Realtors© How To Stop That Stinkin’ Thinkin’ In 2023.

realtors stop stinking thinking in 2023“We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.”

To an extent, we were all just going to do what we’re all going to do, and isn’t that such an enormous relief? After all, most of the time, we work with what we have to work with, we gravitate towards the things that make us happy, we source ideas and inspiration that are wholly unique and individual to us, and most of those processes are not even necessarily conscious, let alone active. People emerge from the womb a blank slate and fill the space with the things they’re naturally interested in. However, to be successful with what you want takes something behind active measures: you have to know yourself, make a practice out of your dreams, angle yourself towards the “You” who has always dwelled in your mind, and work hard at being Your Best Self. But the rest? Just keep dreaming. Earl Nightingale (1921-1989) | American author & radio personality

Top 10 Thoughts To Eliminate As a REALTOR and in Your Personal Life.

1. Defeatist – a person who is accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat. Often linked to pessimism in psychology. How many of us have thought about defeat before we have even begun?

2. Cynical – a person who believes people are motivated by self-interest. They are distrustful of human nature and motives. How many of us question others sincerity and integrity.

3. Vindictive – a person who has or shows a strong and unreasoning desire for revenge. Have you ever met someone that is always out to get back at someone else?

4. Blame/Fault – a person who assigns responsibility to someone or something else. How many of us are the “who cares?” “what are we going to do now?” type of people.

5. Wishful – a person who expresses the desire or hope of something to happen even though it is not happening. They do what they can to influence the project, situation, deal and just keep moving.

6. Self-pity – an excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over your own troubles. Have you met someone that needs to get over themselves … stop making excuses … no more drama or complaints?

7. Worrisome – a person who is full of anxiety and concern. Worrying won’t help, costs you time, and can drag you and others down.

8. Jealous – a person feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. If you want that achievement, then earn it!

9. Pre-argumentative – a person who builds their own imaginary argument and prepares themselves for the argument that may never happen. Imagine the energy and time we waste doing this?

10. Procrastinate – a person who always delays or postpones action and puts off doing something. If you’re going to procrastinate, it makes sense to do something fun instead of thinking about how bad it is you’re procrastinating.

Eliminating these thoughts might be impossible but minimizing them (and their impact) is completely doable. Here is the approach to eliminating these wasteful thoughts…

• Recognize them when they come up.

• Remind yourself they’re a costly distraction.

• Redirect your thinking (and/or doing) to something positive.

Embrace the simplicity by staying inspired and remember these are not our own thoughts, we just have friends with these kinds of wasteful thoughts 😉

Strength and courage,

What Do The Top Real Estate Agents Do? ( Part 2 Of 2 )

what do the top real estate agents doWant to know the painfully simple, relatively obvious yet almost universally ignored “secret” to what the top real estate agents do versus the average or struggling Realtor exists? Ready for it??? Choice! Yup… that’s it!

The rich agent woke up one morning (before he was rich) sick and tired of mediocrity and decided to think, be and live bigger than they have been up to that point. The top agents have the same 24 hrs, 7 days, 52 weeks but the difference is what they do with them that create the gap.

What the Rich Real Estate Agent Does and You Should Start Doing

1) Organize the Chaos – Top agents are incredibly organized and systemized or if they are not, like me thank you very much, they hire and delegate the organization and systemization of their business and embrace it! I can personally tell you that someone or something else organizing and systemizing for all of you that struggle in this area is so incredibly freeing.

2) Faith or Fear – Top agents operate from a faith and not fear mindset. They just “know that they know” that they will succeed and constantly move away from anything anyone that holds them back. They have belief in the unknown and run their business by faith vs. fear like most agents.

On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being poor and 5 being great, ask yourself what your faith in yourself and your ability is. Are you a 1 or a 5? Do you believe that you can do and be more in real estate?

3) Take a Risk – The Rich agent is a risk taker and true entrepreneur. They move on and continue to evolve and create more and more momentum in their business. Whatever the top agent thinks will leap them to the next level and become bigger than they execute on and fail more. They embrace failure at everything they act on with a mindset of not failing but like Edison “9,999 times I discovered what didn’t work.” Execute more and fail quick!

4) Make a Plan – Top agents always have a plan, a clear distinct path of their journey in real estate. They know where they have been, where they are now, where they want to go next and how to get there, step by step.

Are you a fanatical planner? Create a strategic plan and be fanatical about your numbers. Track and measure everything. Success at a high level is simply just math. Do you know the markets numbers? Do you know your numbers?

