Agents Top Tech For 2024

Wade Webb
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When looking at the best tech for real estate agents to use in their businesses, it’s tough to make a definitive list. There are so many different uses, factors, nuances, and features that fit one agent better than another. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to stay away from software such as CRMs, which in most cases are anything but a one-size-fits-all. Still, there’s so much out there that agents need help finding what’s best. That’s why I created this list below – so you can stop digging for answers and start using the tools to increase your efficiency and effectiveness.

Real Estate Marketing. - To start off, we’re going to look at the best tech for realtors to help improve marketing. Marketing is essential to any business, especially a real estate business, as name recognition and brand identity are essential.

Prospective buyers and sellers want to see the work you do, which makes media like photos and video crucial to your success. By leveraging the power of real estate tech, you can improve your marketing efforts, grow your brand, and reach a broader audience.

Videoshop - Advanced feature-set video editing on the go, Videoshop allows you to add text and/or music, apply filters or slow-motion effects, and cut and edit videos directly on your phone. Videoshop is available in the Apple Store as well as Videoshop for Android.

Runway.ML - This AI is like an entire media studio all in one. It’s a superpower with so much to offer. Runway.ML will not only allow you to generate images, video, and more, but you can edit videos with AI. Let’s say you want to remove a person or an object from a video. Runway.ML makes it easy.

Canva - “Online design made easy” is the design app Canva’s claim to fame, allowing non-designers to create beautiful, Instagram-worthy photos, social media posts, marketing pieces, graphs and more!

Sprizzy - The more views your video receives, the higher YouTube’s algorithm rates it. Sprizzy for video exposure takes advantage of this phenomenon by charging a nominal fee to put your video in front of more eyeballs. And yes, they’re real people, not bots. If you need more exposure or are trying to “go viral” or increase your follower count, give it a try.

HomeBotHomeBot is an AI tool that provides your clients with pertinent, personalized information about their home labeled with YOUR BRAND! It includes the current and historical value of their home, appreciation since they purchased, their equity, tips for saving on interest payments, and much more. These automated reports cement your status as your clients’ “knowledge broker” and keep them coming back to you with repeat business and referrals.

Real Estate Lead Generation. - You should be working on boosting your lead generation efforts every day as an agent. Finding leads can be challenging, especially if you’re in a highly competitive market where dozens or even hundreds of agents are competing for leads. To get a leg up on the competition, take advantage of the resources around you, such as apps for real estate agents designed for lead generation. Explore some of the best apps for realtors to attract more leads below.

PalmAgent - The calculator to end all calculators. This one could go under Marketing, Lead Gen, or Productivity, so I’m just putting it here. PalmAgent allows you to effortlessly run estimate sheets, build your brand, produce informative content that people care about, and more. There is a good reason it’s the most popular app for real estate agents.

Zapier - This one is hard to categorize because there are so many uses. Essentially it comes down to integration. Zapier allows you to integrate apps within one another. For example, you can hook ChatGPT up to your Google Business Profile so that any time someone leaves you a review, ChatGPT will automatically respond. This works for Facebook and other platforms as well.

EspressoAgent - The king of speed dialers. There’s a reason we include an Espresso Agent trial when you sign up for our bestselling training program, Prospecting Bootcamp. It allows you to easily find and dial listing leads for maximum efficiency and success.

ContactOut / SignalHire / Lusha - I’m grouping these three because they were all brought up together and they all perform essentially the same task: They find the additional contact info you need from people’s online profiles so you can call them, email them, engage with them and ultimately, work with them.

Camcard - This is probably my favorite one for Realtors. Camcard takes a picture of a business card and adds the details into your contacts, automatically. Very useful at/after conferences! Makes it easy to put all your new contacts into groups on Gmail.

Boomerang for Gmail - How many times has this happened to you… You meet someone, connect with them, send them an initial email, don’t hear back, and then you get too busy and forget to follow up ever again? Boomerang for Gmail can help you overcome this dilemma because it allows you to pre-schedule follow-up emails. Write it now, send it later. You can even set it to send the follow-up email ONLY IF your initial email doesn’t get a response. Check it out!

Real Estate Apps for Productivity - Being a real estate agent isn’t just showing houses and talking to clients. When you’re not in the field, you’re in charge of mountains of back-end work, such as making calls to leads in your database, producing marketing materials, and collaborating with your team. It’s during these moments that productivity can slip, which can end up hurting your business. Fortunately, there are several real estate productivity apps that can keep you focused and hold you accountable. Learn more about our highly recommended real estate productivity apps below.

Keeping Current Matters Mobile - You know Keeping Current Matters – if you don’t, you’re already behind. They’re the most trusted source of real estate news and data points. But did you know they have a mobile app? You should be reading this every day, so might as well make it easy!

