Wade has achieved the top sales award level in the nation as a real estate agent and a broker owner. A student of the real estate industry for almost 3 decades Wade has a heart for serving others and helping agents improve their personal and professional lives and live the life they really desire.
You don't need to be the smartest or most talented person to achieve success in life. Often it's the seemingly simple things that can make a significant difference. These things are things anyone can do. They don't cost money but they do require intentionality and effort.
1. Be On Time – Honor others by respecting their time. Earning respect starts by giving it.
2. Show Up and Do the Work - If they praise you, show up and do the work. If they criticize you, show up and do the work. If no one even notices you, just show up and do the work. Just keep showing up, doing the work, and leading the way.
3. Give Your Best In All That You Do – It doesn't matter what everyone else is or isn't doing. Focus on your contribution every day. When you give your best, you'll inspire others to give their best too.
4. Be Positively Contagious - Your attitude is contagious. Choose to be Vitamin C today. Look for opportunities to encourage and uplift those around you.
5. Have an Attitude of Gratitude – Every day we have a choice. We can choose to be grateful and see the good in all that we have or we can let anger, fear, doubt, and insecurities rob us of our joy and the life we're meant to live. The choice is yours today.
6. Seek Solutions vs. Dwelling on Problems – How you see the world determines the world you see. When you seek solutions you see a world of possibilities and are able to overcome challenges.
7. Have Passion – Passion fuels your purpose. The strongest may survive but it is the passionate that will thrive. Get excited today!
8. Be Coachable - Stay humble and hungry and be a lifelong learner. The best of the best are always striving to get better and so should you.
9. Do More Than What’s Required – Average effort generates average results. If you want more, do more. Even a little extra each day can create big results over time.
10. Believe in Yourself – Stop listening to the self-sabotaging voices in your mind. Talk to yourself and feed the positive instead of listening to negative. You matter. You are capable. You can do great things. You are here for a reason.