5) What’s on Your Mind – The rich agent has a better psychology and always operate on a higher-level mindset. Your personal psychology is what you say to yourself and how you move your body which in turn impacts your attitude and effects your actions and behaviors which ultimately lead to your results and success in your real estate business.

What do you say to yourself all the time? What do you think about most? Do you make good decisions? Are you thinking about how you are going to make a dent in the universe? Control your space and environment with training, reading, listening and choosing intently who you hang around. So many top agents spend time prior to their day with gratitude exercises, affirmations, reflecting on things that made them happy the day before, reviewing their goals and taking time to visualize their future focus. Do you have that daily routine in your business?

6) Make a Bigger Net – Top agents constantly focus on growth and cast a larger net. Growth is plain and simply lead generation and having multiple sources bringing in a steady stream of buyer and seller leads for your business leads to growth. So how many streams of lead generation do you say we need Wade? Here are the numbers to measure your business by. 1-3 ways of lead generation will leave an agent struggling. 4 – 6 ways of lead generation will put you in a good agent category. The rich agent and top producers have more than 10 ways of lead generation feeding their business. Remember the money is not in the leads, the money is in the conversion to appointments!

Here are the top sources for lead generation:



Open house

Direct Mail




Zillow, Realtor, Trulia





Google Pay Per Click

7) Leverage Everything – Top producing agents use leverage with everything in their business. They 3D test everything.

Do I Do it?

Do I delegate it?

Do I just dump it?

Track and measure, track and adjust and reset your goals quarter by quarter. Remember someone or something else doing it 85% as good as you would do it is leverage. You only have so much time and have to figure out how to do more in less time. A top agent plain and simply does less and does it with excellence because they have surrounded themselves with people and systems that pick up in all the areas that they are not gifted and in their sweet spot in business. So now you know the common gaps between the rich and top producing Realtors and all the secrets behind their success and what it is they do more of than the rest of us. My hope and prayer for you and your business is now to choose to be more and choose play at another level in your life and stop thinking so small. You have the map and the plan now the decision and choice is yours.

Strength and courage,

What Do The Top Real Estate Agents Do ( Part 1 Of 2 )

what top real estate agents doEver wonder what the top real estate agents do to be at the top? I attended an event with a mentor and friend Tom Ferry and was intrigued with the information he shared on what the Rich agent (top 5%) does vs. the struggling agent (95%) and that the struggling agent simply needs to know what the Rich agent does and do more of it to reach the same level of success. Have you ever wondered what the top 5% of Realtors do to get to this mastery level in real estate? Are you looking for momentum? Are you wanting a quantum leap? Is your desire to play bigger and live bigger than you are?

In this 2 Part blog post I will share with you the most important secrets of what the Rich agent is doing and what you need to do more of to experience it all. In Part 1, I share the 10 biggest gaps between the Rich agent and the common agent in their real estate business. As you read through the list take account as to how many of these are you doing and how many of these you are not doing. Also, rate each item on a level of 1-10. Level 10 is doing something consistently, daily and at a mastery level of skill. Level 1 is the opposite or not doing it at all.

So here are the top 10 common gaps.

1) Organized Database – The top producer has taken the time to sort, qualify and systemize a database with valuable sales and marketing information on each and every prospect. They in fact have 3 organized databases…

A) Sphere of Influence

B) Agent Referral

C) Lead Generation Prospects.

Do you have an organized database? 3?

2) Consistent Contact Of Database – The Rich agent has a daily time block (power hours) for sitting down and calling their database. Touching base and deepening their relationships and letting them know they are here to serve. Then before ending the call asking “Of all the people you know, who do you know that might be moving next?”

Do you have a consistent daily power hour(s) for contacting your database(s)?

3) Marketing Your Database – The top agent delegates or implements themselves an engaging consistent marketing strategy to their database(s) such as personal hand written notes after calls, newsletters, valuable information pieces, small gifts and tokens of appreciation, statistics, birthdays wishes, house anniversaries and on and on and on. “So Wade, what is the magic number of marketing items for your real estate database?” My answer to you is… the bigger the net, the more fish you catch. Meaning the more you add value to the database the bigger your return.

Are you actively marketing to your database(s)?

4) Geographic Farm – The mastery level real estate agent has implemented a farm lead generation system into their business. I am not talking about chickens and pigs but a specific geographic area that is experiencing over 6% turnover and creating a perception that you are the expert in that farm and potential clients would be foolish not to invite you to discuss their real estate business with an expert like yourself.

Do you have a geographic farm lead generation program in your business?

