So What Are The Fab Five in Real Estate?

top 5 real estate activitiesI am a huge believer of tracking and measuring everything we do in real estate so we can tell what is working, what is not working and what we are doing well and more importantly what we frankly should just do more of. The second half of the year is about doing more of what works and if you do more of that you obviously like your chances of finishing the year strong. I coach, train and speak to hundreds of agents a year and this is the top five activities that work with all the most successful agents I work with.

Fab 5 Activities in Real Estate

1) Database – All the most successful agents have at least 28 to 36 organized, planned and systemized activities a year that add value to their past and existing clients. They personally mail them, e mail them e reports, provide complimentary annual reviews of their real estate holdings, host client party events, hand written personal notes, birthday and “houseaversary cards, pop by gifts like ketchup, relish and mustard packs with a tag that says “Thought I would catch up and let you know I relish your real estate referrals and not all agents cut the mustard.” and more. They have a blend and balance of top of mind and give to get activities that continue to propel their repeat and referral business year after year!

2) Open House – There are literally very few activities an agent can do where the clients actually come to them and the agent doesn’t need to go find the client. Agents get to use their strengths as they get to meet the client face to face and engage their audience and the clients determine whether the agent is likeable and someone they can trust. Think about it open house is the rare place agents can use the interpersonal skills to get a client to engage and connect and feel they want to do business with them and why it is always in our fabulous five activity list year after year.

3) Door Knocking – 86% of communication is non-verbal meaning that eye contact, voice inflection, voice tone and body language make up a large portion of non-verbal communication which we are able to utilize going door to door and meeting face to face with the clients. Now don’t get me wrong I am not telling you to go bang on doors and ask everyone “Hi you want to sell your house?” the cold call approach is dead and gone, I am afraid. What I am telling you to do and I know for a fact works very well is warm call approaches using a Bona Fide buyer, New listing, Recent sale or invitation to your open house approaches. Think about it, what person wouldn’t want to help you find something for a buyer, hear about the latest asking or sale price on their street or be asked to snoop at the neighbors upcoming open house?

4) Geographic Farm – Almost every top agent stands out from the crowd and the way they stand out is being an expert or have a niche at something. Every agent is good at every type of real estate and very few make themselves experts, niched and stand out from the crowd! Being an expert at an area, neighborhood, property type or even a certain demographic will get you further and more recognized as an expert than just being like all the other agents. Top producers strategically pick, work and add value to their geographic farm and within 8-12 months it pays back in spades and if done correctly it always hits the top producers activity success list year after year.

5) Online Leads – This is not the silver bullet but something for a new agent to kick start their career, a veteran to top up their business and keep a bit more consistent and something a top producer uses to feed leads to their associates and increase their volume and leverage. Before anyone even turns this type of activity on I always make them buy, read and study Chris Smith’s book “The Conversion Code” it’s easy to buy and turn the lead machines on but converting the leads is where the money is at! Start at chapter 8 and learn the art of conversion before embarking on the online lead machine.

So there you have it, the top five activities that are consistently showing up as the most successful dollar producing activities of hundreds and thousands of agents I have had the pleasure of working with. Track, measure and see what your top five are and spend the second half of 2017 doing more of what it is your doing right and is making you money. Finish the year strong and don’t reinvent the wheel and take you and your business off course!

Strength and courage,

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The Five Phrases Every Agent Needs To Use!

realtor words have powerDid you know real estate agents every day are costing themselves tens of thousands of dollars in business by what they are saying or even what they are not saying? What we say, and what we don’t say and how we say it changes everything for agents and their business. This week we want to share with you the five proven statements every agent needs to use in their real estate business to generate more productivity. In real estate all agents have gifts, talents and personalities they think is enough and tend to push away from scripts, dialogs and techniques.

Many things you do every day is scripted like “Hello”? How is it going? How was your day? So why the push back? Think about this, whenever we go to eat out we are always greeted a certain way, asked if we would like something to drink and maybe a snack or appetizer to start things off. Again this whole process is a script and something quite natural and in fact we all come to enjoy and expect when we dine out. Right? So we want to share with you the five phrases you must use to get a buyer and seller to do what you want them to do.

Agents are going through the same activities every day but we all need to have a pattern disrupt and have the awareness to change up our daily patterns.

