Creating Strategic Partnerships In Your Real Estate Business

creating strategic partnerships real estate business

Need some inspiration for creating strategic partnerships in your real estate business? As the market transitions all over North America and our need for expense management increases the balance of 2022. One of my desires in business was to leverage what I do in real estate with what other service providers and businesses do in […]

REALTORS© What Should We Do Now?

realtors what should we do now

REALTORS what should we do now? The burning question that every agent is asking is “Are we in a housing correction?” If you’ve been keeping up with This Week in Housing, you’ll already know the answer to this one. It’s NO! No, we are not in a housing correction! That last sentence right up there, […]

Real Estate Agent Social Media Updates For 2021

real estate social media updates for 2021

Social media is moving at a faster pace than ever before. Sometimes it feels like you are finally getting the hang of it, but then the next day, social media algorithms change again. It’s hard to keep up with how quickly social media evolves if you haven’t cultivated a routine that helps you regularly update […]

Realtors©… Take The Vacation Time Vs. Working Remote Time Challenge

realtors vacation time vs working remote

Summer 2021 is here, can you believe it? It seems like the first half of the year just flew by us so fast! Are you like me and tired of never really taking a vacation from real estate or more importantly, is your family and friends tired of going on vacation with you because you’re […]

REALTORS… Google Your Name. What Do You See?

realtor google name search

Imagine… A homeowner sees your signs in her neighborhood. Maybe she’s seen your ads in her mailbox on online. Then she decides to sell. If she doesn’t have an agent already in mind, what do you think is her next step? She’ll likely do her due diligence and conduct her own research about YOUR NAME […]

Where & How To Use A Virtual Tour To Sell Your Listings

Why would you want to include a virtual tour with your home marketing efforts? Nowadays, buyers don’t even look at online listings if they don’t include a virtual tour. The technology for virtual touring properties on the internet is amazing with the help of services like IGuide and Matterport. This allows us to virtually take […]

Facebook Features Real Estate Agents Should Know About

facebook features for realtors

Are you a real estate agent that is a Facebook power-user, casual browser or you completely have no idea? No matter your level of social media expertise, you’ll want to read this week’s post as we share some of the hidden gems you will all want to know and implement! We’ve scoured the social media […]

Why Video Is So Important To Our Marketing

video marketing for realtors

As you probably know, there is a big shift in video across social media for REALTORS. Agents typically fall into 3 categories when it comes to video… They avoid it completely They do it but not very well They are crushing it! What category are you and your real estate business in? Video has become […]

Top Signs Your Real Estate Marketing Is Not Working

improve realtor marketing 2017

Could your marketing be outdated, ineffective, or even harmful for you and your business? There are several signs your real estate marketing strategy might need an update in 2017. This week we look at the top signs and what to do! 1. Your Inbound Marketing Is Being Ignored. It’s not just about the advertisements in […]

The Truths About Real Estate Buyers & Buyers Agents

buyer agent and real estate buyer relationship

We have all heard or said the comment “Buyers are liars” and personally that is the furthest thing from the truth if we really took the time to understand them better and how they really want to be served. Let’s look first at the common buyer agent and their issues buyers say about them. 1) They […]