The last year and a half have definitely been some challenging times. Remember in uncertain times you can still control your own environment, be proactive and come out a winner. My personal friend and mentor Brian Buffini always reminded us to consider all areas of your personal and business life are in check. Consider your spiritual, family, business, financial and personal and ensure your 5 Circle fit. The 5 circle fit check can help you stay motivated and energized no matter what life throws your way. As a real estate professional, it’s helpful to hone your focus on the business circle. Here’s how:
Stick to a Schedule
If we don’t take control of our own time someone or something else will Working for yourself gives great freedom – you get to set your own hours and be in charge of your own calendar. However, with great freedom comes great responsibility! As a business owner, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer multitude of the tasks you have to complete every day. This is why a schedule to keep you on track is vital. Start and end your day at set hours. Also, designate special periods for dealing with administration, checking email and running errands so you don’t get distracted by non-lead generating activities that waste time.
Invest in Relationships
We are in the relationships business and have missed that connection and face to face time so much the last year and a half. Strong relationships are at the heart of every good business, so you have to make building them your business! Calls, notes and a drop by gift, coffee or lunches are powerful ways to consistently reach out and connect with your clients and others in your sphere of influence. When you go above and beyond to serve your customers and prove your trustworthiness, they will become megaphones for you in the marketplace, eager to refer you to others. This way, the stream of referrals will never dry up!
Stay Motivated
If it’s meant to be, then it’s up to me! In difficult and demanding times, it can be hard to stay upbeat and motivated. To remain positive, be careful what you watch, read and listen to. Tune into educational and informative podcasts. Avoid people that drain you and seek out resources that provide facts-based knowledge and encourage growth and personal development! I can’t emphasize the importance of guarding yourself it really is about energy management versus time management.
Track Finances
Tracking, measuring and shifting along the way is key! When you’re running your own business, finances are a serious matter. To know exactly where your money is going, you need to create a spending plan for your business and yourself. Separate your business and your personal accounts, pay yourself a salary based on your budget and remember to factor in rainy-day reserves and a retirement fund. By conducting a financial overhaul and getting your business on the right track, you’ll outlast your competition and be able to live the good life.
Get a Real Estate Mentor/Coach
When it comes to achieving goals, accountability is key. We all do better when we have to answer to someone! The best real estate mentor will help, encourage and celebrate you, but he or she will also hold your feet to the fire and make sure that you do what you promised to! Who is mentoring you? Who is encouraging you? Who is holding you accountable? It has been an honour to be able to serve so many over the many years and never take that lightly.
I trust some of these reminders will help you get on track or back on track this next few weeks and be able to really finish 2021.
Featuring 20 of the Top 62 Mobile Apps Every Real Estate Agent Needs for 2014
Many Realtors still think mobile apps consist of silly games and time killers… although many can be, there are also thousands that can be used to help organize, maximize and enhance your real estate business.
How effective is a carpenter without his tool belt?
Disclaimer: Although most of these apps are FREE some do come at a cost, while others offer Premium/Paid versions… we are NOT an affiliate and DO NOT get compensated in any way if you choose to purchase or upgrade to a paid solution. This post is FREE content with no strings attached.
Since this post would be ridiculously long if we listed all 62 apps, we decided to wet your whistle with 20 and then let you grab the rest in a nice PDF using the form below.
So here we go…
#1 Real Alert
This app is designed to help you stay alert and aware of your surroundings & provides quick access to emergency services.
Ward off a potential Attacker with Quick tap “ALARM”
Save precious moments with Quick tap “CALL 911”
LOCATE the nearest HOSPITALS using your current GPS location
Record “CREEP DATA” details about a suspicious person before they are forgotten
Speed dial your emergency contact with Quick tap “ALERT A FRIEND”
Glympse™ is a groundbreaking new way to share your location with anyone for a specified period of time using patent-pending GlympseWatch™ timer.
Glympse is easier and faster than a phone call or text message, simply select a contact, set a duration,
and hit send.
Anyone with an Internet-enabled phone or computer can receive a Glympse – no software or setup required.
You can send a Glympse to a specific person, several people, or even to Facebook and Twitter.
Only Glympse puts you in control – you set who sees you and for how long. Safe for families, friends,
colleagues, and one-time meetings.
MagicPlan MEASURES your rooms and DRAWS your floor plan just by taking pictures.
Get your floor plan in PDF, JPG and DXF format or publish an INTERACTIVE FLOOR PLAN on the web.
Ideal app for Real Estate Agents, Craftsmen, Adjusters, Firemen, Architects, Home Inspectors, Interior Designers, Small Businesses, Furniture Retailers and many more.
Organize the world’s knowledge stored in Wikipedia for anyone in any location worldwide.
Instantaneously display what is important and interesting at a given location.
High quality, specially selected images.
See at a glimpse which Wikipedia articles are related to each location, e.g.
– cultural information
– buildings
– companies and organizations
– geographical information
If you think those will be helpful to crank up your real estate biz in ’14 wait till you see the PDF with all 62 (HINT: we saved some of the best for the download)
So fill in the form now and get the whole Sha Bang!
Strength and courage,
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