Every year the N.A.R. report states it takes four times the effort servicing a buyer than servicing a seller. Everyone wants to know the secret to working smarter and not working harder and in our business and the secret is…..Listings!

Here are the top ways agents are getting listings and setting themselves up for a fantastic Q2 in real estate.
Imagine the buyer leads that come from the marketing of your listings and the buyer agents out showing and selling your listings and the impact that has to you and your business. Having no listings for agents is like owning a Dunkin Donuts franchise and having no sign, space, donuts, or coffee.
I am not saying listings that won’t sell and spending time, money, and energy on those. Always listen carefully to the answer to this question: “What will you do if, for some reason, your home does not sell?” Let’s look at some of these listing strategies!
1. Your Database – you always start with the people you already know, like, and trust. Ask everyone….“Of all the people you know, who would be moving next?”
Option 2 is surveying your database and asking about their plans for 2025.
I want to help develop winning strategies for my real estate clients in 2025. I would love to know which goal best describes your situation.
1. I am renting but I would love to buy this year.
2. I would sell if I could find a home to move to in 2025.
3. I am interested in a rental property in 2025.
4. I am interested in a recreational property in 2025.
5. I am interested in a commercial property in 2025.
6. No real estate plans this year thank you.
Let me know as soon as possible so I can prepare and share some incredibly useful information for you that will be helpful.
2. Ask your database by Emailing, Video email, Social Media Posts “Wade Is Now Taking New Listings” beat the spring rush of homes and List Now! Thinking of selling Call Wade Now!
3. Take the time to prepare CMA packages for your database, which include a snapshot of comparable to give them an idea what their home is worth and deliver them to all your past clients. Call them 3 days later and ask them. “Did they get it? Any questions? Any other properties I can evaluate?
The reason for the CMA was to ensure your insurance coverage was high enough for tax purposes, and retirement planning. Any other people you know I could provide this same service for?
4. Geographic Farm – find a building or neighborhood that has more than a 6% annual turn-over rate. Then you find all the mailing addresses of the residents so you can direct mail ( not unaddressed mail ) each resident 3 times a year.
Create a branded newsletter for the farm area that contains every important statistic for the residents like sales, listings, days on market, absorption rate, cost per square foot, etc. Personally mail them the newsletter. Create a landing page website that matches your newsletter to reinforce your perception of being the expert.
5. Expired – If your marketplace allows you to do expired. Check with your broker. They already own a home, want to sell, want to work with an agent and pay our fees. Does it get any better than this?! Everyone is mailing and calling. I am a huge believer and say go knock on their door and go see them! They need to see me to decide whether they like or trust me first!
6. Door knock or Letter Tuck Doors – Using a bona fide buyer or a just sold. Both methods work because they trigger some sense of urgency with people when they know we have a buyer for their home, or someone just sold for a significant amount of money, and you may have another buyer for their home.
7. Open house – Another great way to connect with people who want to buy but they have something else to sell before they can buy. I love the face-to-face activity because it is where we all are at our best.
8. Direct mail – Using a bona fide buyer or a just sold. Just like the door knock approach this is the most effective way to get listing appointments. The direct mail and then follow up door knock is a fantastic one two punch for generating listing appointments!
9. FSBO – They already own a home; they want to sell. They don’t want to pay the fees but if they can’t sell, they tend to list with an agent after 10 weeks of trying themselves.
10. B2B – Creating value and interacting with other business owners and other service providers in our community is such an untapped area for most agents. So many agents don’t go after the B2B and focus only on the P2P.
11. Networking – Getting out and seeing the people. You just never know who you will meet.
12. Online Ads – What’s my home worth (FB, Google PPC) running ad campaigns targeting consumers with click ads to get their value of their home has been something we have used the last number of years now. Offer free reports or lists for specific listings like homes with income helpers.
13. Agent to Agent Referrals ( office visits, marketing pieces, agent FB groups, pre-conference dinner master mind idea sharing, pre post conference event ) become the referral agent of choice for inbound referrals to your trading area.
So, there you have what I think are the best of the best for agents to ramp up their listing inventory. Please comment below any other powerful listing generating activities you might use with us below!
Strength and courage,