Is Your Money Mindset Fixed on Growth?

is your money mindset fixed on growth

Our relationship with money is formed at a young age. And contrary to popular belief, it’s not our management of our money, but rather our relationship with money that keeps us from truly breaking through and achieving financial independence. This is great news to the 73% of N. Americans who recently ranked their finances in […]

Money Setting Goals & Best Practices for Agents

money setting goals agents

When I began my real estate career at only 21 years of age my father and partner at the time was an amazing mentor to me on money management early in my career. Those lessons I learned were so valuable for me and still guide me 29 years later. What are your money saving practices? […]

What’s Your Money Mindset?

realtor money mindset

“Identity is this incredible invisible force that controls your whole life. It’s invisible, like gravity is invisible, but it controls your whole life.” —Tony Robbins One of the most powerful forces over us is our identity. Identify as someone who is fit and healthy? You’ll prove it by working out daily. Believe that you’re great […]