A Better Me In 2023.

a better me 2023Staying healthy has become necessary and there’s a focus on prioritizing our physical and mental health. Only with a strong mind and body can we be strong enough to meet our goals in real estate, family and life in general. Wellness has become a buzzword in the past few years and people have started to pay more attention to staying fit and looking out for healthy lifestyle tips. If you are looking to get healthy so that you can have a healthy and productive year ahead, then here are some useful suggestions.

1. Get Adequate Sleep – While there is a lot of emphasis on eating healthy and exercising regularly, not enough importance is given to getting the necessary sleep. Getting adequate sleep is needed to be able to function well. During the lockdown when people were working from home, sleep cycles were badly impacted. Regular schedules were changed, and work and other commitments took a toll on everyone’s personal time. In such a scenario, it’s necessary that you have a healthy sleep schedule and get the necessary eight hours of sleep. According to WebMD, having a good night’s sleep impacts your mind and mood. During this time, the brain processes emotions, recognizes them and sends signals to react the right way. This means that with a good night’s sleep, you will be more able to carry out tasks and react better to negativity.

2. Practice Mindfulness – Forbes magazine recently shared a list of health tips for 2023 and one among them was “brain healthy habits”. Mental health is getting a lot of recognition in the past few years with a growing emphasis on a better work-life balance, people are seeking help for anxiety and depression and there’s an overall emphasis on staying mentally fit. Practicing mindfulness is among the best ways in which you can keep your mind healthy and active. It has a positive impact on your overall well-being, helps in managing stress and allows you to focus better. Given that we are surrounded by numerous distractions, making mindfulness a part of our daily practice is needed to live a healthy life.

3. Tackle Stress at Early Stages – Stress has inadvertently become an accepted part of life which harms our health. Most stress-related issues like minor aches, mind fog, constant procrastination or even burnouts are neglected till the time they turn into something chronic. It’s important to recognize the signs of stress early on and take adequate measures to de-stress and get the necessary rest. Instead of turning to an unhealthy coping mechanism like drinking excessive coffee, smoking, or even drinking, turn to healthier means of stress management. Take out much needed ‘me time’ every day and focus on yourself, avoid all electronic gadgets like phones and laptops during this time. You can also maintain a journal, create a list of priority tasks, and ask for help if the workload gets too much. Other excellent ways are going for a walk, being in nature, engaging in a fun activity like aerobics, painting or more and spending time with loved ones.

4. Learn Something New – Exercising regularly keeps the body healthy and makes you more athletic and can even make you look younger. Similarly, keeping the brain engaged helps in sharpening the mind muscle. Just like your physical and emotional health, you must also focus on cognitive health. The best way to do this is by learning something new as that helps in maximizing your brain’s potential and allows you to build your skills. With the growth that we’re currently seeing in tech tools, it is even more important to upskill and stay updated with changes in the tech landscape. By enrolling in a program and acquiring new skills, you will get to exercise your mind muscle and become more prepared for suitable job roles in today’s market.

Feel free to share your own health tips that you find incredibly helpful we would love to hear from you! I personally made some 2023 health decisions to prioritize my health this year and have already seen the benefits from taking better care of my own mental, physical, and emotional health and encourage you to do the same! Here’s to a better you in 2023. If it’s meant to be then it’s up to me!


Strength and courage,

Your Health & Your Real Estate Business Go Hand In Hand

health and real estate business go hand in handFor the first almost 4 decades of my life I battled (and mostly lost) the fight with my diet and personal fitness level. Full disclosure… I was a “comfort” and stress eater and drinker. My largest struggle wasn’t my desire to be/eat healthy but rather it was the lack of consistent discipline. My lovely wife as tactfully as possible challenged me about how I consistently stand in front of a room full of people telling them to take care of themselves while neglecting my own physical state… OUCH!!! Painful but so true. Right away I sent out an email blast to a list of friends asking if any of them had suggestions for a personal trainer… interestingly enough 5 replied quickly with the exact same recommendation… Kevin Weiss.