Many REALTORs are now saying online leads are not the answer and they don’t convert. So, why do I have an agent from Brazil who moved to North America and has been licensed only 8 months and has made almost $150,000 G.C.I. already from online leads?

I believe the words he is using and the way he is saying them has made all the difference in the world so let’s have a look at some of these words this agent is using to convert and get buyers and sellers to do what he wants them to do!

#1 Would you be offended if …

Stop asking “can I come by” “is it ok tomorrow at 2?” Generally in sales most people naturally want to respond with the words “NO” so instead of asking the same old questions they respond with a “No” answer, try using the phrase “Would you be offended if I put in my day timer to call you Thursday at 10 AM?” their auto response NO actually means Yes to you and the appointment now. See the difference?

#2 Do you have anyone sending you the good deals?

Stop asking the question “are you working with another agent” to which they shut you down immediately. Instead start asking “Do you have anyone sending you the good deals?” to which they think to themselves “wait a minute, am I seeing all the good deals on the market?” Again see the difference?

#3 What would need to happen for …

By using this question we create different expectation for the clients and they now give you a list of actions they need to happen in order for them to do what you want them to do. For Example, “What would need to happen for you to buy a home today?” “What would need to happen for you to list with me today?” They in turn they share with you the things that would need to happen for them to do what you want them to do. See the power of this terminology?

#4 It’s funny you are contacting me about …

Someone is inquiring about one of your listings and you respond with “It’s funny you are contacting me about this listing.” This phrase automatically makes the client feel comfortable and feel like it was almost meant to be. The psychology of the phrase instills a feeling like it was supposed to happen.

#5 I’m going to be at this number for the next …

When you are responding to people and wanting them to respond to you, you need to create deadlines and scarcity which makes them value your time and contact you back quicker and the thought is in their head of urgency. For example, “I am going to be at this number for the next hour”.

We are in the conversion and persuasion game and get paid accordingly to our conversion skills. We are looking for a thumbs up or a thumbs down from a client and nothing else. This comes from consistency, frequency and tenacity but more important the words you say and how you use them can be a game changer. If you are not converting then take the time to look at what you say and how you say it and implement the 5 phrases above and experience the difference! I dare you!

Strength and courage,

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Leveraging The B2B Side Of Real Estate

B2B business to business real estateOne of the most overlooked opportunities for generating relationships and business for real estate agents is the B2B or business to business side of real estate. Every time I sit with another business owner or a service provider that I feel is a good fit with my business I am always trying to see where we can expose what they do with all the people I know and what I do. The universal principle of giving to get always has and always will work for me and my business hence the focus on me wanting to leverage with others and what they do and who they know with what I do in real estate and who I know. Imagine what a business owner or service provider would think or feel if you went out of your way to help expose, grow and enhance their business? So what are some of the ways real estate agents can leverage the B2B opportunities in today’s market place?

1) Start your own B2B business owner or service provider networking group. There are many excellent platforms out there, like BNI groups, but I liked to build and grow my own through the relationships I had made already. We met as a group once a month at a small deli in a good size meeting room at 7 am mid-week and spent time as a group sharing about each of our businesses. Sharing our challenges with each other for feedback on how to handle each of the situations. Most of all connecting as a group and sharing ways to grow our own business but help grow others in the group as well.

2) Cross marketing opportunities. Think of places where you could expose or promote and showcase other business owners and service providers. For example I had a section of interviews with each of my network group members on my Youtube channel. One of the most viewed pages on my own website was the business directory page that listed all the preferred business owners and services providers I knew and recommended. I added service providers contact info to my newsletters and every month had a discount voucher in the newsletter as a value add to my clients.

3) Review them and their business. I went ahead and gave as many of them I could reviews on google, testimonials on Linkedin, Yelp and some of them Tripadvisor without any of them asking me to do that for them. Most of them did the same for me in return.

4) Create a hard copy service directory book every year filled with every business owner and service provider I know and the ones that they all refer or recommend to me. I place everyone’s business information free and then offer one business card ad spot per category for $25 to help cover the costs of printing the small directory books each year. I get calls from all kinds of business owners and service providers asking how they could get in the directory each year. I hand the directory out to every one of my clients at the beginning of the year and use them for relocation packages, open houses and other opportunities I may meet someone new to the community as a little token gift.

