How Real Estate Agents Can Create A Shift In Business & Life

real estate agent shift in life“Do the thing, have the power.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

Such a simple, yet profound idea. It’s one of my favorite mantras in both life and business. In an era when everyone is seeking shortcuts and wanting results in the blink of an eye, it lays out the truth in plain language… You’ve got to do the work to get the reward. If you’re putting in the work and looking for that Shift!

Step 1: Clearly Declare What You Want + Tell Others About It. This first step in the process is straightforward… You need to decide what you want in specific detail. Then, don’t keep it to yourself. Goals kept private rarely get accomplished. So go tell people. Announce it from the rooftops.

Step 2: Start Your 90-Day Shift in your real estate business and personal life! This is where you really start “doing the thing” that will give you the power. You need to be performing the right activities – the actions that align with your goals – for 90 days. Each individual day might not move the needle, but collectively these 90-day cycles will most definitely move you closer to your goal. Why 90 days? Because it gives you an opportunity to create real results. Any less and you haven’t given whatever you’re doing a chance to make a difference in your business.

Step 3: Momentum. At a certain point within your 90-day cycle, you’ll begin to see tangible results of your work. I’m sure you’ve experienced this in your business when your activities begin to pay off and suddenly things are clicking. This is being in the momentum state. But BEWARE! There are two ways to will quickly kill your momentum: One, your ego jumps up to bite you. When you start gaining traction, it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re doing great and let your foot off the pedal. Two, you stop doing the work that got you there. If you realize you’ve fallen victim to one of these traps, it’s time to push the reset button and begin a new 90-day cycle.

Step 4: Stabilization. I’m not going to promise you that one 90-day cycle will move your business significantly. But when you keep doing those activities repeatedly, your business will grow. Which means you need to be paying attention and adjusting accordingly. Growth requires new systems and structure, and that’s what the “stabilization” phase is all about… Identifying what’s needed at this new stage in order to stay there:






Don’t ignore this step! Without regularly stabilizing your business after growth spurts, you’ll fall back down to where you are most stable.

Step 5: More 90-Day Shift & Stabilization. After stabilizing, it’s time to get back to the work, and then rinse and repeat… Get right back into more 90-day cycles (yes, cycles plural) and stabilize when needed. Do that again and again. Stick with it and stay committed. Because eventually your discipline, hard work, and perseverance will pay off and you’ll hit…

Step 6: THE QUANTUM LEAP! When you “do the thing” over and repeatedly… When you build that momentum and maintain your discipline… At a certain point, your work is going to pay off and you’ll create a sudden and unpredictable burst of results. I’m not talking about a little rush of activity, but the big jump from 30 transactions to 90 in one year. This is the quantum leap where you can achieve true, lasting exponential growth in your business. (As long as you stabilize once again after taking that giant leap.)

Step 7: More 90-Day Shift & Stabilization. The last step in this process is to get right back to the work. Jump into a new 90-day cycle and stabilize when needed. You’ve got to keep doing the thing to give you the power. Take the 90-Day Call Out?! What are 3-7 non-negotiable activities you’ll do in your business every day for 90 days in a row? (Or 78 if you want to take one day off each week – it’s up to you.) Let me know what you’re committed to acting on in creating your shift!

Strength and courage,

How Do I Experience More Fulfillment?

realtor more fulfillmentWhen you get in your car, do you have an intent of where you want to go? Or do you just start the engine, step on the gas and start making random turns – and eventually see where you end up? Of course 99.9% of the time, you have a destination in mind. But when it comes to something as important as your life’s journey, which approach do you take? I suspect far fewer people have a plan for their lives than have a plan for where they’re driving. I’m talking about having a 5- 10- 20-year vision.

I’ve found it to be exciting, inspiring, discipline-building, and extremely fulfilling. As I’ve mentioned many times before, when you know where you want to go, you can align your actions and behaviors with those goals. That’s exactly what a 5- 10-20-year vision will do for you. It’s Simple. Here’s How to Create Yours… Sit down, put pen to paper, and write out your future based on this ideal:

If I could really go for it and things go well, what would my life look like? Then, get specific. Talk about where you’ll be, what you’ll be doing, the feelings you’ll have, what others who are close to you will be doing. What you want to do is create a target for where you want to end up. Don’t feel like you’re setting the next 20 years in stone. Your vision can always change. The important part is to have something to aspire to.

