The Gift Of Our Time, Touch, Talents & Treasures.

realtor gift time talent touch treasuresWe all need to be reminded about the gift of our 4 T’s (Time, Touch, Talent, Treasures) from the book “The Generosity Factor” by Ken Blanchard this time of year. We are approaching the single most important time of year as it has been for each of my 29 years in the real estate business. As the listings and sales season start to temper we have the tendency to want to take it easy and relax but I am here to say… NOT JUST YET!!! This was the time of year where I took full advantage of my time and made the most of the market season. This time of year can be for some a difficult time in real estate or a time where the market gives you the greatest gift which is TIME. The time for you to do the things you know are important but the year has just been too busy to do those really important activities. One of my most impactful and meaningful activities for my business is what I called my “Holiday 100” My holiday hundred is my goal to personally visit 100 of my best clients and see them during the holiday season. 3 clients a day for 33 days.

  • Christmas Holiday Visit Plan Checklist – Nov 23 – Dec 23, 2020
  • Create the client visit list (anyone who bought, sold, asked for help in 2020, service providers, A clients )
  • Gift – baking, wine, coffee mug, turkey, gift wrap, chocolate, etc. $15 budget
  • Calendar or Day Planner or Christmas Card
  • Year in review letter on holiday letterhead ( photo of the year on letter )
  • Call in advance and book 45 minute visits. ( Max 4 visits a day )
  • Rest of database just gets letter and Christmas card in mail

So in November, I would sit down and write out my year in review letter. I made a list of all the events and activities personally and professionally that happened to me and my family. I would write about my hobbies, my travels, my children and their activities, my wife and her year and all our successes and challenges in the past year. Find a favorite photo and place the photo and letter on holiday letterhead for my upcoming visits.

Think about it, we are in the relationship business and this letter invited my clients in to my personal and professional life. This helped deepen our relationship and find more items we have in common. They loved to read the letter every year. The next item was to have all my calendars delivered into the office by the middle of November to put my holiday letter and a calendar into large white envelopes. Then I would take my database and make a list of names and phone numbers of all my A and B clients. These are the people I would want to personally see from Mid-November until Mid-December… this was usually about 100 clients. Print their address labels out and place them on the envelopes with the holiday letter and their calendar.

If you prefer it also works well to write a Christmas Card or order a Day timer instead of a calendar with your year in review letter. Keep in mind the calendar is not the secret weapon to my success. Feel free to be creative too… it’s all about the relational contact and something to put in their hands to be Top of Mind. The final item was to find and purchase a hundred small holiday gifts. I chose Poinsettia flowers or homemade spiced apple cider mix, scented candle, bottle of mini bailey’s, holiday scratch and win ticket, homemade peanut brittle or Purdy’s chocolates… I tried to maintain about a $15 item budget. Now I have my Santa client pack ready and then came the most important part of all…

…Booking the appointments.

I would then take the time to personally call and set up a “pop by” holiday visit to their home in hour segments and I would stay for 45 minutes per client. I would let them know when I arrived that I had another visit within an hour so couldn’t stay too long. TIP – when booking appointments let them know why you are coming. If I called and left a message they wouldn’t call back?! When I called again I said I had a little something for them for the holiday season and they would say “oh, we thought you wanted to sell our house and were not interested so didn’t call you back”

The 33 day festive client visits were amazing. Clients were so surprised and would tell me they never thought they would see me again after our last real estate transaction. They were so pleased with the letter, calendar and small gift but most important was the gift of my time!! Ken Blanchard wrote in the book “The Generosity Factor” that we all have gifts to give. Our Time, Touch, Talents and Treasures. Never underestimate your greatest gift of “TIME”… your most precious commodity. Don’t just swing by and drop the items off. Stop and give the client your gift of time. This activity alone would set me up for a good month.

If you don’t think it’s worth the bother consider my February with 27 deals in 28 days and all of it from these appointments, leads and referrals for real estate from taking the time to share with my clients prior to the holiday season. I can’t tell you enough what this will do for your waist line, all those treats …..I mean you and your business but most important your relationship with your clients.

Strength and courage,

The Secret To Getting More Real Estate Listings and Sales

How Learning Versatility as a REALTOR Leads to Greater Success

more listings and sales real estateI am sure everyone is familiar with the four personality types. We all fall under one of these styles and another one of the styles when under stress.

Let’s quickly review the four personality types or natural styles…

First we have the Analytical style. This is the person who just wants the facts, figures, ask the questions and the type of person who is slow to make decisions.

Then we have the Expressive style, which is the person who is highly emotional, excited and just loves to have fun all the times

The third personality is the Amiable style who love to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They just want to save the world and avoid confrontation at all costs.

The final personality type is the Drive style who love to be in control, impatient and make very quick decisions about everything.

Now that we know the styles, ask yourself which one are you?

Can you recognize quickly which personality style are your customers?

Hint: We tend to marry our opposite style and they tend to attract one another.

My natural style is Expressive but ironically I tend to be under stress more of a Driver style and need to be careful who I am around when under stress, if you know what I mean.

So you are probably wondering… “Wade this is your secret to more real estate listings and sales? The four personality types in the world and knowing your own natural style?”

No, the secret to more listings and sales is your ability to be versatile with any one of these natural styles when dealing with your clients that are buying and selling homes with you. The dictionary definition says.

1. Capable of doing many things competently. 2. Having varied uses or serving many functions. 3. Variable or changeable.

In the workplace today, technology and the pace of business have increased the number of people who we interact with and shortened the time we have to build relationships and increased the need to interact effectively. Your ability to adapt and mirror to a variety of people and so many different situations in this business is so important and can improve your interactions with others by 75%.

Having the skills to deal with them all in a variety of different ways is key to agents getting more listings and sales in real estate.

Your ability to have a seller want to sell their home and at the price you suggest or buyers to buy from you in a shorter period of time simply comes from your versatility.

The agent who can move quickly and cut to the chase for the Driver style or asks the Amiable style how they are feeling or gets excited and emotional with the Expressive style and asks lots of questions and provides a ton of data for the Analytical will win the more listings and sales every time.

I know that when an agent does not care to be right all the time, is willing to check their ego at the door, can put themselves in uncomfortable positions, can get outside their own comfort zone and willing to try new things I guarantee that agent will see a dramatic increase in their listing and sales success in the business.

I hope this post will help you to explore your own versatility and open the flood gates with your own business and begin to see more listings and sales as a REALTOR in 2015.

Strength and Courage,


Please share this post with someone who needs to be more flexible 🙂