The Power Of Values in Business & Life

power of values business and lifeThink of the most loyal person you know. The most creative. The most generous, individualistic, or compassionate. We all have people in our lives who stand out in a particular way. There’s a reason for this. These people stand out for us because of their strong values. What are values? Where do they come from? How do they affect our lives? These are essential questions for every human being that wants to live a meaningful, fulfilling life.


Values are the fundamental beliefs that govern our lives. They inspire how we act and speak. They guide our decisions about everything from career to personal growth. They embody the person we want to be, influencing how we treat others and how we interact with the world. To state it plainly, values are the core of who we are. There are two types of values: personal values and cultural values. What are personal values? These are our own beliefs about right and wrong. They belong to us personally and they shape the way we look at the world. Cultural values are those that are accepted by the societies we grow up in. These values vary by both place and context but their effects on our lives can be just as powerful as personal values. Company values and religious values are examples of cultural values. Types of personal values include individual values and group values – such as groups of friends or family. How one’s personal values are defined is based on the feelings and sentiments one holds about themselves and the world around them. Personal values can be positive and lead to self-esteem and fulfillment. They can also be negative and be based on limiting beliefs. These values can cause problems in relationships and our overall interactions with the world at large.


Our values are formed most powerfully in childhood. Children are like sponges, soaking up the world around them – but this world is relatively small. They typically pick up on the values of close family members. Values also come from our efforts to earn the love we crave. Children want to be accepted, and they will adopt the values and beliefs they need to earn that approval. Personal values are also affected by current experiences and the people we surround ourselves with. Ever hear the phrase, “you are who your friends are?” We pick up little pieces from other people and our family, friends, and significant others – the characteristics that we like. Then, we discard the characteristics that we don’t like. The result is our existing personal values and beliefs. Both of these help you to determine whether something is “good” or “bad.”


What are values? It depends on the context. There are many different types of personal values, but most can be grouped into those based on morals, aesthetics or family. Moral values help us determine what is right or wrong. These types of values are based on laws, religious beliefs or politics. Continents, states and cities tend to develop broad moral values, which are then passed down to those who live in the society. Once they are passed down to us, we then adopt them as personal values.

Aesthetic values help us make judgments on beauty, artistic talent or music. Aesthetic values are more individualized but can be heavily influenced on how we were raised, who we spend time with and the aesthetic values of our culture.

Family values vary from family to family. They relate to how time is spent together, how those within the family unit are treated and the structure of the family. The ultimate answer to “What are values?” is often that they are the same as your family’s values – or at least they start that way. After all, the initial source of your values is typically the immediate family.


There are many examples of personal values in life. Because different things matter to different people, it is hard to produce an exhaustive list. Here are just a few that will help you grasp the concept and start to establish your own list of personal values. Learning: If you are constantly finding ways to feed your mind with new information and enjoy talking to others so you can discover more about them, learning is likely one of your important personal values.

Individuality: Do you “march to the beat of your own drummer” and reject the status quo? If you define yourself strictly by your own standards and consistently disregard what others believe is the “right way” to live your life, you value individuality.

Independence: The concept of freedom, including physical, emotional or financial freedom, is highly important to you. You live a life where the only limit is yourself and you pull from your strength and perseverance to make things happen.

Generosity: If one of your personal values is generosity, you embody the belief that the secret to living is giving and you likely spend much of your time volunteering, donating or finding other ways to give back.

personal values


If you aren’t sure what your personal values are, start with thinking about what makes you feel good. These emotions will serve as a good guide to defining your personal values. Ask yourself some questions to dive deeper into your true thoughts and feelings. These feelings are driven by your personal values. Here is a list of questions to get you started:

When you think about your life, what is the most important aspect?

What sort of news or stories inspire you?

What sort of news or stories depress you?

If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?

When were you the happiest?

At what point in your life were you the saddest?

Who do you admire the most in life?

What about them is admirable to you?

These questions will provide answers that will reveal your personal values in life. Once you have your list of important values, you can start to prioritize your life according to what is most important to you.