5) Own your own service directory app. About a year ago a friend of mine created an app that allowed us to take the traditional service directory booklet and launch it on an app. Check out and load all your business owners and service providers information and any special discounts or offerings they might have and then get everyone you know to download your service directory app on their android or iphone in seconds! The app is customized to you and your relationships and your clients will love it but more important so will your B2B relationships!

These are just a taste of some ideas you can do to really tap into and leverage the B2B community out there. We forget there is this large pool of business owners and service providers out there that would just love to connect with an agent willing to help them with what they do with what the agent does and the people you know. I was incredibly blessed to have so many great business owners and service providers as a referral source to my business and I know it will do the same for you so Get At It!

Strength and courage,

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An Agents Most Precious Commodity

realtor time wastersOnce, a king and a lazy man named Haria were very good friends. One morning, the king said,
Why don’t you do work to earn some money?” Haria said, “No one gives me job. My enemies told everyone that I never do any work in time.” The kind king said, “You can go into my treasury and collect as much wealth as you can, till sunset.” Haria rushed home to tell this to his wife. She said, “Go and get the gold coins and gems now.” “I cannot go now. Give me lunch first.” After lunch, he took a nap for an hour. Then in the late afternoon, he picked some bags and went to the palace. On the way, he felt hot so he sat under a tree to rest. Then, two hours later, he got up to go but saw a man showing some magic tricks. He stopped to watch for an hour again. When he reached the palace it was already time for sunset. The palace gates had been shut. So Haria had lost a golden chance because he had not learnt the value of time.

I see and hear so many real estate agents who are putting in long hours and long days but don’t seem to be reaping the benefits of their labor. How many of you are maximizing your time each day? Are you truly using each and every second to its fullest potential? Time is precious and the truth is we don’t have much of it.

Are You Wasting Time?

Most people in this economy are wasting time. But what happens when the market takes a turn? It’s not a matter of “if”, but “when”, because it always does. Will you be the one with all of the money? If you don’t start the working immediately in the real estate market we know that somebody else will.

4 popular agent workplace time-wasters, and tips to reign them in.

1. Interruptions. One study says people can waste up to two hours per day of productivity based on interruptions. One reason for this is it can take around 20 minutes to get back into a work groove after your flow is interrupted. Of course, sometimes distractions are welcome (admit it!)—whether it’s a team member asking for your input, to talking about a TV show. And while interruptions will happen, the trick is minimizing them so they don’t kill your work productivity. Tip: Put your head down for set periods of time—25, 50 or 75 minutes—whatever is a realistic stretch of time to accomplish a task. If you’re in an office, close your door. If you’re in an open space, wear headphones, or set up some kind of “Do Not Disturb” signage around your desk area. Other common tricks are to turn off email and instant messaging; close all the browsers, apps and docs you’re not using. Also, don’t think you have to drop everything when a co-worker asks for something. Try lines like, “Set up some time for us and I can give you my full attention” to a simple “Can you give me a minute, I’m in the middle of something.” This might change some of your team members’ interrupting habits as well.

2. Socializing with co-workers. This is a double-edged sword, as stated by different studies. The survey says 43% of their respondents blamed interacting with coworkers as the main reason they missed doing work. However, there’s an upside to this social interaction. Other studies have found coffee room chats and serendipitous conversations can increase productivity through the exchange of information, ideas and problem solving strategies, and the quick emotional boost that comes with making meaningful connections. Tip: Think about socializing as you would managing a project. If you find yourself in an unplanned conversation, give yourself ten minutes to talk rather than letting the conversation go on too long. Sometimes, you just have to exercise discipline and walk away from a group conversation. Or, consolidate your social interactions.

3. Unclear priorities. It happens too often: Individuals find themselves working on tasks they discover aren’t the highest priority. When agents are disorganized—either because of poor communication or no prioritization. Tip: If you’re not sure what you should be working on, ask. Ask yourself if you are confident the activity you are working on is what matters most to the business today. Always remind yourself of the high dollar productive activities in real estate always get done first!

4. The Internet, social media and personal emails. There are a few dynamics going on here: Dropping in on Facebook and other social media during the day is the new water cooler break. Let’s be honest, we all check out something on the Internet that isn’t work related—from news articles to shopping. Do we even need to explain email? We have a personal life, folks! Tip: Instead of nickel-and-diming your time by browsing the Internet, checking your social media sites and responding to personal emails, set aside a designated time, say 10-15 minutes twice a day for these activities. You’ll save time from all the restart time that goes along with frequent quick interruptions (see No. 1). Plus, it’s a good discipline practice to increase your focus and overall productivity.