5) Open House Conversion – The Rich agent doesn’t do an open house for the sake of open houses, they do them at the mega open house level and focus on the lead conversion of their open house and NOT the lead generation. Are you displaying 20 open house signs around your open house? Do you have engaging value proposition questions to convert the lead into a buyer appointment? Do you do open house for the sake of open house or do you open house for lead conversion and buyer appointments? There is a difference you know.

Is it time to work on Open house conversion with you and your business?

6) Online Lead Generation94% of consumers are going to the internet first. The top agents know they need to be continually lead generating for appointments and why not have a strategy where all the fish are, like the internet? Are you using Zillow, Trulia, Realtor, Google Pay Per Click, Boomtown or Tigerleads? These are just some examples to create more online lead business.

Is it time to invest in online leads and generate more appointments with buyers and sellers in your business?

7) Niche Lead Generation – We have all heard it is better to be known as an expert at something than just average at everything like most agents. The top level agents are known for their niche and expertise. They focus on lead generation in their niche online and offline. Consumers look for the expert and not for the everyday agent.

Do you market as an expert to a specific niche? Is it time for you to consider niche lead generation for your business?

8) Listing Appointments – The rich agent is the agent with all the listing inventory. The have the home inventory in listings and the people inventory in names and contacts in their databases. More names mean more appointments. More listings mean more spin of buyers and sellers.

What number of listings are you carrying? Are you creating enough listing appointment leads to build your inventory? Is it time for you to implement listing leads and listing appointments?

9) Listing Appointment Conversion – Most agents take the time to create listing seller appointments but the money is not in the appointments but in the conversion. Top agents have the tools and systems in place to generate a high conversion rate on their appointments.

What kind of pre listing package do you have? What type of listing presentation do you have? What is your listing appointment conversion rate? 7 out of 10? 9 out of 10? Do you know how to engage and sell the benefits of a potential client doing business as a seller with yourself, with your company and to get them to do it now? Is it time for you to work on your listing appointment conversion for your business?

10) Buyer Appointments – The rich agent has a steady stream of buyer appointments. Their lead generation systems online and offline are allowing them to qualify hard their buyer leads and set up for buyer appointments.

Do you have a steady stream of buyer leads to be able to pick and choose to work with motivated and qualified buyers only? Do you have a pre buyer package? Do you have a buyer presentation? Are you signing your buyer to buyer agreements and not rolling the dice each and every time? Do you think it is time for you to create more buyer leads and a buyer agreement conversion method into your business?

Take the time to really assess your own business and the gaps you have that are holding you back from experiencing a mastery level in your real estate business. I encourage you… don’t just sit and wait for something to happen with your business… take action and create a quantum leap in your business. Start with one gap at a time and build from there. Is it time to stop living small? Is it time to close the gaps?

Feel free to email me any questions you have on how to close “your gaps”… I am here to help and serve. Make sure you come back next week when I share more of the things the rich agent does that you need to do more of.

Strength and courage,

Top Traits of Top Producing Realtors©

top traits of top producing realtorsWhat are the top traits of top producing Realtors©?

Being successful is easy for a top producer in the business. That’s not an insult, and it absolutely does not mean that you don’t work hard – it just means there’s a formula. I’ve spent my career mentoring thousands of the top producing real estate agents around the world, and they’re all completely different, and yet they all have specific traits in common. Want to know what they are? Then keep reading…..

#1. They’re Uber Competitive and Possess a Growth Mindset.Napoleon Hill called desire “the starting point of all achievement.” If you don’t really, really want to be the top producer in your market then you won’t be, because there will be someone who wants it more than you. But motivation alone isn’t enough. Always be checking your mindset and doing everything you can to keep it healthy. Make sure you’re meditating, exercising, getting enough sleep, and asking yourself why I want what I want personally and professionally?

#2. They Add a New System Every 18 Months. -This goes right back to your mindset. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? If you were to break that down into 18-month blocks, what are the steps you’d have to implement to get there? One of my coaching clients, all they did was step up their social media and email. Their direct mail was already bringing in plenty of business, but it was adding those extra steps that saw them grow. So, what is it for you? Double-down on video? Hire an assistant or some new agents? Start an ancillary service?

#3. They Know Their Market. – Don’t be fooled by that simple title. Yes, I want you to sign up with Keeping Current Matters, keep tabs on Housing Wire, CREA, Local board, Inman, and whatever other real estate news source you like. Yes, I want you watching all our shows and never missing This Week in Housing. You need to make it a part of your morning routine to read this stuff every day. What I also want you to do is bring some analysis and creativity to it. Find correlations between what is happening right now and what has happened historically. Find ways to explain this to your clients and prepare for objections. Beyond this, I want you to have a story for each house you’ve sold. You have stories for the market, but now bring it down to the micro-level. Tell your new clients about the families you’ve helped, know the names of every family whose gone in and out of a property, and show that there is a life behind every listing.

