How Real Estate Agents Can Create A Shift In Business & Life

real estate agent shift in life“Do the thing, have the power.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

Such a simple, yet profound idea. It’s one of my favorite mantras in both life and business. In an era when everyone is seeking shortcuts and wanting results in the blink of an eye, it lays out the truth in plain language… You’ve got to do the work to get the reward. If you’re putting in the work and looking for that Shift!

Step 1: Clearly Declare What You Want + Tell Others About It. This first step in the process is straightforward… You need to decide what you want in specific detail. Then, don’t keep it to yourself. Goals kept private rarely get accomplished. So go tell people. Announce it from the rooftops.

Step 2: Start Your 90-Day Shift in your real estate business and personal life! This is where you really start “doing the thing” that will give you the power. You need to be performing the right activities – the actions that align with your goals – for 90 days. Each individual day might not move the needle, but collectively these 90-day cycles will most definitely move you closer to your goal. Why 90 days? Because it gives you an opportunity to create real results. Any less and you haven’t given whatever you’re doing a chance to make a difference in your business.

Step 3: Momentum. At a certain point within your 90-day cycle, you’ll begin to see tangible results of your work. I’m sure you’ve experienced this in your business when your activities begin to pay off and suddenly things are clicking. This is being in the momentum state. But BEWARE! There are two ways to will quickly kill your momentum: One, your ego jumps up to bite you. When you start gaining traction, it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re doing great and let your foot off the pedal. Two, you stop doing the work that got you there. If you realize you’ve fallen victim to one of these traps, it’s time to push the reset button and begin a new 90-day cycle.

Step 4: Stabilization. I’m not going to promise you that one 90-day cycle will move your business significantly. But when you keep doing those activities repeatedly, your business will grow. Which means you need to be paying attention and adjusting accordingly. Growth requires new systems and structure, and that’s what the “stabilization” phase is all about… Identifying what’s needed at this new stage in order to stay there:






Don’t ignore this step! Without regularly stabilizing your business after growth spurts, you’ll fall back down to where you are most stable.

Step 5: More 90-Day Shift & Stabilization. After stabilizing, it’s time to get back to the work, and then rinse and repeat… Get right back into more 90-day cycles (yes, cycles plural) and stabilize when needed. Do that again and again. Stick with it and stay committed. Because eventually your discipline, hard work, and perseverance will pay off and you’ll hit…

Step 6: THE QUANTUM LEAP! When you “do the thing” over and repeatedly… When you build that momentum and maintain your discipline… At a certain point, your work is going to pay off and you’ll create a sudden and unpredictable burst of results. I’m not talking about a little rush of activity, but the big jump from 30 transactions to 90 in one year. This is the quantum leap where you can achieve true, lasting exponential growth in your business. (As long as you stabilize once again after taking that giant leap.)

Step 7: More 90-Day Shift & Stabilization. The last step in this process is to get right back to the work. Jump into a new 90-day cycle and stabilize when needed. You’ve got to keep doing the thing to give you the power. Take the 90-Day Call Out?! What are 3-7 non-negotiable activities you’ll do in your business every day for 90 days in a row? (Or 78 if you want to take one day off each week – it’s up to you.) Let me know what you’re committed to acting on in creating your shift!

Strength and courage,

Goals To Accomplish as a REALTOR© & Your Personal Life 2021/2022

goals to accomplish as a realtor 2021 20222021 has not been easy for anyone. The pandemic shooed away the whole of humanity to their houses with no definite return date. While it is distressing, the pandemic for a REALTOR© can also be a “blessing” if you have been procrastinating on personal goals and new year resolutions. Setting up work goals must be a regular occurrence for you if you have been a true professional for a long time. But getting to the process to achieve them is a very tough cookie to bite. Nowadays, the circumstances have changed. Suddenly, you have a lot of time to make that dream a reality. Here’s how you can get started for the remainder of 2021 as a productivity guru.

1. Treat Yourself with Some Self Care. – One of the most important goals that you need to achieve is Self-care. It is necessary for every professional that they must take care of themselves first, both physically and psychologically. This will help make sure that they are sharp and ready to take on any and every challenge that their work-life throws at them.

2. Reconnect with Old Peers. – When you are working in a professional paradigm, you need to understand that every person that you know, or meet is a potential asset that you need to keep in your arsenal. The best asset is your old classmates and peers from your schooling days. Why? Because they are most likely a part of the professional paradigm as well, and they can help you connect with numerous potential clients, no matter what your area of expertise is. So keep those peers close as they can prove to be quite beneficial business connections for you.

