Secrets To The Real Estate Business Card That Makes You Money

Wade Webb
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real estate business cardIt amazes me how agents seem to underestimate the importance of their own real estate business card. We have all heard the saying "You never get a second chance for a first impression" and your first impression can be defined a lot of the time by your business card.

This can be especially true when you’re attending a conference or an event or meeting someone important for the first time. Faces and names may blur, but you’ll be left with a stack of business cards that can mean important connections later on.

Buyers and sellers may meet with several agents, but your business card hangs around longer than you do.

Let me ask you this very important question? Does your business card have these important elements?

  1. Tactile - Your card should be printed on high-quality cardstock, with a nice weight. People should be able to hold it in their hand and have it feel valuable. The card should feel like it’s not something you can just toss away. So many people make note and often comment on the quality of a good weighted business card. Take the time to consider the tactile of your business card.
  2. Raised Lettering - Text printed in raised ink also adds to the tactile quality of your business card. This raises its value in the unconscious mind of the holder of your card. They’ll feel the card is classy, and that classy feeling extends to the person who gave it to them- YOU are classy. The raised ink printed on a business card helps that card and your first impression stand out. Tip: Special finishes include the likes of foil blocking, spot-UV and metallic inks.
  3. Can You Read It? - The fastest growing population isn’t the young folks. It’s people like me, over a certain age, who have started to have some vision issues. Is your card in grey ink printed on a black background? If I can’t read it, I’m throwing it away. Don’t make me squint! Is the font size adequate and easy to read and the printing and background allowing the reader a clear easy to read experience? Tip: Keep all your key copy at least 5mm from the trim edge. Work at 300dpi for best image reproduction. Ensure you maintain a minimum size for your typography to maintain legibility
  4. Utility - These custom sized and shaped business cards are fun to look at, but when it comes to entering info in your database, or a buyer or seller hanging on to it- guess what? If it’s an odd shape it’s more likely to get tossed. Glossy cards can look nice, but if it’s glossy on both sides- people can’t write notes on them with additional info they got when talking to you. Make sure to have a nice matte finish on one side at least, so folks can add their notes. I feel the number one most important feature to a business card is the ability for you to write someone’s contact info on the back of it and you to keep it and enter it into your CRM. Can you write on the back of your card?
  5. Does It Fit In A Wallet? - This is just like the last point- utility. Many cards are saved in those business-card shaped pockets in a wallet, or the clear sheets for holding business cards. Is it oversized or too small to fit in a wallet? It’s probably getting tossed. Made to measure a card to comfortably fit another person’s wallet and ensure the chances of your card being kept and not thrown away.
  6. Specific Cards for Specific Purposes - When I was at the peak of my real estate career, one of the things I did with business cards was to print them for certain uses. You can really WOW a seller when you show up to a listing appointment, with pre-printed business cards with a picture of their house and estimated terms next to it. You can lay out these cards on a simple desktop software program (I used Microsoft Publisher), add their photo to the template you’ve created for just this occasion, and use your desktop printer to print a few out. This was one of my most effective direct response marketing pieces. That card can pre-qualify prospective buyers- they know they can afford the terms listed on the card, and it’s got my contact info ready for them to give me a call. Create a card specifically for networking events, meeting with buyers or meeting with sellers. Have specific cards made for specific purposes.
  7. Social Media - When you are adding your social media icons, make SURE you put the actual address/extension of those media accounts, so people can find you without having to look it up or google research it. If they are having to look it up on google, guess what- they’re not going to!
  8. Information - PLEASE don’t split up your information on both sides of the card- definitely USE both sides. Don’t have your name on one side and your number on the other side. People use scanner technology now to add your info to their contacts or databases- and if they have to scan two sides, guess what- they aren’t going to.
  9. Double Check & Proof - This tip applies to every bit of print work you do, but it’s so crucial it’s worth repeating for business card design. When sending your artwork off to the print shop, make sure you’ve double-checked every single detail. There’s nothing worse than getting back your cards and discovering a typo in the email address or name. Check twice, print once is a well learnt adage!
  10. Photo Or No Photo? - That is the question… I don’t know about you but I am so much better at remembering someone and their face than I do their name. Having your photo on your business card increases top of mind and recapture of your face and name rather than having to remember just their name from a business card. Tip: Recent updated photo vs. your 1978 high school graduation photo.

I hope this has been helpful- if you have business cards tips or questions, leave them for us in the comments below.

Strength and Courage,




My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

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