12 Days Of Real Estate Christmas 2020

12 days of real estate Christmas

On the first day of real estate my true love gave to me… Spend some focused time on your real estate database prior to 2021. If you don’t have a database then assemble one. Input names from your phone, emails, social media and client files. Take the time to build a monthly database touch system […]

Realtors© Secrets To Making Your Calls

When you think about it, there’s nothing difficult about picking up the phone and calling a few people. Right? It’s easy to do… and also easier not to do. And that’s the danger. So why do we have this reluctancy to picking up the phone and making a call? Why is it so easy for […]

Handle The Seller Listing Objections In A Low Inventory Market

seller listing objections low inventory

This week we have one specific objective in mind: Overcoming THIS objection: “If it’s such a seller’s market and there is no inventory, where would we go?” You know you can help people find the perfect home for them, but there are a lot of homeowners who fear if they sell their home, they’ll have […]

5 Actions To Keep Your Real Estate Business Moving Forward

I heard a great quote this past week on a video post quoting Vladimir Lennon “In some decades nothing happens and in some weeks decades happen”  Would you agree that these are certainly uncertain times for us all and it’s easy for us to wake up and not know what to do? For the past […]

66% Of The Year Left… May 2020 Reset Time!

I can’t believe that over a third of 2020 has now come and gone for us all. With almost two thirds of the year remaining how do we plan for the remainder or the year? Let’s look at the top 10 activities we can perform to reset and make the most of the remainder of […]

COVID-19 – Agents Missed Opportunities Part 2

A continuation from last week’s content …. more “Agents missed opportunities“ 11. Schedule Your Social Media A Month In Advance Scheduling your social media posts in advance is a great way to remove busywork from your day-to-day schedule while still providing value and an opportunity for interaction for your audience. Social media platforms like Facebook […]

Are You Spinning and Winning?

real estate spinning and winning

So many agents miss out on the opportunity of leveraging and spinning more business from the business they have already generated. This week we look at a simple and powerful process of how agents can be proactive vs. reactive and master this system to spin another 15 more pieces of business every time if done […]

Books Real Estate Agents Should Read to Kick Start 2020

We have all heard the phrases “Earners are learners.” “Grow yourself and grow your income.” We asked our network to tell us about the ONE book that made the biggest practical impact in their business so you can narrow down your reading list and get a jumpstart on the New Year and 2020. We hope […]

The 12 Days Of Real Estate Christmas 2019

12 days real estate christmas

On the first day of real estate my true love gave to me… Spend some focused time on your real estate database prior to 2019. If you don’t have a database then assemble one. Input names from your phone, emails, social media and client files. Take the time to build a monthly database touch system […]


hire real estate assistant

When and how to hire a real estate assistant is a question so many agents ask themselves once they get into the industry. Some even go years contemplating whether or not it is the right time. Many people ask the same questions such as, “should I hire someone now?” and “can I even afford to […]