Realtors© Need More Reviews in 2022

realtors more reviews 2022Google, Tripadvisor, Amazon, Expedia and on and on we see the massive use and impact in business and the importance of third party opinions of products and services around the world. 

Reviews are dominating consumer decisions. We are seeing that third party reviews, testimonials are having a huge impact on consumers ultimate decisions. We all want more reviews! But look around you. People are busy. They have jobs, and lives, and kids’ soccer practices, and hobbies, and favourite shows…Do you really think they want to take time out of their precious schedule to sit down and write a review about you?

That’s not a slam on you or your service. It’s the reality of people’s priorities. I’m sure they’d love to write you a glowing review, but chances are slim they’ll get around to it… IF left to their own devices. Here’s the key: You’ve gotta make it EASY!

So, how do you as a Realtor© get more reviews in 2022?

An example is how Tom Tool created a URL at that takes people directly to his Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) page so they can write a quick review. It’s brilliant and it’s simple.

A potentially one-up idea is to create a simple yet robust solution to make it easy for people to review you is to buy  a custom domain name and have a basic, no-frills web page created with a little bit of branding and direct links to your Google, Facebook, Zillow and pages.

The whole thing should cost under $200 to get it all set up and running. For that amount, you can buy the domain name/URL and have a page built and print a 100 high-quality postcards to send to your past clients to encourage them to use the new site. To make things even easier, you include  a QR code on the postcard that takes people directly to your custom page. (Lots of agents use Flowcode but there are many different QR code generators out there. Just Google it.)

The point today is simple…If you want to get more reviews, if you want more clients, if you want greater fulfillment, then you’ve got to go the extra mile to make things easy on people! Reduce the friction. Create that Amazon-like experience.

Ask yourself how you can your evolve in all aspects of your business. Both of these solutions are proof that innovation doesn’t need to be cutting edge or expensive. It just takes empathy and respect for people’s situation. Here’s to more reviews and more business in 2022!

Strength and courage,

5 Steps to 5 Star Customer REALTOR Reviews

90% of Consumers decisions are influenced by 3rd party online reviews

80% of Consumers trust online reviews as personal recommendations

Negative online reviews or reviews of 3 stars or less can cost a business or service provider as much as 30 new customers






Crazy Review Stats to Pay Attention To…

  • Zillow reviews receive 36 million views a month
  • reviews receive 18 million views a month
  • Yelp has more than 26,000 reviews posted every minute
  • Google has 100 billion review searches every 30 days

Does your online reputation match your offline reputation?

Millennials would rather just find an agent from the internet with good reviews and don’t care about referrals.




Out With the Old…

The Old Model =
1) See & Read
2) We Present
3) They refer

The New Model =
1) Search online
2) Read reviews
3) Use us

The Review Widget



Step 1 to a 5 Star Review

Listing and Buyer Presentations. “Tell or ask for the 5 star review in the future…”



Script Asking for 5 Star Review

Buyer Counselling or Listing Appointment
(Click on the link above to read the script dialog)




Step 2 to a 5 Star Review

The high point in the process.



High Point Script

High Point in the Transaction
(Click on the link above to read the script dialog)




Step 3 to a 5 Star Review

At the close of the deal



At the Close of the Deal Script

At the Closing Table
(Click on the link above to read the script dialog)



Step 4 to a 5 Star Review

The week or 2 after closing.



One Week After Closing Script

One Week after Closing
(Click on the link above to read the script dialog)




Step 5 to a 5 Star Review

Administration Assistant Call.



Administrative Call Script

Administrative Call
(Click on the link above to read the script dialog)

Google “Best Realtor In Kelowna (or your hometown)”

Join what comes up and especially if the review source is free for you to use.

Follow the five steps to Five Stars today!!



Strength and courage,

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