Stuck In The Working Remotely Vortex Versus A True Vacation?

The Oxford Dictionary defines a vacation as “an extended period of recreation.” It defines recreation as “activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.” So, strictly speaking, you can’t call it a vacation if you’re doing work. Summer 2024 is here, my favorite season of the year. It seems like the first half of […]

How Do I Hire Help as A Realtor©?

Awesome! I just got some deals under contract, and have a lot to look forward to, such as hours of paperwork, setting appointments, coordinating with attorneys, lenders, inspectors… and… best of all, I’ll have no more deals lined up when I’m done. Sound familiar? If it does, it’s about time to start hiring some help […]

Dos and Don’ts For Agent Email Marketing

You’ve undoubtedly heard that you need to be sending marketing emails. Real estate email marketing is known as the “Greatest marketing channel of all time.” But here’s the kicker… Bad marketing emails can hurt you just as much as good ones can help establish your market credibility. Real estate email marketing requires precision and not […]

Real Estate Agents Mid-Year Assessment Time

real estate agent mid year assessment 2024

Can you believe the first half of the year has come and gone? Right now, is a great time to stop and take time to review the progress you have made during the first half of 2024 in your real estate business. Pull out and review your original 2024 business plan, the key strategic initiatives, […]

Agent Stress & Distress In Their Business

When we talk about your health and the enjoyment of your life weighed against the stress required to run your own business, what we’re really talking about is eustress vs. distress. They’re two different forms of stress, and stress is what today’s blog is all about. Because particularly in a market like this one, stress […]

Agents Knowing What To Say & How To Say It

agents what to say and how to say it

Why are real estate scripts so important? Real estate scripts are misunderstood. They aren’t about making you sound like a cookie-cutter robot or not allowing you to be yourself. It’s exactly the opposite. They’re about giving you a framework for communication so that you can break the ice and get your message across clearly. Scripts […]

Agents Top Tech For 2024

agents top tech 2024

When looking at the best tech for real estate agents to use in their businesses, it’s tough to make a definitive list. There are so many different uses, factors, nuances, and features that fit one agent better than another. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to stay away from software such as CRMs, which […]

Your Value Proposition For The Buyer & Having A Buyer Agreement.

One of the greatest documents created for the real estate industry in the last ten years, must be the buyer agreement. Think about it… agents would never think of marketing and promoting a seller’s home without a listing contract but why do so many agents spend a ton of time and money working for a […]

Price Repositioning Strategies For Agents

Now this isn’t about getting new business. It is not a prospecting script, but it may be the most important phone duty that anyone in your office does–asking for price reductions on listings. Asking for price reductions can make or break a top real estate agent’s business. Not only will price reductions quicken the sale, […]

The Time Management Struggle for Realtors ©

Hands down one of the biggest challenges real estate agents have in their personal and professional life is using their time wisely. This week we look at a few strategies to help us manage our time better…. Run the day or it will run you – Part of the key to time management is just […]