Using Valuable Language In Real Estate

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Tomato... Tomahto - Potato... Potahto - Does it Really Matter?

valuable words in real estate“All wisdom began with properly naming what we do.” ~ Confucius

For more than two decades I have seen the evolution of professionals, service providers and what they call themselves “their title” and how they describe what it is they do.

For example the life insurance agent is now calling them self a "financial planner" instead of providers for burial and death.

Why is it our industry doesn’t strategically begin to evolve our professional title and re-frame what it is we do for the consumer?

I have had the privilege of listening to Allan Dalton who is one of the greatest advocates in the real estate industry on the importance of using valuable language in real estate and mentoring agents to stop using the same language in our industry over and over, year after year.

As strategic thinkers in real estate we should be asking ourselves these two strategic questions.

1) What am I doing in real estate that my competition is doing but I am doing it better?
2) What am I doing in real estate that my competition is not doing?

Once we find the answers to the questions above then we need to package that message and deliver it to the consumer so that we:

1) Engage their interest
2) Stand out from the real estate profession commodity issue where consumers believe all agents and all companies do the same thing and do it the same way... which is so far from the truth.

The old way of real estate has been the homeowner put their home on a list for sale so the perception is we just put the sellers home on a list and we wait for someone to sell it and do nothing else. The truth is we don’t list but we market homes and marketing is a skill and expertise that takes a ton of knowledge, expertise and creativity.

Why is it we still today refer to the “Listing Agent” and why not repackage that up and refer to ourselves as the “Marketing Professional or Marketing Agent” and begin to wipe that myth of the list and listing agents from our profession?

Here are a bundle of ideas in our industry we could seriously consider to begin to evolve our industry and evolve our language in this business.


Old School

  • Listing Agent
  • Listing Presentation
  • Pricing Presentation
  • Pricing Homes
  • CMA


  • Comparable
  • Active Homes
  • Expired Homes
  • Price Reduction
  • Buyer Presentation
  • Home Evaluation
  • Signature
  • Commission
  • Sales
  • Agent
  • FSBO
  • Exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement


New School

Marketing Agent
Marketing Consultation
Compelling Positioning Strategies
Positioning Homes
CMS – Compelling Marketing


Relevant Properties
Failed Homes
Repositioning Home
Home Buyers Plan

Platinum Marketing Plan
Professional Fee
Real Buyers
Real estate professional
Sellers Without Representation
Direct or VIP Client Agreement

Take some time to revolutionize the language you are using in your real estate business. Really begin to differentiate yourself and increase your professionalism and perception in your own market place.

Please take the time to comment below and add some of the language you use. I would love to hear other agents ideas and begin to grow this list even more!

Strength and courage.


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