What’s your favorite or most plaguing time waster—and what do you do about it?

Tell us in Comments!

Strength and courage,

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Why My Listing Just Isn’t Selling?

real estate house listing won't sellWe are past the end of our spring market and have entered the summer market. Let me ask you this question. Do you have a listing that just isn’t selling? Or even worse, sellers are dominating the conversation because of what is happening in the media? This week I’ve got solutions for both of those scenarios so you can sell your properties faster and get your customers what they want. So why isn’t the listing selling? Write this down….. If it isn’t compelling, it isn’t selling!

Action Steps to Help Sell Your Real Estate Listings

#1 Face-to-Face Meetings

Start by making sure you are meeting with all the decision makers involved in a face-to-face meeting. When you meet face to face ask them again “Why do you want to sell?” Help remind them of their “why”, what they are avoiding (Pain) or what they are moving towards (Pleasure).

#2 Understand Their Point of View

If you don’t start by understanding your customers’ point of view, you’ll instantly be out of rapport with their perspective. Think of the things they are reading like the WSJ, Globe & Mail, Fortune Magazine, CNN Financial, and similar publications. All those media sources are saying there is no inventory! Most people only see the news story of millions of people wanting to buy homes and there are no homes for sale!

#3 Break Down The Information

Let them know the national, state, provincial and city stats versus what is happening locally in the community. Get them out of the global mindset and have them focus on what is happening in their backyard. That starts by meeting them at their perspective and world view.

  • Know Your Market – What makes a listing compelling in your market? It isn’t just price because most clients just hear that and assume you want to lower the price because you are an agent… Educate your client with some of the following tips.
  • Opportunity – Is it an opportunity problem? In my neighborhood, if a property was built in the 50’s or 60’s a builder is going to come in and scrape the whole thing and build something magnificent. Those properties are priced sometimes 3-5% above fair market value and still get 5-6 offers! This also goes for fixer uppers and residential lots too!
  • Exclusivity – You know those one of a kind properties! Kudos to Gary Gold and Mauricio Umansky for selling the Playboy Mansion. Other unique factors could be the designer, architect, or even the year the property was built.
  • Turn Key With No Competition – We all know turn-key properties are really compelling especially when there is no competition. What if there are 5 homes that are exactly the same on the inside and priced the same too? Something has to be compelling…
  • Want to try something different? Take your clients to see where the new homes are being built. Those companies are spending millions of dollars to win the minds and hearts of the sellers! That is the competition and they are creating compelling products for the market.
  • Price – Price trumps everything! Which brings us to the options for pricing your listings..3 Options For Pricing – The average agent shows the comps to the seller… Even though the seller has seen the median sales price and comps, they still want to see that bigger number! This is because they have this emotional attachment and hallucination about what the market really is… Remember if it is not compelling it isn’t selling! Show your customers these 3 pricing options…

Above Fair Market Value – Not Compelling. Talk about pricing above the fair market value, and how having a higher pricing strategy hasn’t worked so far… The data and the market have showed at their current price the home isn’t compelling.

Fair Market Value – Compelling Pricing at the fair market value is really just going off the comps. This will make the property more compelling, but there is an even better strategy…

Below Fair Market – Extremely Compelling What really makes property more compelling? When the price is extremely compelling, you create a bidding war and feeding frenzy around the property! Announce a price that is below fair market value to everyone!

  • The Challenge – I’m issuing you a challenge, if you have a listing that isn’t selling execute on this plan! Repackage and reposition with this strategy and let me know how it goes in the comments below!

Strength and courage,

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3D Home Tours Have Impacted Real Estate Seller’s Markets

When buying in a tight market, 3-D home tours give buyers a unique perspective on potential homes and provide critical online information. The 360 degree home tour helps the buyer gain an advantage on their fellow buyer competitor. As a creative traditionalist, I’ve always believed a good photographer can capture a home’s depth and amenities as well as any virtual tour.

In a matter of hours buyers learn in a tight market any offer less than full price was at an immediate disadvantage, and you have to place your offer as soon as — or before — the home hits the market if you want to stand a chance. In many cases, you won’t have time to see properties in person. I now know a smooth, immersive 3-D walking tour helps the anxious buyer prepare to make a confident offer without seeing the property in person. You get a much better idea of how your furniture will match a room’s layout.

