Selling Without Being A Salesperson

selling without being a salespersonSales is a four-letter word— how often as a Realtor© have you felt that? There is scarcely a culture in the world that doesn’t regard the idea of selling as a little icky. But in truth, we are all practicing that four-letter word—in every area of our lives. Leaders are selling their ideas to the board, their staff and the community. Employees are selling their skills and knowledge to their employers. Parents are selling broccoli and bedtime to their kids. And if you’re looking for a significant other—admit it—you are selling your attributes and personality to that special someone.

So, why the “ick” factor? Bad salespeople. Many of our issues with sales stem from our experiences with pushy, even aggressive salespeople, and often we end up relenting just to get out of the conversation. This kind of selling used to be effective. It was a one-and-done model that led with a lot of smooth talk and rarely resulted in repeat business. But in an age of hyper-connectivity and relational selling, that model starts to come undone. Try to get away with icky sales tricks and be prepared to have your reputation exposed—and commented on, shared, and warned against.

What if we think more broadly about the concept of selling and instead consider engagement, influence and even persuasiveness—a useful, and slime-free, skill? In fact, it is often this soft skill that determines our capacity to succeed. Almost universally, though, it is underdeveloped in otherwise brilliant people and acts as a handbrake on both their careers and their ability to engage others with their ideas. So what do we need to do to prevent the death of our essential inner salesperson?

1. With all due respect to Simon Sinek, start with who not why. Your why is obviously an important motivator. But your why is not necessarily my why, and yet so many people try to persuade others to join their cause or buy their product or service from a position of how good they are. A better approach is to begin with an environmental assessment. Start the conversation where they are, with what they believe or wish to achieve.

2. Selling is a listening skill. You have two rows of teeth and one tongue, so learn to bite down. People will actually tell you how to influence them—by telling you who they are and what they want the world to know them as. Selling is a process of values and identity alignment, so let the other person do the talking and you might be surprised how persuasive your silence can be.

3. Be easy to agree with. It’s extraordinary how often we lose a sale, an argument or even workplace engagement simply because we’re difficult to agree with. Many times, people will remain unconvinced, not because your argument is flawed, but because they just don’t want you to win. So consider not just the points you are making, but also the barriers you are building between yourself, your audience and the agreement. Our capacity to sell—or engage, influence or persuade—defines our success in our business lives, our personal relationships and even our own self-awareness and effectiveness. But in order to drive the results we really want, we need to flip previous models on their heads and instead learn to sell in reverse.

Strength and courage,

Real Estate Presentations – Building Your Persuasive Case

Learn the Top Mistake in Realtor Presentations and How to Make them Effective

realtor presentations

Build Persuasive Realtor Presentations

Everyone is selling something…

Whether it’s a product, service, philosophy, idea or most importantly when you are selling yourself.

In today’s market is it good enough to “tell” or is it time to “show and sell”?

Finish this statement “talk is… Cheap”!

A mentor and friend of mine Terry Sjodin says the top mistake in sales presentations is sale professionals who are Telling versus Showing and Selling to their clients and being Informative versus being Persuasive and producing higher results in sales.

I am not saying to guilt the client with information but rather persuade them by presenting rock solid persuasive arguments and visuals that reinforce your arguments.

We can’t rely on giving them tons of verbal information and hope they solve it themselves. If it’s to be then it is up to me.

Every sales presentation falls under one of these 3 categories:

  • Informative – (teachers) unbiased, presents all sides, cooperative, promotes learning
  • Ceremonial – toast, acceptance speech, communicating value
  • Persuasive – intent, act on it, guide to a decision, mutual process, provide choice

You have to ask yourself “What’s your 3 minute elevator speech?”

What do you say to intrigue the client to meet again? What are your truly compelling arguments? What is the most compelling element of what you want to say to the client today?

Sjodin recommends you take the time to create your T.V. famous Dave Letterman Top 10.

Craft your top 10 Key points for the client and what those 10 key points mean to them. After you draft your Top 10 client benefits then I always suggest you do what I call the “SO WHAT TEST”?

Read each of your top benefits and then put yourself in your clients shoes… will they be able to reply “So WHAT” to your benefit or will they not have an answer to the question?

So many sales people spend their presentations presenting feature after feature instead of benefit after benefit to the client.

Lay out your top 10 persuasive arguments at the beginning of all your presentations including Buyer, Listing and Pricing presentations.

Then lay out your supporting details to prove your arguments in the body of the presentation.


  • The First 60 seconds – “safe island” the client (where you are going, why you are going there)
  • Then present to them… Why you?
  • Why your company?
  • Why now?
  • Use a Grabber – call to action.
  • Here are the 6 Most Persuasive Arguments
  • How do you save them time?
  • How do you save them money?
  • How do you help them avoid mental stress?
  • How are you going to give safe, secure, service (no surprises)
  • How do you make this fun?
  • How do you make this easy?
  • Are you a concluder or a closer?
  • Why be afraid of the “no”?
  • Then finish it all off with the Closer Dialog – the True Objection Purger
  • “I know you’re busy and I am really busy too, so let’s set up our next time to talk about this right now!” or “In order for us to move forward here is what I need you to do”


I trust that these persuasive presentation techniques and dialogs add to your sales persuasion and closing skills and move away from Telling and move toward Showing and Selling.

Feel free to share any questions or comments in the box below.

Strength and courage,


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