Key Appointment Setting Strategies For Agents In 2023

Wade Webb
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appointment getting strategies for agents 2023My mentor and friend Tom Ferry has a real estate training program, Breakthrough By Design, and his one session about the importance of the skill as a real estate agent to close appointments really resonates with me.

So many times we are hit over the head with the message of client prospecting, lead generation and lead conversion and don’t get me wrong I agree these are vital parts of a real estate agents success, but the true success in sales and in real estate (I believe) is in the agents ability to close for the appointment when given the chance.

The purpose of marketing is to create the leads and give the agent opportunities to work with but lead follow-up and conversion create appointments!

That my friend is where the real money is in real estate!!

No appointments… No Signatures…

No Signatures… No Money in real estate.

Love Tom’s idea that real estate agents every day have the choice activate their “Faith” or their “Fear” belief. We can either believe we will help and serve others, and someone will list or sell today (they just don’t know it yet), or we believe nobody is buying or selling, the market is not really that good and I am afraid that this business is not for me. As a Realtor Daily Ask Yourself These 3 Questions…

1.) What takes up my mind space? (The Big 7 – Personal Life, Collapsed deals, Bad clients, Errands, Getting organized, Close Deals, Debt, Making calls)

2.) What dominates my thoughts I am having during the day?

3.) What am I saying to myself? Looking at? The noise in my head?

The human mind can only have one dominant thought. That thought must be “I am a lean, mean real estate appointment setting machine!”

Real Estate Agents Sample Daily Plan for Setting and Making Appointments

1.) How many appointments am I committed to scheduling right now?

2.) Ask yourself the above question. Answer it, Write it down. Do it.

3.) Track the daily appointments you set.

4.) Display the appointments you set visually to reinforce your success.

5.) Use the affirmation “I am a lean, mean appointment setting machine.”

Now that we understand the importance of the appointment and how we can control our beliefs, fears and mindset and you have a simple but powerful appointment setting plan, you now need to identify the types of appointments that matter the most to you and your real estate business.

Buyer Appointments

Listing Appointments

Showing Appointments

Price Reduction Appointments

All these appointments lead to signatures and commitments to Exclusive Buyer Contracts, Home Listing Contracts, Purchase Contracts and Price Reduction Forms. Which will all lead to the real money in real estate.


1.) What are the most listing appointments you scheduled in a month?

2.) What are the most buyer appointments you scheduled in a month?

3.) What are the most price reduction appointments you scheduled in a month?

I trust that this post will really drive home the importance of focused daily appointment setting activities for you and your real estate business. I trust that your beliefs and mindset will change and that you all will become “Lean Mean Appointment Setting Machines” in 2023. Track, measure and really take your appointments in your real estate business to a completely new level this year!


Strength and courage,