A good friend of mine recently spoke to our brokerage and really brought home how anyone could go into any market place and dominate within a certain period of time. The amazing fact that 52% of all internet and online traffic is completely related to social media now and if you think social media is a fad and it is going away you really need to think again. The other statement that really resonated with me was “We need to act like a consumer with our marketing and follow the game changing way we are exploring on the internet and that is social media and not surfing the web anymore folks!”
So what is my point?
Well I have two points this week I really want to drive home. Let’s start with the powerful concept of “Visibility Trumps Ability” and anyone has the power to dominate in any market place thanks to the way the consumer is acting now.
So how do I do that Wade? Here it is….
1. You first need to make sure you have a business Facebook page and not a personal Facebook page. The business Facebook page is the only page that will allow you to really strategically gain visibility in your market area.
2. Once you have your business Facebook page then we begin marketing campaigns on your Facebook business page. This allows you to strategically place content you place in your campaign in front of residents living in your market area for a very low investment using the promote/boost content tool on Facebook.
3. I recommend one of three campaign investments which are the minimum $5, $10 or $30 a day to get things rolling.
4. So what do we promote/boost within our Facebook ad campaigns? Here is the list…..
A) Once a month a video, yes video of you talking about the market conditions and trends in your market area.
B) Coming soon listing
C) Just listed
D) Just Sold
E) Best buy
F) Invite to open house
G) I Have A Buyer
H) Price Reduced
5. Simple important rules for lead conversion when using the promote/boost Facebook tool….
A) Max 3 photos
B) Lead photo NOT the front of the property
C) No address
D) No Price….
6. Call To Action: Always say "for more information comment below", "call/text me @ _______" , "email me @________" Look forward to hearing from you!
My closing point is this… ”We need to be acting like marketers the same way we or others are acting as consumers.” This is game changer marketing time and how we market has changed because of the way we consume. We are spending 52% of our time online now and that stats is climbing every year so we need to be visible and present on social whether we like it or not. I trust you take this nugget of information and take action and become visible in your marketplace and begin to generate more top of mind in your marketplace and generate more business while doing that!
Strength and courage,
Phone: (250) 212-8220 | Wade@agentsboost.com