Closing Gifts For Agents Clients 2023

Wade Webb
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closing gifts agents clients 2023Have you ever had the dilemma of what to get a real estate client for a closing gift? What is the appropriate gift, budget, and gesture for saying thank you? Seller closing gifts are about more than just showing your appreciation… They’re one of the best ways of creating raving fans who return the gift many times over. Too many agents approach seller closing gifts the way they would a Secret Santa present. By that, I mean they get them something generic and impersonal under $50 which their clients can either consume, spend, or throw away within a couple of weeks. And while it may be a nice thing, it doesn’t exactly provide that WOW experience you need in this market, and it doesn’t do anything to keep you top-of-mind and continue to earn you referrals well into the future. We are going to give you four ideas for seller closing gifts that are going to wow your clients into singing your name to everyone they know.

A Housewarming Party - Moving is often a bittersweet experience, especially if someone has lived in a place for a while. It’s beautiful and something worth celebrating with all the people they care about. But the problem with throwing a party during the process of moving is because… well… THEY’RE BUSY MOVING! Parties take a lot of effort to organize, prepare for, and then clean up. And that’s not any easier when you’re trying to pack all your stuff into boxes. That’s where you come in. You can rent a space for this or use your office if there’s enough room. Get out the decorations, put pictures of the sellers on the walls, and cater the party yourself. This is more than just a fun event, because just think about the opportunity here. You’re going to be meeting all the family and friends of some people who just sold their home… See what I’m getting at? This is a night they’ll remember forever and you’ll likely generate a lot of future business from.

A Memorable Experience - Gifts last for a while, but memories last forever. The best seller closing gifts are the ones that will generate attention not just from the clients themselves but from everyone they know. “Wow, your real estate agent gave you THAT?” What is something that your clients have always wanted to do or something that falls within their interests? You should get to know all these kinds of things during the transaction and be thinking about your gift ahead of time. Many of my coaching clients have a business that is nearly 100% driven by repeat and referral clients, and that’s because they go all in on their gifts and client experience. Some of the gifts are renting out an entire movie theater for family and friends, Zip lining, Bungee jumping, and champagne tastings. But you can do whatever you find that works in your area, like maybe a hot air balloon ride or a day at a wine vineyard. It doesn’t have to get crazy expensive, especially if you can get a deal with local providers.

A Piece of Art from a Local Artist - Maybe you’re into the local art scene and have good taste. In that case, you might strike a deal with a local artist on discounted pieces for your clients. There are three important factors here. The work is good enough to display in your home. It’s non-generic and personal to your clients, It’s something they’d want and can transport to where they’re going during the “getting to know them” phase of the transaction (or when you see their home) get a sense of what kind of art they like. If their old home was only filled with Russian nautical art, then they likely won’t be interested in a watercolor of their new house on the wall. And don’t go too flashy here. Don’t give them anything big that they need to store if they don’t like it or something that will take up substantial space on the wall.

Monthly Subscription Services - Want to stay top of mind? Then gift something that continues to deliver month after month. Imagine having a new bottle of wine or your favorite magazine delivered to you every month by your real estate agent… Seems like a luxury, right?! This works even better if you can include some of your own branding in the package. Use the information you already have about your clients to figure out what they’d enjoy and do a little research. Like all good gifts, seller closing gifts need to be personal, emotional, and come from the heart. And this starts with forming a deeper connection with your clients. It’s about building long term relationships.

Feel free to share your closing gift ideas and experiences with us please! We would love to hear from you!

Strength and courage,