How To Battle My Fear In Real Estate.
How does our brain create fear? What makes us afraid? Snakes, the dark, rejection, love, spiders, the unknown, public speaking, your first listing presentation as a new Realtor© flying, storms, failure — though the reasons are varied, we are all hardwired to feel fear. Or are we? What about people who never seem to be […]
FEAR – False – Evidence – Appearing – Real
Fear of failure, fear of rejection or fear that we’re just not enough – fear is a common current as Realtors© or just people in general, that runs through all of our lives. And if we let it, fear can keep us locked up in the prison of the comfortable and predictable, which prevents us […]
Agents! Stop Making Excuses
In the book “The OZ Principle” they have an image that shows this invisible line in the world and where some of us live above that line and the rest live below that line. Above the line is the people that take ownership, action, responsibility and learn and grow. Below the line is the people […]
What Are You Afraid Of?
How does our brain create fear? What makes us afraid? Snakes, the dark, rejection, love, spiders, the unknown, public speaking, your first listing presentation as a new Realtor© flying, storms, failure — though the reasons are varied, we are all hardwired to feel fear. Or are we? What about people who never seem to be […]