What are personal values if not a source of guidance throughout our lives? Our values shape us – they make us who we are – and there’s nothing wrong with that. They are a set of rules that dictate how we interact with and judge other people. Our values also determine how we view ourselves and how we see the world. Most importantly, values deeply affect our personal relationships. We bring this set of rules into every connection we make – and with rules come expectations. We have pet peeves and our perceived concept of how things “should” be. Sometimes these rules are valid. Other times they are just plain silly. We often impose our personal values on our partner without telling them about our expectations or needs, which only results in disappointment and frustration. How can someone live up to a standard if they don’t know what the standard is? Think about it: When you say or hear things like, “If you loved me, you wouldn’t do X-Y-Z,” that is a value that we expect the people around us to follow. Ever get upset because someone didn’t do something they said they would do? That is also a value. But not letting people in on your expectations is why expectations are so dangerous. They can’t fulfill a commitment that they didn’t know they had. We get upset with each other all of the time because someone did something to violate one of our personal values. In unhealthy relationships, each person uses the other as a constant sounding board for some rule the other one has violated, resulting in punishment that further harms the partnership. Knowing the answer to the question, “What are values?” and being able to define your own personal set of rules is essential to building healthy, long-term relationships. When our values don’t complement those of our partner, conflict almost always ensues. And when our rules become unreasonable and make our relationships more difficult, then we need to re-evaluate the relationships. Perhaps it’s time to re-shape our beliefs and values so they create more harmony, not conflict. Or maybe we have to find a partner or group of friends that is more aligned with our personal values.

So where do values come from? How do they help or hinder you? Are these beliefs having a positive impact on your success and relationships, or are they holding you back? By taking an objective look at your beliefs and deciding how you can alter them to better suit your goals, you can ultimately find more fulfillment.

Strength and courage,

Realtors Have An Attitude Of Gratitude Kicking Off 2023

realtors have an attitude of gratitude in 2023Realtors Have An Attitude Of Gratitude Kicking Off 2023

Why is it for a lot of us it comes easier to complain about things than to things to be thankful for? I know all of these things may not apply to you. Still, I hope this list will inspire you to remember the things to be thankful for in 2023. Here are 101 things to be grateful for in 2023 to start the year off right!!