After meeting Kevin I quickly learned he indeed was the person to whip me into shape. Having personally competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting for about 3 decades and had been providing personal training services to raving clients all around the world I knew Kevin was my best shot to reach my fitness goals. After 3 years of training with Kevin I was in the best shape of my life… I have never been stronger… eaten better and felt better. I feel strongly about the personal benefits of getting in and staying in shape but was surprised as to how many benefits spilled over into my business such as increased mental clarity, more energy, less stress and greater stamina.

Full disclosure I let my health slip the last few years but I am back on the horse and training with Kevin to change that again. The other day I interviewed my personal trainer Kevin with some questions targeted at realtors and business people relating to personal fitness and diet and nutrition. Please take the time to read and ACT ON the interview below…

Wade: Tell me your story. What prompted you to get into the personal fitness industry?

Kevin: I have been involved in fitness basically my whole life and had spent many years practicing and studying it before I ever considered trying to make a living at it. I got into the industry mostly because the job I had previously came to an end and I had to figure something else out. Training was a natural choice as it was the subject I had the most experience in at that point in time.

Wade: What were you doing before that?

Kevin: I was an auto body mechanic/painter in a highway tractor factory.

Wade: What are the biggest rewards people receive when they commit to a regular fitness program?

Kevin: Well there are the obvious health rewards from a consistently followed program but I think the physiological rewards can be even greater. Feeling yourself getting fitter and stronger on a weekly basis, usually fitter and stronger than you have ever been, can be a huge confidence builder and can really build momentum in all areas of your life.

Wade: For the average person who hasn’t done much about their fitness, what do you recommend as a good starting point?

Kevin: Above all else find a competent coach. Treat it like one of the most important purchases in your life, because it is. Research possible coaches in every way you can think of. Ask friends and colleagues, simple Google searches, one on one interviews, ask for references, anything you can think of. Only the best will be able to stand up to this type of scrutiny.

Wade: For someone who really needs help, but won’t go to a gym or do an in-home workout, what benefits are there in hiring a personal trainer?

Kevin: This kind of ties into the above question about hiring a competent coach. Absolutely no benefit if the trainer does not have the practical experience to apply to that individual clients situation. If they do then it is the difference between consistent progress and almost immediate stagnation.

Wade: What are the main reasons people quit after they start a fitness regimen?

Kevin: Probably unrealistic expectations. With the drive thru, cut and paste instant gratification mentality many people have adopted results are often expected with very little effort or time commitment. You can expect the same results as if you put no time or effort into any other aspect of your personal or business life.

Wade: How do you get people to stick with it and persevere?

Kevin: I am very upfront with people. Before anyone hires me they know 3 things. 1) Nothing happens overnight 2) Consistency over the long term trumps short term effort. 3) Sometimes its gonna suck. If clients come to me with the idea in their head that it is going to be quick and easy I would be doing them a disservice by telling them it can be. I am not selling sham-wows here.

Wade: In your experience, what are some of the long term consequences for someone who keeps procrastinating about improving their wellbeing?

Kevin: Just like how consistent exercise and healthier eating has a cumulative or snowball effect not doing it does too. The longer you procrastinate the further you get from the person you want to be. Eventually it is so far away that it seems pointless and hopeless. The physiological effect of this can be huge. a consistent fitness routine can be just as much about mental wellbeing as physical fitness.

Wade: What benefits do you see for real estate professionals and having a regular fitness regime?

Kevin: Realtors have erratic schedules with long hours which leads to poor eating habits and limited exercise. Making fitness a part of your regularly scheduled appointments adds a stress release component that will pay dividends in business as well as health.

Wade: What keeps you motivated to do what you do?

