Personal/Business Coaching

Latest posts by kelowna (see all)

Are you feeling stagnant or non productive in your personal life or business? Do you feel at a loss for the best direction to take to move towards your goals? Do you know what to do but can't get motivated to do it? Maybe you're number #1 and want to make sure you stay there. As a business coach I still am actively being coached myself. We all have weak spots... we all need an outside perspective... we all need a gentle push in the right direction from time to time. Take me up on my free One on One Consultation and let's chat about how we can work together.



My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

and much more...