1.) Sight. I know there are a lot of people in this world who are blind. Even if you are, there are still other things to be grateful for. Those of you who aren’t blind, even if you have to wear glasses or contacts, you can be grateful that you can see. Even if everything you see in the world isn’t as pleasant sometimes, still be grateful for the pleasant things you can see, like the nice green colors of nature outside.
2.) Hearing. Similarly to sight, many people in this world are deaf. They’ll never be able to enjoy the sounds of music or hear the voice of someone they care about. Be grateful that you can listen to relaxing music when you feel stressed.
3.) Smell. As small as this may seem, I’ve heard of people who’ve lost their sense of smell and it completely changed their life. Have gratitude for still having your sense of smell.
4.) Taste. When one loses their sense of taste, they lose their ability to enjoy all the flavors of food. We can be grateful for still being able to enjoy the taste of fruits, vegetables, and all of the foods we enjoy in the world.
5.) Walking. Being able to get around is more of a blessing than we realize sometimes. There are people who have to use canes, crutches, and wheelchairs to move around. Be grateful for being able to walk on your own two feet with relatively little pain.
6.) Lungs. If we don’t have any lung issues or have to use any machines to breathe in oxygen, that’s something to be grateful for.
7.) Hand movement. I have to type a lot to make these articles on here. I’m grateful that I have hand movement that’s free of any arthritis. Whatever you use your hands for, be grateful you can still use them.
8.) Teeth. Be grateful if you’ve not lost any of your teeth, and they’re not in any pain.
9.) Neck movement. As someone who deals with neck pain from time to time, even I’m grateful that I can still move my neck from one side to the other. If you can as well, you can write that on your list.
10.) Memory. As we get older, our memories may not be as good as they are now. Be grateful you can still remember the things that you want in your day.
11.) Heart. There are people currently waiting for heart transplants in the hospital right now. We can be grateful that we have a working heart that still beats normally.
12.) Bladder. Leaky bladders are an inconvenience that we can be grateful we don’t have to deal with.
13.) Stomach. As someone who’s had stomach challenges, it’s something to be grateful for when your stomach isn’t in pain. Burning inside of it is definitely no fun. I’m grateful for when my stomach doesn’t experience that, and that I’ve been able to improve it little by little.
14.) Bones. I once saw a commercial with a little kid who was born with brittle bone disease. He’d broken his bones hundreds of times. There was also an inspirational speaker who had this disability but managed to live an extraordinary life. It goes to show that not only we can be grateful for having healthy and strong bones, but we can be inspired to do more with the abilities that we’re lucky to have.
15.) Overall health. My health hasn’t been the best in the most recent years of my life, and maybe yours hasn’t either. Nonetheless, no matter our health challenges, we’re still alive. We can be grateful for our overall health still keeps us here. I’m grateful that my health is good for the most part.
16.) Health insurance. I know not everyone reading this has health insurance. Those of you that do, be grateful your insurance helps to reduce your medical bills.
17.) Meditation. There are many simple activities in life that can help improve our overall health. I’m grateful for meditation being one of those things that’s easy to do and helps us feel better.
18.) Medicine. There have been many advancements in technology that have helped to heal many sicknesses that couldn’t be healed decades ago. Medicine is one of the top health things we can be grateful for in life, especially if you can afford it.
19.) Doctors. In these times we’re living in, there are few people more deserving to be on this list than doctors. We can be grateful for all of them that dedicate their lives to making people feel well.
20.) Exercise. It may not be the most fun thing to do for some of you, but be grateful if you’re physically able to exercise, and help keep yourself healthy.
21.) Therapy. Mental health is just as important as physical health. We can be thankful that there are mental health professionals available to help us cope with the stress of the times.
22.) Sickness. Yes, we can even be grateful for sickness. Going through it in a way makes us more appreciative when our health is good.
23.) Fruits and vegetables. Some people are not in position to afford fruits, vegetables and other meals that keep us well. Be grateful you can enjoy the proper amount of fruits and vegetables you need in your life.
24.) Having money. While we may not have much in our wallet or our bank account, we can always be grateful we have some money to buy some things. There are a lot of people that don’t have any at all.
25.) Earning money. You’ve probably seen how many people have had their jobs lost recently. If you’re still able to earn money for yourself, that’s a lot to be grateful for.
26.) Little (or no) debt. It’d of course be nice not to have debt at all, but some people have 100’s of 1000’s of dollars in debt. If you’re one of the few who has low debt, it’s worth being grateful for.
27.) Paid bills. Sometimes people reach a point where they can’t pay their bills for the month and their whole world is about to fall apart. It’s a blessing you can count if you can still pay your bills.
28.) Shelter. Homelessness is an unfortunate crisis around the world. Be grateful if you stay in a home protected from the elements and able to live comfortably.
29.) Food. I don’t have to tell you about starving people in the world. It’s sad and hopefully we can continue to improve it. Being able to have food on your table everyday can be in the top 10 of your thankful list.
30.) Clothing. It’s not just clothes we can be thankful for, but being able to have clean ones through the luxury of our washing machines and dryers.
