Creating Strategic Partnerships In Your Real Estate Business

creating strategic partnerships real estate business Need some inspiration for creating strategic partnerships in your real estate business? As the market transitions all over North America and our need for expense management increases the balance of 2022. One of my desires in business was to leverage what I do in real estate with what other service providers and businesses do in theirs. The goal is to help expose them and their services to the people I know personally and professionally. I truly believe that leverage and focusing on what others need in their business and helping them will in turn help me and what I do in my business, ten-fold.

I have created leveraging strategies that assist other service providers and at the same time create a stream of income to support my marketing and business building strategies. Any chance you could use a small steady income stream in your real estate business to help support and grow your business exposure this year? I thought so… Start by thinking of all the opportunities in your real estate business you have to expose, connect and engage anyone you know personally and professionally? Here are some examples to get you started…

”Places You Could Provide Exposure for Others”

  • Website
  • Newsletter
  • Feature Sheet
  • Thank you for buying and selling letters
  • Youtube
  • Social Media
  • Unaddressed Ad mail
  • Service Directory Booklet
  • Client appreciation event
  • Email
  • Open House
  • Pre listing and Pre Buyer Packages
  • Listing and Buyer Presentations
  • Calendars
  • Signage
  • Mobile Technology
  • Print Advertising
  • Client Seminars
  • Single Listing Websites

All of these are opportunities for you to expose another service provider or business owner to multiple prospects, Right? The second step of the process is to think of all the service providers, business owners and related industries to real estate and what you and your client use for buying and selling real estate. Here are some examples…

Service Providers to Feature

  • Accountant
  • Insurance
  • Investment
  • Mortgage Broker
  • Banker
  • Lawyer
  • Notary
  • Appraiser
  • Inspector
  • Surveyor
  • Locksmith
  • Carpet Cleaner
  • Renovator
  • Irrigation
  • Yard Maintenance
  • Junk Removal

I then created what I called my Platinum Partner Plan. This plan was presented to service providers and business owners the exclusive right for one year to have their service and business exposed in all the first list of marketing ideas I provide as a real estate professional for a nominal fee and a 12 month commitment. So what would someone pay you monthly to have their logo, service, business exposed for one year on your website, newsletter, feature sheet, thank you for buying and selling letters, Youtube, Social Media, Unaddressed Ad mail, Service Directory Booklet, Client appreciation event, Email, Open House, Pre listing and Pre Buyer Packages, Listing and Buyer Presentations, Calendars, Signage, Mobile Technology, Print Advertising, Client Seminars, Single Listing Websites? I am going to say you will be surprised the revenue you can generate from presenting this kind of a program to service providers and businesses related to real estate… it will be hundreds of dollars to you each month!!

It was a very easy sell to these service providers and business owners. If they didn’t see the value in a small $50-$100 a month investment for this kind of exposure I would say, “no problem, I am sure another business owner in your profession will appreciate the exposure.” They would then say, “no wait, I wasn’t saying I would not do this.” And then they sign up. Provide me 12 post-dated cheques. Would it not be worth your while to focus on leveraging what we do with what others do? Would it not be worth creating a regular stream of marketing dollars for your real estate business? I can tell you first hand, it truly is. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to create your own Platinum Partner Plan today.

Strength and courage,

Real Estate Golden Opportunity – Creating A Succession Plan

real estate retireAt some point, we all want to retire. One day we decide to move on to other passions or pursuits in life. There is a way to retire from real estate with relaxation and free time, to maintain an income stream and ensure our clients are well taken care of. This week we look at the method of adopting an agent and the retiring agent clients needs are attended to by the adopting agent. The most critical part of this whole plan is how you transfer and maintain client relationships and the trust the retiring agent has spent years to build. These relationships are the baton in the relay race that gets passed from the retiring agent to the adopting agent. If done well the retiring and adopting agents will win the race for them and their clients.

Let’s start by looking at the 3 steps to building your relay team. 1. Having a good plan 2. Execute the plan well 3. Everyone is replaceable, but you must choose wisely who will replace you. We have to assume the retiring agent has already compiled a solid database of relationships and detailed information about the clients so we then jump to choosing the adopting agent process which is the most critical choice you will make in the process.

Here is your adopting agent checklist:

     1. Experience – First and foremost, experience should but what you look for. By experience, I mean not only experience in helping clients but also in running a business, marketing and sales skills.

     2. Relationship Building – For every business, the process of working with clients will be different. A retiring agent may rely on mailings, phone calls and client parties. Make sure the adopting agent is open to continuing to communicate and build relationships in the same ways that have worked for the retiring agent.

     3. Resources – Another critical component to look at is the possible successor has the resources. Do they have the resources to see the plan through to completion? Depending on the size of the business, the minimum requirement will be the financial ability to fund the marketing efforts to the database of clients.

     4. Ethics – In a perfect world, it would not be important to include ethics into the equation but sadly some people are just in it for the quick buck and not the full relay race. Choose someone of high character and who will take care of your clients best interest every time.

     5. Energy – Although it might seem like energy and resources are the same thing, there are not at all. Energy is the spark in the adopting agents eyes, their sense of humor or sometimes described as their “vibe”. When you are around them do they make you feel good?

     6. Who Not To Hire – Considering adopting your office friend, assistant, the new agent or the agent who is desperate for business you should re consider. Friends take their friends for granted. Assistants know the back end of the business and not the front end of the business. The new agent has the spark but just not the experience and resources. As for the desperate agent they are thinking about the money and nothing else.

Tips For Adopting Agents

  • Do you have the systems and resources to add the retiring agents business?
  • Take the time to review the retiring agents business and how they market and care for their clients.
  • Prove how dedicated you are to handling the retiring agents business like sharing Testimonials, systems, processes, resources and your plan.

Tips For Retiring Agents

  • Make a short list of candidates to consider.
  • Ask your clients what they appreciate the most about you and want to see continue with the successor.
  • Interview more than one agent and get testimonials from their clients.

This is an exciting opportunity for both the retiring and adopting agents and trust that the content we shared will spark a fire in you and your business to find the adopting agent out there or adopting agents find those retiring agents that never consider the possibility of residual income into retirement.

Strength and courage,