The Canadian Real Estate Insights

Wade Webb
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canadian real estate insightsThis week we want to share with agents some valuable Canadian real estate insights from the latest report and how it affects them in today’s market place. (**NOTE: Even though the data this week is specific to the Canadian market there is still tons of great insights Realtors© from all over the world can benefit from.) We begin with the fact that more than 97% of Canadians polled all say they use the website and app as their primary or secondary source for real estate listings in Canada and more than 92% of Canadians are aware of and it is known as the go-to place when buying or selling in Canada. Last year more than 2.6 million leads were generated from and distributed to agents across the country. There were an average of 300,000 listings totalling $144 billion dollars, more than 30,000 of them were commercial listings and $274 billion dollars in residential sales was processed through MLS last year alone. had 72 million users, 264 million visits and 5.3 billion page views and 965 million property viewings in 2017. 62% of all this traffic was from a mobile device!! Last year there were 6.4 million visits to Realtor website, 4 million listings emailed to a friend, 2 million consumer emails to an agent, 480,000 phone calls to an agent, 306,000 social shares of a listing and finally 62,000 emails to a real estate office from the website in 2017!

Consumers found website through an Organic search 40% of the time, directly 35% of the time, 10% of the time from a referral, 9% from social media and 5% from an email they received. reported that 67% of the visitors to their website were repeat buyers, 14% first time buyers and 7% real estate investors. The top 3 Canadian cities searched were Toronto, Calgary and Ottawa. 69% of visitors click on the photos and there were more than 4 million photos of properties to view but surprisingly 14% of listings did not include any photo!

Consumers are searching by price almost every time, $500,000 being the most common price search, 3 plus bedrooms searched more than 32% of the time, 2 plus bathrooms searched more than 47% of the time and top keywords are walkout basement, bungalow and basement suite. 26% of Quebec is searching in Ontario outside their province, BC residents are searching in Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia for listings.

Common stages of a users are 42% just browsing, 21% in the getting started stages, 33% are seriously hunting and 5% have just purchased a property. 6.1 million agent profiles were viewed, 1.5 million searches for a realtor and 166,000 listings were viewed from an agent’s profile. Desk top searches for listings peaked from 12 noon to 2 pm and highest day of week Tuesday’s. Mobile searches peaked 8 pm to 10 pm and the highest day of the week was Sunday’s.

Interest in Canadian real estate is growing rapidly. International traffic has increased by 10% year over year. Notably traffic from China has increased by 42%. International visits was lead by the U.S. generating 57% of international visitors followed by the U.K. and China both about 5% of our international visitors.

One of the greatest value propositions for us as a nation is the unique ability to deliver the majority of our countries real estate data from one central source called The data they have collected allows us to see what the market and consumer trends are and allow us to market to them better than we have before. I trust these Canadian real estate insights provide valuable information for you and your business in 2018 and help you take things to the next level!

Strength and courage,



My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

and much more...