31.) Clean water. Hearing about the water crisis in Flint a few years ago reminded me how lucky we are the water we drink is clean.
32.) Clean air. China is one of the most heavily polluted areas in the world, with many people that end up developing respiratory issues. If you live in an area where the air around you is clean, it’s another thing to be grateful for.
33.) Trees. Studies have proven being in nature is good for our overall wellbeing. Be grateful if you have lots of trees around where you live.
34.) Sunshine. In some places it rains most of the time. Even if you live in a place like that, you can be very grateful the few times the sun actually comes out.
35.) Animals. I find the sounds of the birds chirping and the movements of the squirrels to be peaceful. If you have these or other kinds of animals in your area, perhaps you can watch them for a moment. You might be thankful to just be able to see and hear nature in action.
36.) Personality. You are who you are. There may be things about yourself you don’t like, but there are also things that you can appreciate. Whether it’s your intelligence or your kindness, find those things about yourself that make you thankful.
37.) Childhood. Obviously not all of us had the best childhoods. Myself personally, I’d say mine was pretty decent for the most part. However your childhood was, find one or two memories in that make you feel nostalgic and grateful.
38.) Knowledge. We have more access to knowledge than ever before. We can be thankful to be able to learn things that improve our understanding of the world and make us better people.
39.) Family. The people that are there for you and help you out in life, whether they’re related to you or not, that’s the family you can be grateful for.
40.) Someone special. When you think about it, it’s an incredibly rare experience to have someone special in your life. If you have that now, that can be near the top of your list.
41.) Future. You might be thinking, If the future is looking bleak, why be grateful for it? The reason we can be grateful for it is because there’s always a possibility it can get better. I’ve lived long enough to see it in my own life and other people’s lives.
42.) Experiencing romantic love. Unfortunately, there are people who live long lives without having that experience of romantic love. We may not know how we got lucky to enjoy it, but we can be grateful we have.
43.) Soft bed. After a long day of making through another day, be glad that you have a nice soft bed to lie in and get some good sleep.
44.) Waking up. As we all know, some people don’t wake up to see another day. Be grateful that you did and those that you care about did as well.
45.) Making it to the end of the day. One of the things I always reminded myself during difficult days was to just make it to the end of the day. I was and still am grateful whenever I can do that.
46.) Productivity. We all can be lazy sometimes. It’s great when we have days where we get most if not all the things we wanted to accomplish done If you accomplished that, you can add it to your thankful list for today.
47.) Growth and perspective. I learned a lot in my 40s, and I’m still learning a lot in this next stage of my life. No matter what age, we can be thankful for growth and perspective that helps us to be more calm about the world we live in.
48.) Travels. Traveling has many benefits to our health. We can not only be grateful for what it does for us now, but the memories it gives us to enjoy looking back on.
49.) Creativity. Whether you can sing, write, draw, or dance, our creative passions give us an escape in life we can be thankful for.
50.) Kindness. It may seem like there are meaner people in this world today, but there are still people that are kind. Be grateful for the kindness you receive, and the acts of kindness that still happen every single day.
51.) Open-mindedness. It can be a frustrating thing in society when people aren’t more open to different ideas and viewpoints. Be grateful when you come across people who are open-minded and willing to change their mind.
52.) Exciting sports game. It can be exciting sports game or some other kind of live event. While there haven’t been many of them lately, we can look back at some of the ones we enjoyed most and be grateful to enjoy them all over again.
53.) Inspiring speeches. I sometimes like looking back at old speeches in history. They can be uplifting in times of uncertainty. We can be grateful for all the people who had the courage and confidence to give inspiring speeches.
54.) The moment work is finished. It’s always a great feeling when you finish your work for the day. Be grateful when you reach that point in your day.
55.) A slice of pizza. Pizza is one of my favorite foods. Whatever yours is, it’s something you can be thankful for when you’re enjoying it.
56.) A bowl of ice cream. While I’m more of a cookies and brownies person, I enjoy a bowl of ice cream every now and then. We can appreciate when we get to enjoy our favorite dessert.
57.) Making someone laugh. When you make someone laugh, you make them feel good for a moment in their day. When we make people feel good, we make ourselves feel good too. Be glad when you can do that.
58.) The quiet of the nighttime. Some neighborhoods aren’t as quiet as others, but when your neighborhood is quiet, stop for a moment and appreciate the peace of the silence.
59.) Feeling relaxed. There are many moments in life where we feel stressed or anxious. That moment when you feel relaxed is one you should cherish and have gratitude for.
60.) Faith. It’s an inspiring force in our lives, for those of us who are faith-minded. If you are, have gratitude for faith’s influence and inspiration in your life.
61.) Spiritual community. Connecting with a group of people who believe the same things as you can be comforting and make you happy. Be thankful for when you enjoy these times with your faith group.
62.) Spiritual growth. Living a life of faith is a journey. Be glad for how far you’ve grown in your spirituality.
63.) Prayer. I personally find prayer to be comforting, even if I’m not always sure it makes a difference in my life. It’s a nice feeling to believe you can ask for good things and good things may eventually happen. You can have gratitude for being able to pray.
