Simplify With The 6 by 6 Process In 2022.

simplify with 6 by 6 process in 2022Are you the constant multi-tasking type of real estate agent that does too many things and just doesn’t do any of them well? Are you feeling like your real estate career is a treadmill you just can’t get off? Like myself constantly falling into the common trap of trying to be all things to all people.

We all have the tendency to do too many things and not do any of them well because of having little time or little focus. Why can’t we focus on a few high impact activities and do them with excellence? Why do we feel to be productive we have to do more than we can, even at the cost of poor execution?

Most of us not only do too many things and tend not to do them well but we also do them over long periods of time until we finally burn out and quit doing them all together. The real estate business does not have to be a marathon but can be a series of well executed sprints. I know in my own career after a six week period I often began to really not enjoy people.

Now in the real estate business (just so you know), this is not a good thing and could become very destructive and costly. Take the time to think what six… and only six activities you do in your real estate business that give you the most energy. What specific activities energize you and your business? Not just energize you and your business but have the biggest impact and return on investment. Once you have determined your top six activities you commit to them for the next 6 weeks.

Giving you a 6 by 6 plan. 6 energizing activities over a 6 week period and then walk away, rest and regroup for your next 6 by 6. How many of us could handle six high impact, energizing activities over a six week period. Instead of 52 or more activities over a 52 week period? What would that mean for your energy levels? Your production levels? Your overall effectiveness in your business and personal life?

My 6 By 6 Recommendations In 2022

1.) See the people – make appointments to visit past and current clients and give them the gift of your time over the next six weeks.

2.) Business Plan – take the time to see where you have come from and where you are going. You can’t improve something you don’t measure.

3.) Goal Setting – What’s your why? Set new sails for 2022.

4.) Give back – this is a great time of year to help others and to make a difference. It makes you feel good.

5.) Rebrand – time for a new photo, logo, slogan? a whole new look?

6.) Family and Fun – enjoy some time with people you care about the most. It can’t always be about work.

So their you have it. What’s your 6 by 6 going to be. Take the time to journal them and meditate on them and really try to nail things down with less being more in your work and in your life. I dare you!!

Strength and courage,

The Simple But Powerful Compound Effect For 2020

realtor increase business 26 percentHow you ever thought how your real estate business is really just math? That’s right your business is numbers and formulas and equations if you really take the time to break it all down. There are only 4 simple activities that an agent can do each year to improve their business and make more money than previous years. Do you know what those activities are?

  1. Increase your average sale price. Increase the average sale price you increase the average commission payable per sale, right?
  2. Increase your average commission sales rate. Stop cutting your fee and fight for your value. Start asking for more at a listing 7% and making them feel like they got a concession if you have to and settling at 6%.
  3. Increase the transaction activity with your clients. Get the repeat, referral business or start selling them investment properties over and above their personal residences.
  4. Simply sell more properties each year than the previous years.

So let’s look at the math part of it. Take the goal for 2020 of 26% increase. Does 26% increase sound too high? Unattainable? Unrealistic to you? Let look at the math of our business using the goal 26%.

Look at this example below of an agent in their first year who earned $50,000 gross in 2019. Average commission income per sale was $5,000 and basically did 10 deals the past year. Now lets implement the 26% goal to their first year business and see what starts to happen…..

Year  1- 5 Agents Numbers ( Just adding 26% more sales ) not changing commission rate or frequency

Income                       Avg. $ Earned                            # Deals

$50,000                      $5,000                                         10 Deals

$63,000                      $5,000                                        12.6

$79,380                      $5,000                                        15.87

$100,018                    $5,000                                        20

$126,022                    $5,000                                         25.2

Did you see the math and compound effect of 26% on number of sales and what happens every 3 years?

An agents income and number of deals doubles every four year setting an annual goal in just one activity!!

Years 6-10 Agents Numbers the same result every 3 years still. The math doesn’t lie!!

$158,787                            $5,000                  31.75

$200,071                            $5,000                  40

$252,018                            $5,000                  50.4

$317,542                            $5,000                  63.5

$400,102                            $5,000                  80

Take the time to run these same numbers by increasing the sale price ( which will increase your commission number ) and see what the numbers do? What if you add an increase of repeat, referrals and start welling clients investment properties? Imagine what kind of a compounding effect 26% would have for you and your business? Focus on how I can increase my sale price in 2020? How can I increase my commission average per sale? How I can increase my referrals, investment sales? How I can increase my number of sales? Let the math and the compound effect work for you in the coming years!!

Strength and courage,