Kevin: When I first started this someone told me I would never be able to make a living at it. I admit I thought they were probably right. I did it anyhow. At worst I thought I would be one of those few people that got to do what they loved everyday, even if it was just for a short time. That was nearly 15 years ago. That is a lot of people I have helped in that time. Nothing is more motivating than seeing someone improve themselves under your guidance. It keeps you learning and it keeps you growing as a coach.

Wade: Any last piece of advice you want to pass on for the benefit of our readers?

Kevin: Understand that success in your own personal health and fitness bleeds over to your business life. The reverse is not always true.

Wade: What are three simple but powerful tips for people related to diet and nutrition?


1.) Eat whole food whenever possible. Anything with less than 3 ingredients.

2.) Don’t eat products pretending to be food. “gluten free” and “natural” does not mean its not crap.

3.) Want to lose fat? No flour, no sugar, no booze. Talk to me after 30 days when you need new pants.

Wade: How can people contact you to find out more?

Kevin: Check me out at www.bodyperformance.net and all inquiries or questions are always welcome at bodyperformance@gmail.com Truly, I can’t thank Kevin enough for the input and impact he has had on my life as well as my physical and mental wellbeing. If you are currently eating well and exercising regularly I commend you… if you aren’t I strongly encourage you to begin today… seek out others to help you get on a realistic long term program and find people to help keep you accountable… your body, your mind, your family and your business will thank-you for it… I Promise!!!

Strength and courage,

Agent Tips for a Positive New Year 2022

agents tips for positive 2022Happy New Year Agents! I put together a list of 20 tips to help you achieve a positive 2022.

1. Stay Positive. You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can trust that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.

2. Take a daily “Thank You Walk.” You can’t be stressed and thankful at the same time. Feel blessed and you won’t be stressed.

3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and less foods manufactured in plants.

4. Talk to yourself instead of listen to yourself. Instead of listening to your complaints, fears and doubts, talk to yourself with words of truth and encouragement.

5. Post a sign that saysNo Energy Vampires Allowed.” Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet,” and neither should you! Watch This.

6. Be a Positive Team Member. Being positive doesn’t just make you better, it makes everyone around you better.

7. Don’t chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you. [ Tweet This ]

8. Get more sleep. You can’t replace sleep with a double latte.

9. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.

10. Look for opportunities to Love, Serve and Care. You don’t have to be great to serve but you have to serve to be great.

11. Live your purpose. Remember why you do what you do. We don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it.

12. Remember, there’s no such thing as an overnight success. Love the process and you’ll love what the process produces.

13. Trust that everything happens for a reason and expect good things to come out of challenging experiences.

14. Implement the No Complaining Rule. If you are complaining, you’re not leading.

15. Read more books than you did in 2021. I happen to know of a few good ones. : )

16. Don’t seek happiness. Instead live with love, passion and purpose and happiness will find you.

17. Focus on “Get to” vs “Have to.” Each day focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do. Life is a gift not an obligation.

18. The next time you “fail” remember that it’s not meant to define you. It’s meant to refine you.

19. Smile and laugh more. They are natural anti-depressants.

20. Boost your immune system and health. Eat wild salmon, turmeric, blueberries. Take vitamin C, D and zinc.

Enjoy the ride. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy it.

How will you make 2022 more positive?

Strength and courage,

I Am Feeling Overwhelmed

realtor feeling overwhelmedFeeling overwhelmed is a natural part of life. Everyone occasionally feels overwhelmed by expectations, responsibilities, and a lack of time. The past 16 months have been a huge test on us as Realtors© and being able to handle everything coming at us. However, dwelling on feelings of overwhelm and letting them knock you off course can be detrimental to both your mental health and your productivity. If you find yourself saying “I’m overwhelmed” or feeling stuck with more than you can handle, here are some things to keep in mind to help you get through it.