64.) Religious text. The words of a religious text can also be comforting. We can be thankful whenever we read something that comforts and inspires us in these difficult times.
65.) Technology. We’re more able to connect with people and get information than ever before. If you have working internet and a device that easily accesses it for you, you can be very grateful for these things.
66.) Heating and cooling. The weather can be very harsh in some places in the world. Some live without access to heating and cooling to make their home comfortable. If you have that access, add that to your list.
67.) Your own room. Lots of people don’t have the luxury of sleeping and being in their own room. Be glad if you have an area where you can be alone and completely yourself.
68.) Shower. That moment that warm water hits your skin, have gratitude for the comfort of a working shower.
69.) Clean floors. You can clean your floors and be happy to be able to comfortably walk barefoot in your home.
70.) Happy moments. Even if the happy moments are few and far between, have thankfulness for when they do come. Cherish the happy moments.
71.) Sadness. A study on crying shows that it can make us feel good and reduce the pain we feel. Hopefully you won’t be sad for long, but you can appreciate your tears help improve your well-being.
72.) Mistakes. No one wants to make mistakes in life, but they’re one of the few ways we learn lessons in life. Be glad that your mistakes help you to grow into the better person you’re becoming each day.
73.) Accomplishments. There are things you’ve done in life that you’re proud of. You can have thankfulness for those moments you achieved something great.
74.) Hobbies. Everybody has something in life they enjoy doing. You can do those activities you enjoy and be thankful you get to enjoy them.
75.) Favorite movies and TV shows. I like looking back at old TV shows or movies I really liked all the time. I’m grateful for the good feelings they still give me when I watch them again.
76.) Thunderstorm at night. Sometimes thunderstorms can help us peacefully fall asleep at night. If it helps you, add this to your list.
77.) Peaceful neighborhood. Living in a peaceful neighborhood where you feel safe is definitely a top thing to express gratefulness for.
78.) Social media. While social media rightly gets criticized for the harm it can cause to our mental health, we can be appreciative of the good it gives us in staying connected with people that aren’t near us.
79.) Car. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to get on the road and go wherever you want. Be glad if you have the luxury of doing that.
80.) Instrument. I haven’t played my guitar in a long time, but I’m thankful for still being able to do that. Perhaps you can grab that instrument you haven’t touched in a while and have gratitude for still being able to play it.
81.) Books. While I’m not much of a book reader, I know many people are. Be happy for the books that you can enjoy reading right now.
82.) Shoes. We can be thankful to have shoes that protect our feet from the dirt, grass, and rocks when we walk outside.
83.) Pest-free home. Believe it or not, some people live in apartments with rats, roaches, and large spiders. If you don’t, that can be added to your list.
84.) Things that are still the same. We so often get frustrated with everything that goes wrong, we forget how much continues to go right for us every single day.The bus still shows up to take us to work, our phones and computers still work, etc. Think of the good things that keep working the same every day and add them to your daily thankful list.
85.) Things that change. Even when things change in life, we can be glad for that too. Changes can bring about new experiences and new opportunities that can potentially make our lives better.
86.) Heartbreak. While heartbreak is never really pleasant, we can appreciate it’s making us stronger than we were before.
87.) Chairs. We really don’t think about how much of an inconvenience it can be to not have chairs in our home. We can be glad that we don’t have to sit on the floors.
88.) Tables. Similarly, with chairs, not having tables can be an inconvenience as well. Be thankful you have something to set things on when you need to.
89.) Plates. We can be thankful we don’t have to hold all of our food in our hands.
90.) Utensils. We can be thankful we don’t have to eat all of our food with our hands.
91.) Naps. Appreciate the naps that you get to enjoy in the middle of the day.
92.) Sleeping in. There are many people that have to wake up early for their specific jobs. I’m grateful that I don’t for mine, and you can be as well if that’s true for you.
93.) Deep conversation. One of the things I enjoy most about talking to someone is having a deep conversation. Those long thought-provoking dialogues are something we can continually be glad for in 2020.
94.) You had breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unfortunately, some people can only have one meal a day. We can all be glad if we’re lucky enough to get to enjoy three or more a day.
95.) Making progress. Even if the progress you’re making is small, you can appreciate it getting you closer to where you want to be in life.
96.) Indoor plumbing. In some places, people have to go outside to use the bathroom. Being able to use the bathroom in the comfort of our home is another luxury we can be appreciative of.
97.) The past. We can be glad for our past helping us to become the best of ourselves that we are today.
98.) Weekends. After a long week, if you don’t have to work on the weekends, you can be thankful for the rest you get to have.
99.) Mondays. A lot of people tend to not like the start of the work week. Nonetheless, Mondays are something we can be thankful for because it’s another chance to put in work for the future we want someday.
100.) Alarms. I used to be able to wake up early easily. I’m grateful that we have alarms that help us wake up at the time we need to.
101.) Freedom. Last but not least, we can be glad to have freedom. While some of us might have it more than others, just to be able to make some of your own choices is something that should give us gratitude.