They’ve also brought life to listing agent notes like, “Great mountain views from the rear deck.” This technology lets you walk through a garage, go upstairs and into bathrooms. It lets you see where you’ll be putting your groceries down as you hold the door open with your foot. It allows you to be there without being there. Room-to-room flow, finishes and space are all much more accurately conveyed via 3-D tours. It’s a very tough time to be a buyer. We need every tool out there to enable us to move fast and make smart offer decisions.

The more we learn about a home online, the better equipped we’ll be to work with an agent. Relative to that, I’m finding in today’s marketplace — or at least the one most buyers are shopping in — the agent’s role as information provider is shrinking. The web moves much faster than they can, and I don’t hold that against them. Most importantly, the role of transaction manager — and therapist — has become more critical than ever. The value we’ve been provided to date is well beyond 3 percent of the transaction. 3-D tours, whether they’re done with iGuide, Matterport, Immoviewer, Virtual reality or any of the others, are vital to capturing a buyer’s Interest.

iGuide : 

Virtual Reality :

Immoviewer :

Matterport : 

Check some of these examples then strongly consider implementing this strategy if you don’t already.

Strength and courage,

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So Why Do Agents Fail?

why real estate agents failI know, I know… what is up with the Agentsboost motivational topic about failure this week Wade? The market is really good and things seem to be going well economically and we should all be grateful for the business we have and maintain a positive mindset.

I get it!

I want to address the elephant in the closet in our industry and that’s the failure rates of agents. “N.A.R. states that 87% of all agents fail and get out of the business within the first five years of their career”. What is more important to us is why agents fail in this business within their first five years?

Top Five Ways Agents Fail in Real Estate

1) No Planning & No Strategies

My good friend Joe Niego said “So many agents aim for nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy!” I can’t tell you how many agents we see that don’t have a simple business plan and marketing strategies on how much, of what and by when the activities they need to accomplish their goal personally and professionally. Know and commit to the right activities!

2) Fail To Attract Enough Leads

Having enough buyer and seller leads simply comes out of having enough lead generation funnels. Agents try one funnel a little bit and it doesn’t work and dump it. Try another a bit and dump that. In order to have enough buyer and seller leads agents need a minimum of 4 lead generation funnels in their business at a time. So what are the better funnels Wade? The Core Four in our business:

a) Database touches 28-36 touches a year to your database
b) Open house where they come to you and meet you and tell if they like and trust you.
c ) Geographic farm where it is better to be an expert and niche at something rather than average at everything in real estate.
d ) Online leads are the quick and easy way to get you started and top you and your business up regularly.

3) Poor Conversion

LGT “Let’s Get Together” is the single most important activity and knowing what to say and how to say it starts the conversion. Get the consumers attention by asking about their challenges and fears in today’s market place and then invite them to meet with you and hear your solutions to their challenges in today’s market place. Don’t just give them what they want so easily so they are like a fish that you bring right to the boat and they wink and spit the hook out and just swim away!

4) No or Poor Service

Follow up, Follow up, Follow up. If they are a hot lead follow up every 2-3 days, a warm lead follow up every 2-3 weeks. Always do more so you will under promise and over deliver every time! As agents we want to be “insisted” and not recommended and we get insisted by delivering the unexpected and wowing and awing the customer every time! Serve, follow up, wow and awe them and create raving lunatic fans of you and your business.

5) Run Out Of Money

Income must exceed the expenses and the key to real estate success is Profit! We need to spend money to make money but more important we need to track and measure our return on investment with every dollar we spend. It amazes me how many agents don’t even know what the minimum amount of money they need to survive at home monthly or at work monthly is? What your life costs plus what your business costs plus profit equals your annual income goal! Profitability is not a bad word.

So there you have it the top five reasons why agents fail 87% of the time within the first five years in the business. I dare you to take each of these items and sit down and build a strategy and plan to ensure your success and defy the real estate success odds!

Strength and courage,

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How To Build Your Personal Real Estate Brand

build your personal real estate brandBranding is such a crucial component of success. Think of some of the largest companies in the world — from Nike’s “swoosh” to Apple’s icon — everyone is familiar with the brands they created. I am a huge fan of agents taking the time to invest in themselves as a brand just like some of those big companies. It is important real estate agents have their brand within their corporate brands and build mindshare.

