Realtors©… Eliminate Stress And Maximize Production
Here’s a quick recap of the last 20 months… Start. Stop. Start again. Go. Go. Go! Never slow down! 2020 started with a bang, the real estate market was hot, then Covid introduced tons of tragedy, fear and uncertainty… and pretty much brought real estate to a standstill. Then a few months later, things opened […]
Energy and Productivity Boosters For Realtors© in 2021
Hey everybody it’s Wade Webb, the author of “The Lazy Realtor,” and the founder of AgentsBoost. Over and over again, I get the feedback from so many different Realtors© feeling that they’re just frustrated and they just can’t feel like they’re getting any results and they’re getting anywhere. They’re putting in the time, and putting […]
Top Ways How To Get Listings Now!!
N.A.R. reports state it takes four times the effort servicing a buyer than servicing a seller. Everyone wants to know the secret to working smarter and not working harder and in our business it’s Listings! Here are the top ways agents are getting listings and setting themselves up for a fantastic Q2 in real estate. […]