What should I put on my list? You should put whatever makes you feel genuinely thankful. We all have unique things that we can express appreciation for that are specific to our life. Think about what those things are for you and put that on your list.

What are examples of gratitude? Examples of gratitude include being grateful for your family, your friends, your possessions, and the life that you have. You can look around you to point out the people and things you have in your life to be glad for.

What are 3 things you are thankful for? Now that you’ve seen this list of things you can express thankfulness for, think of three things you’re happy to have right now. As I write this, I’m happy to have my bed, my laptop, and being able to write these articles.

How do you express sincere gratitude? If you want to express sincere gratitude to someone, tell them exactly how you feel about what they’ve done for you in life. It’s as simple as that.

Why you should be glad for your life? Gratitude helps to make us feel good. Countless studies have shown that. Being grateful for your life can help keep your mood boosted. You don’t have to be happy about everything in your life, but you can always find one thing to be glad for.

Strength and courage,

How Do We Practice Self Love?

realtor self loveWanted to change things up and get a little more personal. We’ve been challenged physically, mentally, emotionally, existentially and fiscally, To put it lightly, 2020 has not left one corner of our lives unscathed, and every step of the way, we’ve felt the pressure. Pressure to get up in the morning with a smile on our face. Pressure to resume normal duties at our jobs and with our families. Pressure to remain optimistic even though our normal hobbies and favorite people are no longer available to us. How are we supposed to cope with all of this stress, knowing that most of our typical go-tos are off limits? My personal therapist Christine and I have been really practicing consistent self-love which I believe is the antidote for so many stressful seasons of our lives. While it might feel tough to nourish a healthy relationship with “ourselves” right now, it may just be the one constant in your life that will help you rise up during pressing times. So how does one even begin to practice self-love? First, let’s go over what self-love is and what it looks like, and then we’ll dive into how you can incorporate the actual practice of self-love into your daily routine.

The Four Stages of Self-Love

1. Self-Awareness – It’s as simple as this: Before we can love ourselves, we must know ourselves. While this may seem like an obvious point, it’s actually incredibly easy to lose sight of who we are amongst the chaos of everyday responsibilities, tasks and goals. We can get caught up in our “roles” in life and not pay attention to our core. So before you dive into your personal journey of self-love, take some time to make sure you are falling in love with the right person. Reflect on your authentic self—what drives you? Motivates you? Excites you? Disappoints you? Saddens you? Angers you? Inspires you? Relaxes you? But above all: Take all the time you need to seriously consider your deep-seated values and how they affect your decision-making and your triggers. Your values are the blueprint for who you are as an individual. They are the most telling things about you—and without knowing them intimately, loving yourself is going to feel forced and forged. If you’re looking for ways to dive into who you really are, I recommend looking into assessments. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a great start, along with the Enneagram, DISC and Strengths Finder. The longer you stay in this phase, the better you’ll get to know yourself. Don’t rush.

2. Self-Acceptance – Warning: When you dive deep into the inner crevices of exactly who you are, you might not love everything you see. That’s OK. We all have our random quirks and values that don’t look stunningly gorgeous on paper. The point isn’t to look at an airbrushed version of ourselves—but to fully embrace and accept all of who we are, even the less desired qualities. So give yourself some grace. Accept the fact that you might be a little overly obsessed with status, or that you like to avoid pain at all costs. Embrace your values—even if they make you flinch sometimes. The goal should not be to change who you are at your core. Self-improvement is meant to capitalize on who you already are. Self-acceptance is meant to embrace those fundamental pieces that make you who you are. You are a human, and none of us are perfect. A professor of mine once said, “If everyone in a room were to throw their problems in a pile, everyone would reflect on the other problems available, and still want to dig their own back out.” So own your problems. Own your mistakes. Own your values. Once you can fully accept—and embrace—your authentic self, the easier your self-love journey will be.

3. Self-Confidence – The best way to describe self-confidence is to think of it as self-congruence. When you show up as your authentic self in the world, and act on your self-acceptance, that’s self-confidence. This doesn’t mean you have to put yourself on display every chance you get, but it does mean that you allow your values and your authentic self to guide your actions and behaviors out in the world. When you honor who you really are—and let other people see it—you’re being congruent with your actions. You’re not hiding yourself for the sake of others, and you’re not shaming yourself for being who you really are. Instead, you’re releasing the pressure to play a certain role or stereotype, and just being yourself. While it sounds easy, we all know that’s not always the case. It takes courage and bravery to decide to respect your own values and opinions more than others. But that’s what you have to do—every single day. Decide to show up for yourself and not be dictated by how others view you. And when you find yourself struggling to find the willpower to keep going, simply whisper to yourself, “Other people’s opinions of me are NOT my business.” Not everyone will love you – but that doesn’t matter when YOU love you. Which brings us to our next step…

4. Self-Love – You have arrived at the fourth and final step of the self-love journey.  From here on out, you will make a commitment to yourself and to your growth. You will carve out time in your daily routine to invest in yourself, compliment yourself, reassure yourself and cheer yourself on. Because if you don’t, we cannot assume that others will. This is your responsibility, and you owe it to yourself. So what does acting on self-love actually look like? Below is the breakdown of actual steps you can take to practice self-love.