ShowingTime - With high buyer demand right now, it can be overwhelming to schedule all your showings. The Showing Time app makes it easier than ever and allows you to get feedback to provide to your seller, review active listing inventory, and much more!

Dropbox - The Dropbox storage app isn’t a real estate-specific app, but it makes it so incredibly easy to store all your important documents in one place, you might think it was designed with real estate professionals in mind. You can organize files and view them easily from your phone while out in the field. You can access and send them from anywhere, anytime. Dropbox is also compatible with DocuSign, making it easy to get those much-needed signatures no matter where you or your clients are.

Zite - This is a great app that gives you daily updates on just about whatever you can think of. If you have used Flipboard (Flipboard recently bought the newsfeed app Zite), then you know how cool apps like this can be. They are essentially digital newspapers that can be tailored to your liking. The best part is you can share directly to any social media platform, which I do daily, to increase SEO and my social media presence.

IFTTT – IF This Then That - This is one of those apps that at first seems a bit overwhelming, but if you really sit down and think about how to utilize it, it’s extremely powerful. For those of you familiar with computer programming, IFTTT is essentially an “if-then” statement for your phone apps to work together. For those of you not familiar, you create recipes for your phone that if an action happens, then do another action. It’s more of a personal app than a Real Estate app, but a few things I use it for: When I get to the office, turn my phone’s Wi-Fi on. When I leave my house, turn my Nest (thermostat) temperature down. When it’s going to rain outside, send me a text. Send my Facebook statuses automatically to Twitter. Congratulate my LinkedIn Contacts automatically, for their new jobs and work anniversaries. There are thousands of recipes you can create, check it out! And, let me know your favorite recipes by posting in the comment section here or on the Tom Ferry Facebook page HERE.

Tally Counter - This tech is almost so easy, it’s stupid, but it works! It’s a digital counter, where you literally just click the “+” or “-” to add or subtract a running total. I use it to keep track of how many people come through my open houses (for those of you in crazy markets like mine, you know how hard this is). There are a couple of different options of the Tally Counter App available in the Apple app store and the Google Play store. Try them out and find your favorite one!

Mightytext - This is not an app, but an extension on Google Chrome/Gmail. Mightytext is such a useful app for Gmail, that I could mention it. It allows you to send text messages through Gmail, for free (unless you purchase the paid version that gives you more features), and most importantly, it sends the texts through your phone! Use this to send texts to new leads, and it appears to the lead that we sent the text from our phone (it shows up in my text log, and from our phone number on the lead’s phone). You can create template texts for which responses, send mass texts, and schedule texts (paid version), which we use to automatically confirm our consultation appointments.

Real Estate Use Every Day - There are some apps for realtors that are used daily. These apps are used for a wide range of reasons, such as calculating finances, communicating with team members, and simply unwinding before a big meeting. Browse these real estate apps that you can use daily to become more efficient, effective, and less stressed.

LawyersAgent ONE - This handy app helps you figure out buyers’ and sellers’ cost and net sheets. After filling out a few fully customizable fields and hitting the “Compute” button, it will tell you everything: The exact expected payment with principal and interest. Not only is this helpful when working with a client but also in your marketing. Fully integrated with social media, it will allow you to create an example post to give people a detailed look at what it costs to buy a house.

InsightTimer - Have you ever made the mistake of heading into an important meeting frazzled and scatterbrained? InsightTimer allows high-energy, always-on-the-go professionals like yourself a minute to unwind, re-center, and re-focus. The coaching member who recommended this said he’s seen his conversion level dramatically increase since he started arriving early at his appointments and doing a “micro meditation” before going in. Could you benefit from this same approach?

Linktree - Ever get sick of updating your Instagram profile to change your “link in bio”? Or worse yet, you don’t bother with it because it’s too much of a pain? Linktree provides a way to provide post-specific links easily and seamlessly from your Instagram account. Post, update, and manage your links from one central spot, and never change your actual “link in bio” ever again!

Slack - One system every business need is a communication system that connects everyone in the organization. Slack centralizes communications among your team into one platform. It allows you to create separate channels for different projects, and it also integrates well with more than 1,500 other platforms including Google Drive, Asana, Salesforce, and Dropbox. It’s more instantaneous than email and as easy as sending an instant message.

There’s a wide range of apps for realtors that you can use to become a better agent. Above, we explored real estate apps for marketing, lead generation, and productivity, as well as a selection of apps that span various functions and needs. By taking the time to test each out, you’ll be able to improve your workflow, increase brand awareness, and close more deals to grow your business.

Strength and Courage,
