Real Estate Truths and Myths

real estate truths myths

There are two kinds of people: Those who say, “I will believe it when I see it.” And those who say, “To see it, I know I must believe it.” ~ From The Secret ~ Recently I was away on a vacation and had time to dive into some great books. I just had to […]

How To Increase Capacity To Take More Action

realtors increase capacity take more action

“I wish I could do more.” I hear that statement a lot from agents. The demands on their time, their skills, and their presence are always escalating, always making it seem like there’s never enough of them to go around. Usually, the emphasis is on the more in that sentence: I wish I could do more. More listings, more […]

Are You Battling With Self Doubt?

realtor battling with self doubt

Have you ever felt like you weren’t enough? That no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t silence the negative self-talk that stops you from chasing your dreams and your goals for your real estate career? You might experience imposter syndrome, a nagging feeling that makes you doubt your abilities. Escaping that mind state isn’t […]

The Top Things The Pros Have In Real Estate

top things pros have in real estate

Let me ask you a question. “Are you all in for real estate? Or are you just dabbling in real estate, hoping for what you’ve heard is quick, easy money?” Both of these types of agents exist in our industry. But only one has longevity… the real “professionals” will always outlast the “hobbyists.” Which begs […]

The 2021 Final Quarter Push for Realtors©

2021 final quarter realtors

I don’t know about you but the first part of the year and my summer seemed to just fly by and I cannot believe it is September 2021 already. We are beginning the last quarter of the year and there are only two outcomes for us Realtors©. Will you finish in the red, or finish […]

Taking Control Of Our Thoughts

realtor stinkin thinkin

The human mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not real. Think about the fact that Fear starts within your own mind, which means that your mind can help you overcome them if you give it a chance. If you want to move beyond your fear, you have to learn […]

Dealing With Uncertainty as a REALTOR©

dealing with uncertainty as a realtor

If this year has taught us anything, it’s uncertainty. Although we may see the light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccine accessible to most, it’s going to take a while to shake off the trauma 2020 delivered. Uncertainty flooded our everyday lives—between not knowing when our health and safety wouldn’t be under […]

Money Setting Goals & Best Practices for Agents

money setting goals agents

When I began my real estate career at only 21 years of age my father and partner at the time was an amazing mentor to me on money management early in my career. Those lessons I learned were so valuable for me and still guide me 29 years later. What are your money saving practices? […]

Realtor© Secrets To Not Burning Out & Hitting The Wall

realtor hit wall burn out

2020 was an unprecedented year that challenged us all to be resourceful and work harder and smarter than we ever have before and some of you might be experiencing the dreaded “B word” – burnout and hit a wall? Or others have been so focused on keeping their real estate business afloat that they’ve ignored […]

An Attitude Of Gratitude for Realtors© in 2021

realtor attitude of gratitude

A gratitude list probably feels like the last thing you want to do in 2021. While the feeling is understandable, even with the current challenges in the world, there are still things to be thankful for during this time. I know all of these things may not apply to you. Still, I hope this list […]