1. These Emotions Are Natural. In the scope of the Earth’s history, human emotions are a fairly recent development. It’s no wonder we haven’t learned to peacefully coexist with them and end up fighting them on a daily basis. It can often feel like these feelings should be easy to overcome, but feeling overwhelmed is a natural response to having too many things going on at once. It’s your mind’s way of telling you that you need to slow down if you want to live a healthier life. Recognizing that overwhelm is your body’s way of trying to help you through difficult times can help shift the relationship you have with this emotion. Once you recognize it for what it is and invite it in without fighting it, you can begin to work with it to improve your feelings in a healthy way.

2. It’s a Breakdown of Thoughts, Not of Life. Our minds are powerful things, and feeling overwhelmed can feel like the end of life as we know it. In the book, As a Man Thinketh, James Allen says: “As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.” We have the power to manage our thoughts, and as a result, manage who we are and who we will grow to be. This involves making our mental and physical health a high priority. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, your life isn’t falling apart—your thoughts are. Take a minute to find and clean out all your self-deprecating, negative emotions and thoughts. As you do this, you will find yourself feeling refreshed and invigorated with renewed energy to take on the world.

3. Things Can Turn Around Quickly. Maybe you’re saying “I’m feeling overwhelmed” as you face a project at work and don’t think you have the energy or time to finish it. You start letting yourself play out every negative scenario resulting from a failed project. Sitting on the couch and dwelling on these thoughts isn’t going to make anything better. In fact, it usually makes things worse. Things seem to fall in place as you chip away at a project and come to realize it wasn’t as bad as you thought. A good friend of mine always say to me “Things work out most of the time, just not all the time. It’s all good.”

4. You’ve Felt This Way Before. Think about the last time you felt overwhelmed. How did you overcome it? In the end, was it really as bad as you thought? If you don’t learn from past experiences, you’ll find yourself suffering from the same problems over and over. Successful people are the ones who understand that every experience, good or bad, is valuable. Go to a quiet place, and take as long as you need to remember previous times in your life you felt this way and how you overcame it.

5. Your Problems May Not Be as Bad as You Think. The best way to find out how good you actually have it is to take a break from worrying about your own life and do something kind for someone in a worse spot than you. Volunteering at a homeless shelter or orphanage can help put your problems into perspective, and that tight deadline may not seem so overwhelming. Furthermore, acts of kindness can produce oxytocin, which can help you feel better all around. This is vital when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

6. It’s Easy to Keep Doing Nothing. Your situation changes quickly when you start doing something, but it’s always easier to continue doing nothing. The mind generally doesn’t react well to change and will do its best to help you keep doing what you’ve been doing. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, that may mean it tries to make you do nothing. Those who overcome their struggles quickly are the ones who never give up, even when they feel that all is lost. At times, it might feel like there is nothing you can do, but that is exactly when you need to do something. How will you ever know for sure there was nothing you could do if you didn’t try? At the very least, you will find personal confidence in knowing that you did everything you could.

7. Gratitude Can Help Immensely. In a world of people obsessed with putting their best self forward, it’s easy to feel like everyone has more than you. Get that thought out of your head, and remember what you do have. Often, the things you have right now are things you were worried about having in the past. Don’t let an insatiable desire for more blind you from seeing and appreciating everything you have right now. Gratitude can combat feelings of overwhelm by bringing you into the present, which will combat worries of the future. Once you’re in the now, you can focus on what you need to do to get past feeling overwhelmed and overcoming the many things coming at you at once. If you don’t know what to do you’re overwhelmed, take some deep breaths and try to start a gratitude journal: How a Gratitude Journal and Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Life

8. People Want You to Succeed. Remember there are people in your life who want you succeed. Your life touches so many others, and there are people out there rooting for you. These people are part of your support system, and you can turn to them each time you’re feeling overwhelmed. You can call them for a quick pep talk, invite them out for coffee if you need a break, or even ask them for help with your overwhelming list of things to do. The bottom line, feeling overwhelmed is a natural part of life that comes from trying to always take on more than we should. This feeling is difficult to avoid in today’s world, but there are things you can do to reduce those feelings once they do arise. Remember the reminders above whenever you’re not sure how to move forward, and you’ll soon find yourself on the other side.