The Three Pillars of Self-Love

1. Gratitude – Every single day, write down five things you are grateful for, and reflect on why you feel thankful for these aspects of your life. They can be small, monumental, boring, exciting, static or ever changing. Follow your moods and your phases in life. But no matter what, always take the time to find gratitude in your everyday life. Examples can range from having nice weather, to waking up rested, to reflecting on your support system, to thanking yourself for working hard. Try to connect your gratitude to your values. What are you proud of yourself for? What compels you to get out of bed every morning and keep going? Be intentional about your gratitude list as often as possible. Secondly, feel free to spread gratitude to others. While it’s crucial to focus on being thankful for your own skills and determination, it’s also important to show gratitude to your support system. Write a gratitude letter to someone in your life once per week. The people you surround yourself with have a profound impact on your own self-worth—and telling them so will only help strengthen your relationships with them, and with yourself.

2. Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk – “The words we speak become the house we live in.” Think about that. If you are living in a space of negativity, badgering, shaming, judging and criticizing, how in the world are you supposed safe? Secure? Happy? It’s virtually impossible. Be careful how you speak to yourself. Show yourself love and gratitude by choosing kind and encouraging words. Have your own back—especially when it comes to standing up to your inner critic. In fact, if you have a rather vocal inner critic, be sure to externalize it by naming them. This creates a separation between yourself and your negative voice, which can help you realize that you are not indelibly tied to them. You are able to produce kind, reaffirming words, even if you are used to your inner critic being the lone voice. To get in the habit, practice saying at minimum one to three affirmations per day. They can be as simple as “I am worthy,” or as detailed as “I do not wait for others to give me permission to do what I love.” Ideally, these affirmations will set the tone for the rest of your day, and the more you repeat them, the more you’ll believe them. Between the constant source of positivity from yourself, and the undermining of your inner critic, you’ll be on your way to creating a safe environment for yourself to thrive.

3. Self-Care – Self-care can be defined as any act that nourishes the self. Some self-care acts might re-energize, while others might be for relaxation purposes. Typically, it’s used to rest, reset or reflect. Self-care will also look different for everyone. But the most important takeaway is that In order to have self-love, you have to show yourself you love yourself daily with acts of service. Taking care of yourself can be divided into three different categories: mind, body and soul. On an amazing self-care day, you’ll check off an item under all three categories. On more challenging days, you might only check off one. Here are some examples of self-care under each category:

Mind: journaling, reading for pleasure, watching a relaxing show, puzzling, drawing, crafting, knitting.

Body: exercising, having a spa day, doctor’s visits, visiting a salon, stretching, taking a bath, doing a skincare routine, facial masks.

Soul: prayer, meditation, connecting with a loved one, participating in a community event, reading a self-help or spiritually inclined book.

Remember: Everyone will have different self-care items that speak to them. For example, under “body,” some might prefer exercise over a manicure—and that doesn’t mean their self-care is better or worse than anyone else’s! As long as you are practicing self-care that fills your cup, you are doing it right. If you’re having trouble staying consistent or coming up with ideas for your own self-care, consider investing in a self-care calendar or self-care bingo to assist with the planning. Both could take the guesswork out of your planned activities and help you stay on track with your progress. I hope these tips help you curate a healthy and happy relationship with yourself. Your stability, security and sanity will thank you immensely if you can dedicate time to yourself every single day.

Strength and courage,

10 Traits Of Top Producing Agents That Require No Talent!

I came across this fantastic photo on LinkedIn a week or two ago by Jonathan Tallinger and had to make it my theme for this week’s AgentsBoost post. So what are the top traits of a top producing agent that do not require talent and set you apart from your competition you ask? Let’s take a look at these killer traits in no particular order.