Are You Driving with No Destination in Mind? Here’s the alternative… If you never create aspirations or that “target” I spoke of, life moves quickly and has a way of passing you by without ever having “gone for it” – with “it” being whatever it is you want out of life. You also miss out on the daily motivation of having something that you’re working toward. Mornings feel a lot different when you know exactly where you’re headed vs. waking up to just slog through another day.

Give Yourself a Rich Life. Seeing you’re “making this up” as my son Michael said to me when I showed him my 20-year vision, make sure to make yourself well-rounded. Too many people end up focusing on just one area of their life, and then they lack balance and overall fulfillment. In my 5-10-20-year vision, I include all of the 8 Equities of Life that you’ve probably heard before:


Some might be more meaningful to you than others, and that’s okay. Just don’t ignore them completely. This might help… go ahead and download this wheel chart to determine where you stand today. In Closing, I Just Want to Say… Thank you. Thank you for watching,  reading the blog, for listening to the podcast, for following on social… It means a lot to me to be a part of your life, and I hope you know that. I take my role very seriously and want nothing but the best for you. So thank you for being part of my life as well.


Strength and courage,

6 Benefits Of Taking Time Off as a Realtor©

realtor time offI am reminded once again the importance of taking time off as a Realtor© and being able to get perspective of what is really important in life and the urgency for us to disconnect from work and unplug and be present for ourselves and the most important people in our lives. I am guilty of going away and checking in once and a while on my social media, emails or texts instead of really being present and truly taking a vacation from work and the business and how that has a huge impact on me mentally, physically and emotionally. Here are the biggest benefits for you and truly disconnecting from your business this summer.

6 Benefits of Taking Time Off as a Realtor©

1. Reset Yourself Mentally – Nothing can lead to an anxiety attack faster than working a million days all in a row. So taking even one day off can help reset yourself mentally, and make it easier to have a clear head once back at work. According to Minda Zetlin on, “A growing body of scientific evidence explains what many of us have learned from unpleasant experience: Push yourself through too many hours or days of work and your brain starts to push back. Ideas that once flowed easily dry up, and tasks that you should be able to perform quickly become excruciatingly difficult … you need to give your brain, and yourself, some rest.” Amen to that.

2. Feel Way More Productive When You Return – You know the refreshed feeling you get when you take a few minutes away from your desk? Well imagine what a whole day, or week, could do for your productivity. In fact, it works like such a charm that more companies are starting to realize the importance of time off — especially time off to pursue your own creative pursuits. As Timi Gustafson, R.D., noted on the Huffington Post, “Forward-thinking companies like Google are well known for their efforts to enhance creativity by giving employees time off to pursue ideas of their own, regardless the outcome. Some of their most successful innovations have come out of that policy.” So basically, take time off, and invent the Android phone? Right?

3. Gain A Better Work/Life Balance – Taking time off helps remind you that you are, in fact, a person. And probably a person who has interests and hobbies. So take the time to remember what they are, and make sure you schedule them into your weekly routine.

4. Realize You Need To Stop Taking Work Home -People are finding it more difficult than ever to leave work at work. After all, you get emails all day on your phone, so it seems normal to continue the day even after you’ve left the office. As Jen Uscher notes on, “If you’re finding it more challenging than ever to juggle the demands of your job and the rest of your life, you’re not alone. Many people are putting in extra hours, or using their smartphones to be on call when they’re not physically at work.” Take a day off and break yourself of this habit. Once you get a taste of sweet, sweet freedom, you’ll want to help preserve the benefits of your time off.

5. Rekindle Your Relationships – Are you the type to push off dates with your SO, or a girls’ night with friends in favor of time at the office? If this is the case, you need a reality check. While work is incredibly important, and it’s wonderful to focus on your career, it’s also imperative to your mental health to work on your relationships. Allow yourself to take the occasional Friday off to spend on the couch with your partner, or take a week to hit up Cancun (or wherever) with friends. You’ll be glad you did.

6. Reset Your Focus – Are you even happy at work, or do you just trudge there out of pure habit? Having some alone time can help you refocus your goals, and gain perspective. You may find a day off gets your gears turning, and sends you in a completely opposite career direction. Or, at the very least, it may inspire you to make changes at your current job so it better fits your desires. It’s worth a try!

Taking time off from work may sound like a totally impossible prospect, but it’s not! You deserve a break, and probably have some vacation days racking up. So cash them in, and give yourself some much needed time off. I dare you!!

Strength and courage,