Scripts Work! Get Over The Aversion!

realtor using script

We’ve all had one of those experiences with a salesperson or customer service rep who is obviously reading from a script… and doing it poorly. Do you know why that’s a total bummer to me? Sure, it’s cringe-worthy and we feel embarrassed for the guy. But the real reason it bums me out is because […]

Agents Knowing What To Say & How To Say It

agents what to say and how to say it

Why are real estate scripts so important? Real estate scripts are misunderstood. They aren’t about making you sound like a cookie-cutter robot or not allowing you to be yourself. It’s exactly the opposite. They’re about giving you a framework for communication so that you can break the ice and get your message across clearly. Scripts […]

Agents Boost Real Estate Coaching

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV9rdXlvQzdhZ319′ itemId=’0c34b66d37103ea525e1446d5802164e’ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} Main {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1fa3V5b0M3YWd9fQ==’}}{{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV9tbW1Kdk9QTX19′ itemId=’5b7c509382e57220fac5d5488bc609cd’ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} Coaching/Speaking {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1fbW1tSnZPUE19fQ==’}}{{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV92OFNsYnphZ319′ itemId=’fc1075f2902e20f2a645ef63486b97de’ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} My Book {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1fdjhTbGJ6YWd9fQ==’}}{{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV94YjlUeFVRaX19′ itemId=’7ea23438861348c7ee2e9cee34a413d1′ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} Webinars/Products {{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV9pYXA5UXFSQn19′ itemId=’cce3c905e71c720f7a202dccde665a63′ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} Podcasts {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1faWFwOVFxUkJ9fQ==’}}{{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV9vVWE2VGtiY319′ itemId=’43fb1e1ee3fabb1dfa11af2859907304′ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} Products {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1fb1VhNlRrYmN9fQ==’}}{{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV9vVUFmR3FyaH19′ itemId=’22a58ef2e0471be7c948bbbbef4e8b19′ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} Webinars {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1fb1VBZkdxcmh9fQ==’}} {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1feGI5VHhVUWl9fQ==’}}{{placeholder content=’e3tuYXZfaXRlbV94aF9kQ3BlWH19′ itemId=’9158106285cf4e6163f33a1fdcd54c89′ menuId=’7eb634104414b1b4e4b5688366f58522′}} Blog {{placeholder content=’e3tlbmRfbmF2X2l0ZW1feGhfZENwZVh9fQ==’}}{{placeholder […]

Your Real Estate Agents 12 Days of Christmas 2023

days of real estate Christmas

On the first day of real estate Christmas my true love gave to me… Spend some focused time on your real estate database prior to 2024. Statistics say your database if mined properly is on average a 20% return on your investment of time, money, and energy. Now if you don’t have an assembled database, […]

Are You Missing This Incredible Opportunity To Spin?

realtor spin to win

So many agents, new and experienced are missing out on the opportunity of leveraging and spinning more business from the business they have already generated. What I call the “Spin To Win.” This week we look at a simple and powerful process of how agents can be proactive vs. reactive and master this system to […]

How Realtors© Can Use ChatGPT In 2023?!

realtors use chatgpt 2023

You may have seen or read about the new AI tool called ChatGPT, and wondered how it may be beneficial to a real estate agent in 2023. The subscription service is only available to the US users for the time being I can only imagine they’re coming to Canada very soon. ChatGPT is a language […]

Must Read Books for Real Estate Agents in 2023

millionaire real estate agent must read book 2023

A quick Amazon search for real estate books comes up with over 60,000 titles. There is no shortage of coverage on the subject. Whether you are a real estate agent looking to increase your business or an investor looking to grow your real estate portfolio, here is the list of the Top 25 books for […]

Your Real Estate Agents 12 Days of Christmas 2022

12 days of real estate christmas

Your Real Estate Agents 12 Days of Christmas 2022 On the first day of real estate Christmas my true love gave to me… Spend some focused time on your real estate database prior to 2023. Statistics say your database if mined properly is on average a 20% return on your investment of time, money, and […]

The Twelve Days Of Real Estate Christmas 2021

12 days real estate christmas

On the first day of real estate Christmas my true love gave to me… Spend some focused time on your real estate database prior to 2022. If you don’t have a database then assemble one. Input names from your phone, emails, social media and client files. Take the time to build a monthly database touch […]

Commission Strategies 2021

realtor commission strategies

In today’s economy and a red hot real estate market everyone is trying to pinch pennies. In real estate, one way sellers attempt to do this is by asking their agents to lower their commission rates. While many agents flat out refuse to do so, others have become more flexible or are unsure of what […]