Today, building your personal brand is just as important as building your company’s brand — in fact, it might even be more important. Consumers want to hear the story behind the founders — the failures, struggles and the success. This means putting yourself out there and marketing yourself in addition to your company.

Here are some of the top ways to start building that personal brand.

1. Be visible and accessible.

You can’t hide in your office behind your computer and expect to build a personal brand. You need to get out and make yourself visible and accessible. Attend industry conferences, even if it’s just to network and socialize. Make your social media profiles open to the public and allow incoming messages. Hold live video Q&A sessions on social media and interact with your followers. The more visible and accessible you make yourself, the stronger your personal brand.

2. Show the real you on social media.

Don’t use social media as a 100 percent marketing channel. It’s fine to throw an offer out there or promote your company occasionally, but focus on showing the real you. If you come across as a robot or unauthentic you will push people away. Consumers love to see the other side — what you do on the weekends, where you eat, what your hobbies and interests are, etc. This makes you appear more human, which attracts more people to you.

3. Understand your industry inside and out.

Your business is only as good as the people running it, yourself included. It’s important you understand your industry inside and out — common sense. But, this also means staying up to date on latest trends, breaking news and your competition. When you do this, it helps to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, elevating your personal brand to a higher level.

4. Practice 2-way networking.

A lot of people network the wrong way. They focus on their own needs and personal benefit, completely ignoring those needs and wants of the other person. Focus on 2-way beneficial networking, making sure to give the other person an opportunity to benefit from the relationship as well. This approach will help you secure more connections and opportunities, which will all contribute to strengthening your personal brand.

5. Maintain a detailed database of contacts.

As your personal brand grows, so will your list of contacts. It’s important you keep a detailed list of all your contacts. Who the person is, where you connected, potential opportunities and how you can help them are all things to keep track of. While it can be a great resource to search when you need something, it can also be referenced when you have an opportunity. Your relationships will become much stronger and beneficial when you approach a contact with an opportunity that helps them without asking for anything in return.

6. Become a trusted source of breaking news and relevant information.

You know your personal brand is strong when you become a source of information. Strive to be the person media outlets and journalists contact when they need expert advice or information on a popular topic or breaking news. Start by sharing news and information you feel is useful on social media and send it to your email list. This can also help to build your following, which leads to people viewing you as a trusted authority in your industry. Ultimately, this will attract more people to you.

7. Develop a strong value proposition.

Every major company has a value proposition and you should too. What makes you, as a person, attractive to potential customers or clients? What is it that makes you special? Why should someone work with you? Once you have this established, make sure your audience knows what it is.

8. Give back.

Aside from feeling good and giving your personal satisfaction, giving back can help you build your personal brand. Whether it’s donating money to a charity or volunteering your time to a cause that’s important to you, this type of deed can benefit your personal brand. You can highlight your charitable deeds on your website and even issue press releases to attract positive attention. People remember selfless acts.

So there you have it. How to build your personal brand within your corporate brand and really start to capture mindshare and a respected expert in your market area. Don’t be that secret agent. Be a household name in real estate in your market area!

Strength and courage,

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Real Estate Teams Unplugged

real estate team buildingThe real estate market is always changing and there is one trend that continues to be getting stronger every year. As you already know the power of a real estate team can always outperform an individual just by sheer numbers. Here’s your all in one guide to teams in real estate. Let’s begin by looking at the different team models in real estate first. Teams are an amazing way to leverage time and resources. In my nearly 24 years of experience and coaching super star agents like you, I’ve noticed there are four different types of teams in real estate.

1. The Accidental Team – The accidental team isn’t really a team in the traditional sense… This is just a group of people in the same office that all do the same thing and started selling together. Think of this as more like a bunch of sales people without anyone to run the operational side of the business. They do this for comradery, accountability and maybe even sharing in costs and work load with one another.

2. The Real Estate Family Team – You’ve probably seen a family team and they are very popular. Although everyone is related, roles aren’t clearly defined across as to who is doing what… Also, family teams usually have to put the business on hold when they all go on vacation. Not an easy task to work with your spouse, in law, parent or relative in the real estate world especially when things get crazy and the pressure and stress is rising.

3. The Guru and The Minion Team – I’m sure you’ve met the “guru” agent leading the team of minions. The guru agent is great at what they do, but they are huge control freaks! Have a fairly large ego and opinion of themselves. These are the types of teams where burn out is common and people are always coming and going. The guru can be tough to work with and they are usually the kind of person that doesn’t play well with others.