10 Traits of Top Producing Real Estate Agents

1) Be On Time – My family actually tells me I am a bit obsessed about this trait. One of my biggest pet peeves is that by being late a person is sending a message that their time is more important than the other parties time. This really is the message we send when we are late and how does that make us feel when someone takes the liberty to waste OUR precious time? I loved the time we were having friends over for dinner and sitting out on our back deck enjoying a nice dinner and my son who was only about 8 or 9 years old at the time is enjoying his meal and he blurts out to our guests “You’re late! My dad hates it when people are late.” We all awkwardly laughed it off but I smiled inside that I am able to teach my children something while I am here.

2) Work Ethic – I have to credit my own Mom for this one. She is the hardest working person I know and seems to never stop from sun up to sun down. You either have it and you are always working hard at everything you do or you don’t have it and you are always living your life just cruising along. Work ethic is a choice for us all and we all know what you put in is what you get out!

3) Effort – One of my favorite sayings is “How you do anything is how you do everything!” It is by our efforts in life and what we do on the outside and how we do things and show people our true character. Are you all in? Are you all in sometimes when it’s good for you? I am always reminding myself that my efforts and how I do anything shows everyone my true character and how I do everything in life. We are all creatures of habit but old habits can be broken and new ones can be created so it’s never too late to change!

4) Body Language – 86% of all communication is non-verbal. How we stand, sit, smile, walk and physically move through life sends so many different messages to so many people without us even thinking about it. We have all heard the saying “Are you happy? Then let your face know it!” Tony Robbins was the greatest mentor to me and how we all have the power to change anything by changing your state! Move, Jump, laugh, cheer, smile, yell and dance changes the way we feel about ourselves and the way others will see you as well!

5) Energy – The most important trait of a successful person is not time management but more importantly energy management. I hear people say it all the time “your energy is infectious”. How do you keep yourself so energized? Maintaining a peak state attracts others to you and attracts success and good things. Your energy and passion trump all in life and knowing how to intentionally maintain energy and passion is key to your success. Don’t think I don’t hit a wall, burn out or run my tank to empty. I do things to get me back on point and intentionally reload the tank to deliver the energy and passion for others.

6) Attitude – Do you see the glass half empty or do you see the glass half full? We all have the choice and the power to choose our attitude. We can choose to make it a great day or make it a bad day and we all get to decide. Having the awareness to check our attitude and have a healthy  perspective in life is key to success. It is one of the biggest challenges in life is choosing to see the positive and opportunity in everything. It is there and I force myself or surround myself with mentors to remind me and keep me on point to maintain a positive attitude in life and in business.

7) Passion – My wife says “I wish I was a Montreal Canadian or a Real Estate deal” because you love them both more than anything in the world. I choose to live for the experience in life and to enjoy my journey in life. I have been blessed to find a career I can’t get enough of. We all deserve to do what we love and what ignites our inner passion and I encourage everyone to find those things like coaching, speaking, travel, hockey, golf, fishing, family, friends and real estate to ignite the fire within you and give you the passion to live!

8) Being Coachable – I have been a student for my whole life. Full disclosure… maybe not the best student during my high school days, whoops! One of the greatest traits of successful people is their hunger to learn, their humbleness to be coached and constantly growing themselves and seeing their income and success grow as they grow. We all need to be mentored and should be a mentor to others. I have been fortunate to have so many incredible mentors in my life and each of them have contributed to my success and now my passion is to share it all and give it all back!

9) Doing Extra – Are you meeting someone’s expectations? Are you always exceeding someone’s expectations? The trait of always doing more than what is asked of you is a powerful trait in all successful people. I am always trying to deliver the unexpected to others and constantly wow and awe people by delivering so much more than they expected. Don’t be recommended in life but be insisted in life and believe me there is a difference and it comes from doing extra in anything you do!

10) Being Prepared – Finally the last but still incredibly important trait of all successful people is they are prepared. Are you winging it? Are you taking the time to be incredibly prepared? Like being late the trait of being prepared is now different. We send a message to people, their time and what we are doing for them if not prepared is really not important to us. People can tell if we are prepared and can tell if we respect them and their time. Don’t be the person who wings everything and flies from the seat of their pants. Be prepared and be respectful in everything you do in business and life.

So there you have it the 10 powerful characteristics and traits of the most successful agents in our business and what they do to make them so successful. None of these traits or characteristics require any god given talent but simply a decision, desire and ability to live and take action with them all. I challenge each and every one of us to display these traits somewhere prominent like your screen saver on your phone, the bathroom mirror of even the fridge door and remind yourself of what you want to strive for in business and life.

Strength and courage,

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