3. Revisit Your Career Goals Every Year. – You must have set your career goals when you were in college, or even earlier than that. This is the normal scenario for a lot of professionals out there, but what will set you apart from all of them is when you would revisit all of the career goals every single year. Many people suggest revisiting these goals every 5 years, but what this year has taught us that you can never wait that long to make some major life changes that actively shape the way you live your work and personal life because it can all change without a moment’s notice.

4. Leverage a Task Scheduling App. – If you want to achieve your bigger work or personal goals this year, you need to start using a task scheduling app, such as nTask. A task scheduler can make your work easier in planning, organizing, reminding, executing, and reporting on the tasks set by you. nTask app is available on iOS and Android devices. It will keep you in the loop of your goals so that you won’t miss anything. The task scheduler app such as nTask will help you create tasks, set due dates, give priorities, get notifications, assign tasks to team members, manage workflows with Kanban Boards, and visualize the progress with the help of a Gantt chart.

5. Maintain a Proper Sleep Schedule. – Sleep is not just for beauty; it is the most important personal trait that you have to gain control over if you want to keep a hold on your sanity while performing so many professional tasks. Maintaining a proper sleep schedule is a prime example of a common entity among personal and professional goals. That makes it a very important work goal that you need to achieve in 2022.

6. Keep Funds Ready for Emergencies. – One of the most important things that the pandemic has shown us that no one’s job is secure. Every one of us is disposable and you can be evicted from the house you called home for so many years, in a matter of days. This is why you must set a personal and work goal to save money whenever possible. That money will help fund your personal and work life in an emergency.

7. Keep a Daily Journal. – Many of us already have this amazing habit where we document every happening, or write-up the most relevant of happenings from our day into our personal Journal or diary. This helps us keep a record of what our shortcomings and positive aspects have been over a long period and can help us to make different personal and work-life decisions in the future. The majority of experts recommend journaling for 5 minutes in the morning and at night, but most of us cannot do that even once in the day. So, if you cannot get yourself to do the daily writing, you can try doing it weekly, but the problem with that is that you cannot remember so much from your day when it has been 6 days. So we would recommend doing it daily and maintain consistency.

8. Travel More. – One thing that you MUST do is to travel. Our lives have been made quite stagnant by our work priorities, even without the help of the pandemic, and the only way to liven things up is to get out of your normal routines and travel to different locations where you are bound to learn some new things. These new things can be beneficial to both your work and personal life, in addition to throwing you into an effervescent state known as ‘Holiday High’.

9. Keep a Healthy Diet. – Since you are working from home right now and even when you go to the office after this nightmare is over, you need to make sure that you keep a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, and meat if you are into it. This diet will provide you with all of the different nutrients and elements associated with physical and mental health, which will strengthen your immune system and make you more active and healthier for the personal and work challenges you face every day.

10. Keep a Gratitude Journal. – We have already talked about keeping a Journal but that was to write-up all of the different happenings in your day. This journal is establishing a more positive outlook on your life. A gratitude journal is a great way of recalling different aspects of your life so that you can have a more positive attitude while tackling the different challenges that you face in your personal and professional life.

11. Maintain a Morning Routine. – Whenever we look at the most common traits among all of the successful entrepreneurs and businessmen people around the world, the first thing that pops up is their morning routine where they wake up early and start their day way before anyone else. This is because the most productive hours in your day are when you wake up and when those hours are in the morning, you get to enjoy the peace and serenity of the morning before the hustle and bustle of the day consumes you. This is why maintaining a morning schedule is an excellent work and personal goal that you have to achieve in 2022.

12. Read More. – Reading has always been an amazing personal trait. It enhances your vocabulary and helps stuff your mind with some amazing facts about life and work, and also many other things depending on the books that you are reading. Experts suggest that you should read at least 12 books, one for each month. Some people already read more than double that, but it is a good start for people who are not habitual of even reading a single book in a whole year.

13. Arm Yourselves with More Skills. – The professional paradigm is a war. You and every single one of your peers is competing with each other, and just like in war, victory is always given to the people who have the best arsenal under their command with the mind to wield it. This is why you need to arm yourselves with more skills because, in the professional paradigm, the best weapon to be victorious is a diverse skill set.