#4. They Have Great Marketing. – One of the most common things our clients come to their coaches about is help with marketing, because it’s not always easy to know what to do. You want to position yourself everywhere – except for all the places you don’t want to be. Do you have a marketing plan? Is your marketing plan effective? Ask yourself: Am I releasing video every day? How many signs am I putting out for every open house? How many emails am I sending weekly and how much do they offer? What could I be doing better? Also, don’t forget to stay current on This Week in Marketing.

#5. They Trade Money for Time. – I know that it’s scary to start hiring people when it seems like you can barely afford to pay yourself. But freeing yourself up to your HABU (Highest and Best Use) is the only way you grow. Your schedule is always going to be busy. The questions are: Could I pay someone to do this so I can focus on the tasks that really matter? Would hiring someone with different strengths than me help bring in more business? If you suck at marketing, stop wasting time and hire a marketing person. If you’re bogged down in paperwork when you could be at listing appointments, hire a transaction coordinator.

#6. They Have a Coach or Mentor. – I’m not going to try to sell you too hard here, but it must be on the list because it’s a fact. The top performing players in any industry will tell you that they have a coach. It’s not a sign that you need help, it’s a mark of greatness because you’ve gotten to that level and committed to your growth.

#7. They Make Their Calls. – When it comes to success, there is absolutely nothing you can do to replace the hard work. If real estate was easy, then 50% of agents wouldn’t be dead-broke while the top 10% (who make their calls EVERY DAY) are making millions of dollars a year. Show up, reach out and add value every day. Getting your hands dirty and making all those uncomfortable calls even when he didn’t feel like it.

#8. They Choose Their Hard. – I know, I know… Making cold calls is hard. Shooting video is hard. Hiring the right person… hard. Want to know what’s also hard? Not having money. You get to choose, because it’s one or the other. This formula is very simple, very straight forward, but it’s not easy. You can choose to struggle, or you can choose to lean in.

Strength and courage,

Simplify With The 6 by 6 Process In 2022.

simplify with 6 by 6 process in 2022Are you the constant multi-tasking type of real estate agent that does too many things and just doesn’t do any of them well? Are you feeling like your real estate career is a treadmill you just can’t get off? Like myself constantly falling into the common trap of trying to be all things to all people.

We all have the tendency to do too many things and not do any of them well because of having little time or little focus. Why can’t we focus on a few high impact activities and do them with excellence? Why do we feel to be productive we have to do more than we can, even at the cost of poor execution?

Most of us not only do too many things and tend not to do them well but we also do them over long periods of time until we finally burn out and quit doing them all together. The real estate business does not have to be a marathon but can be a series of well executed sprints. I know in my own career after a six week period I often began to really not enjoy people.

Now in the real estate business (just so you know), this is not a good thing and could become very destructive and costly. Take the time to think what six… and only six activities you do in your real estate business that give you the most energy. What specific activities energize you and your business? Not just energize you and your business but have the biggest impact and return on investment. Once you have determined your top six activities you commit to them for the next 6 weeks.

Giving you a 6 by 6 plan. 6 energizing activities over a 6 week period and then walk away, rest and regroup for your next 6 by 6. How many of us could handle six high impact, energizing activities over a six week period. Instead of 52 or more activities over a 52 week period? What would that mean for your energy levels? Your production levels? Your overall effectiveness in your business and personal life?

My 6 By 6 Recommendations In 2022

1.) See the people – make appointments to visit past and current clients and give them the gift of your time over the next six weeks.

2.) Business Plan – take the time to see where you have come from and where you are going. You can’t improve something you don’t measure.

3.) Goal Setting – What’s your why? Set new sails for 2022.

4.) Give back – this is a great time of year to help others and to make a difference. It makes you feel good.

5.) Rebrand – time for a new photo, logo, slogan? a whole new look?

6.) Family and Fun – enjoy some time with people you care about the most. It can’t always be about work.

So their you have it. What’s your 6 by 6 going to be. Take the time to journal them and meditate on them and really try to nail things down with less being more in your work and in your life. I dare you!!

Strength and courage,

10 Traits Of Top Producing Agents That Require No Talent!

I came across this fantastic photo on LinkedIn a week or two ago by Jonathan Tallinger and had to make it my theme for this week’s AgentsBoost post. So what are the top traits of a top producing agent that do not require talent and set you apart from your competition you ask? Let’s take a look at these killer traits in no particular order.

