How To Avoid Or Get Out Of A Realtor Summer Slump

Wade Webb
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realtor summer slumpSummertime is an interesting time for real estate. Many agents refer to the time directly before the summer start as the “selling season”and year over year, this time of year tends to be one of the most profitable for those agents who fully embrace spring and watch their summer numbers fall off slightly.

Is there really a selling season in real estate?

Well, yes and no. Do many people transact real estate (or at least put their homes on the market) during the spring time? Yes, year over year we do see an uptick in this activity. However, what is interesting is why “summer” tends to be a time in most agents years when things slow down. As with any business, cycles happen and it can be expected cycles in real estate happen as well.

But why do these cycles tend to happen? Well, it comes down to the way most agents set up their businesses. You see, over the past few years we have seen an uptick in agents and brokers signing on “teams.” What this has translated to is the sheer fact it allows agents to continue to do business 52 weeks a year, without having to work ‘in’ their business, but instead work ‘on’ it.

Summertime is an excellent time to really add value to people and focus on deepening the relationship side of your business and tap into the other 150 to 250 people each of those people know as well. It amazes me agents feel they have added value to their clients by newsletters, market stats, email market reports, calendars and on and on and on. Clients expect this from us not something they feel like we did unexpectedly or make them feel special. Have any of us had a client tell another client about the newsletter you sent? The calendar you delivered in the fall? Let's take the time to really make our relationships feel like they are really valued.

One of my favorite books is "The Generosity Factor" by Ken Blanchard. In this book you are taught the value of your "Four T's"

1. Your Time 

2. Your Touch 

3. Your Talents 

4. Your Treasures

What do you think would happen to your business this summer and fall if you took time to implement the following action steps?

Summer Action Plan

* Phone call just checking in to let them know you appreciate them. Asking anything you could do for them?

* Breakfast, Coffee, Lunch. Take time to listen and appreciate them.

* Walk or a hike with a client.

* Drop off at a clients work place unexpected a Tri Pack of Ketchup, Mustard, Relish with a tag saying " Just Ketching Up, Want you to know I relish your real estate referrals and let you know not all agents cut the mustard!"

* Host a client appreciation event. Like an open house at your home for wine and cheese. BBQ. Beach party picnic.

* Write them a personal hand written note of appreciation.

* Drop in and see them, giving them a hug, handshake or pat on the back letting them know you appreciate them.

So many agents underestimate the power of the simple. Wade it can't be as simple as my time? Sharing my personality and strengths with others? Giving someone a hug, pat on the back or hand shake? Hosting them for a BBQ at my home? Dropping them a little BBQ toppings tri pack from Walmart?

We all have the time this time of year and you can only control what you are doing not what others are doing. So I challenge you to take up an item or all on the action plan and finish your summer strong and let me know what kind of momentum you created, I dare ya!

Strength and courage,



My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

and much more...