The Art Of Trust In Your Real Estate Marketplace

Wade Webb
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art of trust in your real estate marketplaceHow to develop the art of trust in your real estate marketplace

With a pivoting market all over North America the importance of establishing “know, like, and trust” with consumers in your market is key! So, when I opened the National Association of Realtors 2022 Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report to find that “reputation and trustworthiness” were the most important factors people look for in their agent, I know this is key in today’s market. What can you do to be the most known, liked, and trusted agent in your market? Either you could keep doing what you’ve been doing and let it naturally happen over the course of years, or you could start doing four things, right now.

Step 1: Publish Video at Least 3 Times a Week. - For someone to like you, they must know you. And for someone to know you, they must see you! The more often someone sees your face, the more likely they are to trust you. This means videos on social media – and specifically videos of you. Six posts a week is ideal is ideal, but three is the bare minimum. You want to make your audience feel like you’re always there, dedicated to your job and answering their questions. There is nothing worse than an agent you can’t get ahold of, and this strategy makes you feel always present. Diversify your content. Do a couple of quick answers, some case study recaps or “How We Did It” videos and try to post something fun and personal at least once a week. Give people a view into your life that makes them… well… know, like, and trust you!

Step 2: Update Your GBP and Leverage Reviews. - Google is the king of the internet and the ultimate place to generate inbound business, so why aren’t more agents concerned with their Google Business Profile? I mean, wouldn’t you look up someone’s reviews before trusting them with your most asset? Start off by going to and filling out all your information. Don’t skip anything or Google with rank that against you in its algorithm. You need to post pictures regularly to keep active, but make sure you have all the photos Google wants: your storefront, interior office, the team, sold properties, and anything which makes it immediately clear what you do. Next, you need to fill up your reviews. Instead of just texting or calling all your past clients to ask for a review, incentivize it and make it easy for them. On your next touchpoint, send them a gift with a QR code in the letter which will bring them directly to the review page. Write a thoughtful note asking them for a kind review. (Be careful not to overdo it, though… too many reviews in a short time span is a potential red flag for Google. Reach out to a few past clients at a time.) And try this QR strategy with current clients as well. Find a quiet, non-stressful time during the homebuying process to do it. You don’t want to do it after closing when they’ll be busy moving in, and you certainly don’t want to do it while there is still a chance of something going wrong. Check out a great tool as well for this step!

Step 3: Annual Equity Reviews. - The internet may have come a long way, but there is still no better way to build trust than face-to-face. Most often, you’ll be dealing directly with your past clients, so this will make it easier to get the meeting. Annual Equity Reviews are all about delivering value, and the more value you provide, the more likely your chances of receiving reviews or referrals. Don’t just tell them the value of their house here; show them what they can do with their equity. Provide wealth management and investment resources and focus on building long-term sustainable wealth strategies. At the end, ask them if there is anyone, they know who could use this kind of consultation. Having a good portion of your leads come from referrals is like the ultimate form of trustworthiness. And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to ask for a review if they haven’t already given you one…

Step 4: Bomb Bomb CMAs. - Looking to find the best way to get someone to agree to scheduling an appointment or an AER? Texts and calls are what salespeople do on a mass scale. Video (with your face) is what people who know you (or are serious about knowing you) do. Bomb Bomb is an application that allows you to shoot and send video messages directly from most other programs. You can record directly onto Gmail, your CRM, or whatever else you’re using. It also allows you to see who watched your video, so you know who to follow up on with a call. This is a more personal way to follow up with potential clients and anyone you meet at events or open houses. Seeing your face, they’ll remember who you are and likely appreciate the time you took to make them a personal message. Remember: Face = Know, Like, Trust.

Strength and courage,



My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

and much more...