4. The Business Builder Team – There are some super star agents out there who know their stuff and hire a team to help support them in the other areas of their business. They realize with a team they can grow the potential of the business exponentially. Leverage, systems, processes and multi-talented team members equal mega success. This is because the business builder knows the team is the vehicle to maximize everyone’s strengths to even better serve the customer and take the business to the next level.

So Why a team? You can build something repeatable, scalable and something tangible business you can sell! Whether you are looking to start your team with just an assistant or take on five or six people to build your team, you need to remember one thing… Have you ever seen one of those Russian nesting dolls? It is a big doll that splits in half and there is another doll inside that is a little bit smaller.

This keeps going several more times with the dolls getting smaller in size. I bring this doll up because this is what most people think hiring a team is… The ego and desire to feel important causes many agents to hire someone smaller than them. If you want to achieve massive success in your business you’ve got to add super stars to your team who are committed to doing big things. This means not hiring based on ego, but instead finding the people who think and perform big and are dedicated to growing the business.

I believe you have to take risks and building a team is taking a risk. Starting a team begins with hiring that executive assistant so click here to download your free e-book on hiring a real estate assistant, take the risk and start your team.

Strength and courage,

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Why You? Why Your Company? Why now?

Is there any competition in your marketplace? You and I both know there are a ton of real estate agents out there! There is this myth that all agents and all companies are the same and do all the same things.

The challenge is how to separate yourself from the competition…

Here’s the truth… If you’re not unique, then you’re weak! Be committed to creating a better experience for your customers because you know your unique factors! What unique factors do you have that create a better experience for your clients? What is your value proposition and how are you communicating it, Fast?!

It is amazing to me how so many agents struggle responding to the questions so Why you? Why your company? Why now?

Let’s talk about Your Super Bowl Commercial. Imagine if you invested $5,000,000 in a Super Bowl commercial! It would be 30-60 seconds long and be seen by 114,000,000 people. What would your pitch be? What would you say about yourself and why should the customer want to work with you? On a smaller scale you are advertising yourself every day… When someone says “you are in real estate?”, what do you say? Is it unique? Remember if I am not unique, then I am weak!

How Do I Create My Powerful Pitch?

#1 Start with a problem. This is a hook, and the reason a customer should be interested. The goal here is to articulate a problem that connects with the kind of customers you want to serve. When you speak to people through their problems, you are speaking life into them engaging with you.

#2 Amplify a problem. Use quick examples… Say something like “buying a home is easy…” Then list out some of the problems most of your customers might face. Remember to think about this from your customer’s perspective, and the types of questions they are asking… Questions like: So what? What’s in it for me? Can you prove it?

#3 Offer Your Solution. Talk about facts, data, proof, and credibility. You can even use a script. “Clients work with us because we have the experience, we sell homes faster, and get our customers more money. We pride ourselves on customer experience and relationships, and we have 7x times more five star reviews than any real estate agent in our marketplace. Our number one aim is to make sure you are our next five-star review and we want to deliver that experience to you. These are my competitive advantages (restate them) that you can hold me accountable to.” Remember even if you are a brand new agent you can still use the facts and data from your office (be honest and disclose that) to offer the solution to your customers.

#4 C.T.A. You’ve got to have some kind of call to action! It could be something like: visit our site, like our page, schedule an appointment, or sign the contract. Remember if you don’t close you can’t win!

The Most Persuasive Words. Have you heard of the 12 words that are considered to be the most persuasive? They are: You, Money, Save, New, Results, Easy, Health, Safety, Love, Discovery, Proven, and Guarantee. Think about your marketing presentation; are you using those words? The most engaging agent’s know the words to say and how to say them and get people’s attention and stand out!

You and the Competition. Listen, when you follow all of these steps you are creating a degree of separation between you and the competition. When you can articulate your uniqueness and how you can solve problems for your clients you are standing out from the competition! This makes it much easier for your clients to choose you over all those other agents in the marketplace. Take the time to really invest in your pitch and identify what it is that make you and your experience unique? What are the problems that buyers and sellers are facing today in your marketplace? What do you do to provide solutions to the buyer and seller? You only have seconds to engage, persuade and differentiate yourself from the competition. I challenge you to work on your power pitch and really stand out from your competitors.

Strength and courage,

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