Persuade Or Be Persuaded? That Is The Question.

persuasion as realtor

Eat or be eaten. Influence or be influenced. Somebody’s always selling or somebody is always buying, consciously or not. If you open up your medicine cabinet or your dresser drawers or your pantry or your garage or even just look around the room you are sitting in now. Each item you see is a war […]

Just Show Up. Put In the Work!

real estate is hard work

Every agent wants to separate themselves from the masses of agents in the business and stand out from the herd. I have accepted the fact that 80% of the agents I coach and who read my blog posts and take my training will be completely motivated, fired up and inspired but then do not a […]

So What Are The Fab Five in Real Estate?

top 5 real estate activities

I am a huge believer of tracking and measuring everything we do in real estate so we can tell what is working, what is not working and what we are doing well and more importantly what we frankly should just do more of. The second half of the year is about doing more of what […]

The Five Phrases Every Agent Needs To Use!

realtor words have power

Did you know real estate agents every day are costing themselves tens of thousands of dollars in business by what they are saying or even what they are not saying? What we say, and what we don’t say and how we say it changes everything for agents and their business. This week we want to […]

Leveraging The B2B Side Of Real Estate

One of the most overlooked opportunities for generating relationships and business for real estate agents is the B2B or business to business side of real estate. Every time I sit with another business owner or a service provider that I feel is a good fit with my business I am always trying to see where […]