Realtors© Is It Time For A Reset For 2022?

Wade Webb
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realtors time for a reset in 2022Realtors© Is It Time For A Reset For 2022?

Q3 isn’t over yet, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking at the road ahead. What should you be doing now to start your Q4 planning? What steps can you take to ensure that you have a great fourth quarter? Let’s look at three different steps you can take now to bolster your fourth quarter success.

STEP 1: SET YOUR GOAL(S) - You can’t make plans without setting goals. Whether it’s one big goal you’d like to have accomplished by the end of the quarter, or a series of smaller ones, a concrete focus is a necessity for any planning you do. What should your goals be? That depends on you and your situation. No one knows your store like you! I always suggest that whatever goal you set should be attainable, but also something that feels exciting for you to hit.

STEP 2: REVIEW YOUR PREVIOUS QUARTER(S) - One of the best ways to set your goals and succeed in the next quarter is to review your previous successes and failures. How can you no where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been? Take stock of previous goals you’ve set, what worked, and what didn’t. It’s crucial to understand what worked in the last quarter and what didn’t. What goals were achieved? How? Which ones should carry over into the next quarter? How will the strategy have to be adjusted? Don’t be afraid to own up to past failures, either. This is a great time to examine how things went and if you incorporated new routines or techniques, how did they work out? Or, if the same ol’, same ol’ isn’t working out.

STEP 3: DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY - Don’t be afraid to change things up! Ask yourself: do I need to things differently, or do different things? This is a subtle but important distinction…and if you have any chance of closing your execution gaps and making this your best year ever, you MUST ask yourself. Take this time, especially before Q4, to look at the systems and procedures you have in place. Is your scheduling working?

STEP 4: RESET YOUR WORLD - Remember that little book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”? Some people thought it was funny when Marie Kondo suggested you take every item you own in your hands and ask, “Does this spark joy?” But think about the power of that… Shouldn’t your things make you happy? I want you shake things up and give yourself a fresh start. Donate all the clothes you don’t wear to make room for new space. Buy some new art or paint your walls. Literally “spark joy” in your space. Resetting your space can also be a way of reinforcing your habits. If you want to do yoga in the morning, dedicate a yoga area and lay out your mat the night before. If you want to read in bed, clear off your nightstand and have a book always resting there. And here’s a powerful one… I want you to buy three living house plants. Name each one after one of your top three goals, then care for those plants as if they are those goals. Water them, trim them, and make sure they get sun every day. As you watch them grow, you just might see yourself growing closer to those goals.

STEP 5: REMIND YOURSELF WHO YOU ARE- Real estate is not an easy business. So, why did you get into it? Because you are a champion! You’re a Rockstar who can handle whatever the world throws at you. Not a lot of people could do what you do, and you need to remind yourself (to yourself, not to other people) of that. Know and believe in who you are again and why you chose this amazing business and career in the beginning.


These are only a handful of the things you can do to prepare for the continued success of your business. Commit to finishing Q4 in 2022 strong.

Strength and courage,



My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

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