning the listing every time.

Phase 1 ( Let’s assume the request to meet has already come in )

  • Initial request call comes in
  • Pull Title
  • Pull old listing info off MLS system
  • Pull assessment data
  • Pull the CMA data
  • Prepare all the listing documentation (Checklist for all documents required)
  • Pre Listing Package delivered to client and all listing documentation for their review (Courier, You or Assistant delivers your pre listing package to the clients home in advance.)
  • Follow up call (Re Confirming the initial meeting, date, time, confirming they received pre listing package, confirming they read and gather items you need in the package for our first meeting together)
  • Pre appointment interview questionnaire (when, why, how, who)

Phase 2 Seller Process (1st time face to face)

  • FORD – Family Occupation Recreation Dreams. Take notes…(talk long enough connection in common)
  • Tour time (Nobody knows the home better than you, show me the home the way you want me to show it to the buyers) Take notes, photos, measurements (point out flaws clean, smoke, pets, repairs) Should I Question?
  • Pre-planned seller questions (Click Here to Download), recap summarize pre listing apt questionnaire responses
  • Educate benefits to them of the two-stop process versus a one stop agent process
  • Educate them on your appraisal process. Never assume they know all that is involved coming up with their price
  • Ask to not make any decisions before we meet again
  • Confirm the second stop appointment
  • Leave them with “thank you” chocolate bar, note pad, pens (Gift Swag Bag)

Phase 3 Seller Process (all decision makers must be present or wait to meet)

  • Small talk first (not about real estate) Never rush into business show that you care
  • Recap summarize our first meeting, ask if they forgot to tell you anything about their home when we first met
  • Tour again (if they just love touring me around)
  • Sit them down at kitchen table and do Listing Presentation
  • Sell them on the benefits to them of your presentation
  • Debunk the myth – all realtors and companies do the same thing
  • Get to see behind the scenes and know what is happening when it feels like nothing is happening
  • Hold you accountable, make sure it gets done and done right
  • 22 minutes max ( BIGNESS, RESULTS, MARKETING, OHT’S) 5 mins per section
  • Close – If we can agree on price, do you see any reason why you wouldn’t list with me and company today
  • Pricing Presentation Time
  • Close – Sign up listing, pack up and head out

Phase 4 Seller Process ( First few days…)

  • Bouquet of flowers delivered to their home day one of listing
  • Listing Marketing Checklist implemented
  • Sign, Photos, Feature sheet completed
  • Business cards with mini MLS listing Avery sticker label on back of your cards. (50 cards to seller and tell them to hand them out and help you help them to sell their home)
  • Deliver all copies of listing documentation (value in physical delivering)
  • Build Sellers homework book with the sellers (dining room table) survey plan, utilities, tax notice, neighbors, transit, schools (Bind up nicely, master copy sticker, place on dining room table)

So there we have it. The step by step process and the competitive edge for competing for a listing in a competitive low inventory marketplace. Love to have you share in comments some of the ways that you compete at a higher level for listings in today’s market place and feedback on this week’s topic!

Strength and courage,