10 Traits of Top Producing Real Estate Agents

1) Be On Time – My family actually tells me I am a bit obsessed about this trait. One of my biggest pet peeves is that by being late a person is sending a message that their time is more important than the other parties time. This really is the message we send when we are late and how does that make us feel when someone takes the liberty to waste OUR precious time? I loved the time we were having friends over for dinner and sitting out on our back deck enjoying a nice dinner and my son who was only about 8 or 9 years old at the time is enjoying his meal and he blurts out to our guests “You’re late! My dad hates it when people are late.” We all awkwardly laughed it off but I smiled inside that I am able to teach my children something while I am here.

2) Work Ethic – I have to credit my own Mom for this one. She is the hardest working person I know and seems to never stop from sun up to sun down. You either have it and you are always working hard at everything you do or you don’t have it and you are always living your life just cruising along. Work ethic is a choice for us all and we all know what you put in is what you get out!

3) Effort – One of my favorite sayings is “How you do anything is how you do everything!” It is by our efforts in life and what we do on the outside and how we do things and show people our true character. Are you all in? Are you all in sometimes when it’s good for you? I am always reminding myself that my efforts and how I do anything shows everyone my true character and how I do everything in life. We are all creatures of habit but old habits can be broken and new ones can be created so it’s never too late to change!

4) Body Language – 86% of all communication is non-verbal. How we stand, sit, smile, walk and physically move through life sends so many different messages to so many people without us even thinking about it. We have all heard the saying “Are you happy? Then let your face know it!” Tony Robbins was the greatest mentor to me and how we all have the power to change anything by changing your state! Move, Jump, laugh, cheer, smile, yell and dance changes the way we feel about ourselves and the way others will see you as well!

5) Energy – The most important trait of a successful person is not time management but more importantly energy management. I hear people say it all the time “your energy is infectious”. How do you keep yourself so energized? Maintaining a peak state attracts others to you and attracts success and good things. Your energy and passion trump all in life and knowing how to intentionally maintain energy and passion is key to your success. Don’t think I don’t hit a wall, burn out or run my tank to empty. I do things to get me back on point and intentionally reload the tank to deliver the energy and passion for others.

6) Attitude – Do you see the glass half empty or do you see the glass half full? We all have the choice and the power to choose our attitude. We can choose to make it a great day or make it a bad day and we all get to decide. Having the awareness to check our attitude and have a healthy  perspective in life is key to success. It is one of the biggest challenges in life is choosing to see the positive and opportunity in everything. It is there and I force myself or surround myself with mentors to remind me and keep me on point to maintain a positive attitude in life and in business.

7) Passion – My wife says “I wish I was a Montreal Canadian or a Real Estate deal” because you love them both more than anything in the world. I choose to live for the experience in life and to enjoy my journey in life. I have been blessed to find a career I can’t get enough of. We all deserve to do what we love and what ignites our inner passion and I encourage everyone to find those things like coaching, speaking, travel, hockey, golf, fishing, family, friends and real estate to ignite the fire within you and give you the passion to live!

8) Being Coachable – I have been a student for my whole life. Full disclosure… maybe not the best student during my high school days, whoops! One of the greatest traits of successful people is their hunger to learn, their humbleness to be coached and constantly growing themselves and seeing their income and success grow as they grow. We all need to be mentored and should be a mentor to others. I have been fortunate to have so many incredible mentors in my life and each of them have contributed to my success and now my passion is to share it all and give it all back!

9) Doing Extra – Are you meeting someone’s expectations? Are you always exceeding someone’s expectations? The trait of always doing more than what is asked of you is a powerful trait in all successful people. I am always trying to deliver the unexpected to others and constantly wow and awe people by delivering so much more than they expected. Don’t be recommended in life but be insisted in life and believe me there is a difference and it comes from doing extra in anything you do!

10) Being Prepared – Finally the last but still incredibly important trait of all successful people is they are prepared. Are you winging it? Are you taking the time to be incredibly prepared? Like being late the trait of being prepared is now different. We send a message to people, their time and what we are doing for them if not prepared is really not important to us. People can tell if we are prepared and can tell if we respect them and their time. Don’t be the person who wings everything and flies from the seat of their pants. Be prepared and be respectful in everything you do in business and life.

So there you have it the 10 powerful characteristics and traits of the most successful agents in our business and what they do to make them so successful. None of these traits or characteristics require any god given talent but simply a decision, desire and ability to live and take action with them all. I challenge each and every one of us to display these traits somewhere prominent like your screen saver on your phone, the bathroom mirror of even the fridge door and remind yourself of what you want to strive for in business and life.

Strength and courage,

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