14. Drink More Water. – The next item on the list to keep yourself hydrated. You do not need us to tell you how important water is, so we’ll skip the lecture. Just remember that keeping yourself hydrated is useful for keeping your mind and body fresh, which will help you defeat all of the challenges that your personal and professional life put in your way.

15. Workout. – Fitness is a drug that is universally accepted as the salvation for the human race – i.e. if we want to defeat the rampant obesity that is all around us. For many of us, that reality is not clear enough and they are still prone to left swipe the option to choose a healthier life for them. When this is the case, then workout might not be for them. What they can do is that they can do other activities that can keep them fit and healthy like meditation or hiking. Something to keep them moving and keeping them releasing those endorphins so that they can have a fresher and healthier personal and professional life.

16. Maintain a Clutter-Free Environment Around You. – One of the best things that you can do to keep your mind away from distractions and also keeping the environment around you pleasant, is to make sure that the everything around you in perfect symmetry, and if you’re not prone to OCD cleaning then you can just keep your surroundings clutter-free. This will keep your mind away from all of the distractions that a cluttered workspace or home can fester in your mind. Declutter your home, be happy.

17. Spend Less Time Online. – The Internet is everyone’s friend/ enemy in the 21st century. It is a complicated relationship that can only be fixed when you can control your urge to being online 24/7. You need to try at-least to distance yourself from the internet because the constant flow of information has made us all immune to all of the stuff that is happening around us in our lives. To do that, you need to spend more time outdoors camping or doing some physical activities with your friends and family that will not only keep you happy but also keep all of the people in your life happy, who have been avoided by you because you were busy on the internet.

18. Get Rid of a Toxic Habit. – The next item on the list is removing a toxic habit from your life and let’s face it, we all have something attached to is that we want to get away from. It can anything like smoking or sleeping a lot, and we understand that you have tried to get away from it but failed to do so. Just remember that life isn’t fair to anyone and you have to keep trying and trying until we get exactly what we want. Don’t give up and one day you will succeed.

19. Maintain a Monthly Budget. – If you are reading this article, then you are someone who is independent and wants to keep their boat from capsizing in the ocean of bankruptcy. To do that, you need to maintain a monthly budget and take control of every little expense in your life. This will make sure that everything you earn and spend is documented and you don’t empty your pockets while spending money on unnecessary things that provide no benefit to your personal and professional life.

20. Join a Club. – You need to make a list of all of the different interests and hobbies that you have and find out which of them is your favorite. When you have done that, find a club whose workings match your hobby and join it. Joining a club is a great way to meet people who have the same interests as you, which can help you grow meaningful connections and make sure that you have a safe space to talk about your thoughts and hobbies. It also helps you make some amazing new friends with whom you can do a lot of fun activities in your free time.

21. Create a Work-Life Balance. – Last but not the least, you need to make sure that both aspects of your life, work, and personal life, are balanced out and either one of them doesn’t smother the other one. Doing so will assist in removing all the burdens that you are currently carrying in your work life or your personal life, and ensure that you are of the sound of mind to tackle any challenges that your life throws at you.

22. Improve your time management skills. – Time is everything — you have to live and die by it. There are a lot of different people in the industry who will fill you in on different solutions to all of your problems. Especially if those problems are related to deadlines, completing milestones, and such other things. If you don’t have the skill of time management in the bag, you really can’t save yourself from the fast-moving storm that is going to swallow you whole. Make everything count. Do a retrospective of yourself and see where it leads.

23. Improve your emotional intelligence. – If you want to approach anyone, whether it is a potential partner in life or a potential client, you need to up your EQ game. EQ is emotional intelligence. What it does is that it makes you a little more responsive and accommodating about your emotions and the emotions of the people around you. The next time you want to sign a client or invite someone to coffee, make sure that you understand their emotions and answer them with the same depth and gusto as they do unto you.

24. Always find new challenges to complete. – Finding new challenges is a great way to make any job role exciting and fulfilling. It is a great way to make sure thatyou don’t have a boring day at the office. Ever. The problem is that finding new challenges and facing them head-on is not possible for all of us. Many of us have problems interacting with the challenges that are already in our lives. We understand that. That’s why we recommend that you take things slow and find out what your strengths are. Once you’re done with that, you will be aware of the things that you can do and what challenges you can take on. This will help you and your organization to flourish beyond belief, whenever there is a change in the wind. Finish 2021 strong and start 2022 new and alive!

Strength and courage,