Strength and courage,

Ways to Improve Our Own Mental Health as Realtors©

ways to improve mental health as realtorsThis week is a raw and deep topic for me personally and I hope and pray that someone finds what they need from this week’s Agentsboost blog. Mental health has really taken its toll on our own family for several years now and seems to be a topic that is never talked about and something everyone thinks will never happen to their own family. Even if you don’t have a diagnosed condition like anxiety or depression, it’s vital to prioritize your emotional well-being. There might be important things you’ve let fall by the wayside, and getting back on track can mean the difference between just getting by and thriving. Wanted to take the time to share a message of hope and some ways to fight the fight and know that you are not alone. Here are a few ideas that have personally helped my family over the years and hope may shed some light.

1. Maintain healthy, thriving relationships. Loneliness is an epidemic in the North America right now. More people than ever are feeling isolated and, in turn, anxious and depressed. Loneliness can have a staggering impact on one’s mental and emotional health, as well as one’s physical health—one study discovered that loneliness had the same impact on one’s life span as obesity and smoking. Loneliness, the study found, shortened a person’s life by 15 years. One of the best ways to protect your mental health is by prioritizing your relationships. Having strong interpersonal connections benefits us in countless ways: It helps us feel like we’re part of a community, gives our life meaning, makes us feel accepted and reinforces that we have people we can rely on during times of adversity. It’s important to remember that asking family members or friends for help if you’re struggling isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather strength. There should be no shame or embarrassment in asking for help. After all, being open and honest with your loved ones can help you begin the process of healing.

2. Exercise. The impact of exercise on one’s mental health cannot be emphasized enough. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, stress or any other condition, exercise should play an important role in your life. Exercise can improve your sleep, make you feel more relaxed and increase your body’s production of endorphins (often referred to as the feel-good hormones), which can improve your mood. There are countless ways you can reap the benefits of exercise. You don’t have to do high-intensity interval training or intense spinning to reap the benefits of exercise. In fact, just 30 minutes of walking each day can improve your mood and reduce stress, according to the NIMH. On top of that, just five minutes—the length of one song—of aerobic exercise, or cardio, can lower anxiety, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). For healthy adults, the recommended amount of exercise is 150 minutes per week of moderate activity (such as biking or walking) and 75 minutes per week of more vigorous exercise, like running, according to the HHS.

3. Challenge yourself. One of the worst things you can do in life is grow stagnant and complacent. If you stick with the status quo, you won’t get to enjoy one of the best things in life, which is the wonderful feeling you get from setting and achieving goals. Even if you think you’re at a good place in life and most of your goals have been achieved, there are always areas for growth. The importance of having goals to work toward shouldn’t be overlooked. After all, having purpose in one’s life is a crucial element of our overall happiness and life satisfaction. Take a look at your life and find an area for growth. Perhaps you want to get in better physical shape, save more money for retirement, publish a book, travel to 10 countries, have children or learn a new skill. Whatever you identify as your goal, write it down.

4. Practice gratitude. If you’ve ever felt overly anxious, stressed or depressed, you’re likely familiar with the onslaught of never-ending negative thoughts. One great way to combat negative thinking is by practicing gratitude. There are countless ways to practice gratitude each day. One simple and effective way is by journaling each morning or evening. Spend 10 or 15 minutes journaling about the things you’re thankful for, both small and large. Strive to list anywhere from three to 10 things. Explore the big-picture things you’re grateful for, such as your health or family, as well as small, daily things you’re thankful for, like the nice weather or a compliment your co-worker gave you about your outfit.

5. Check in with yourself. You could be anxious, depressed or overly stressed and not even realize it. Try to be attuned to your body and mind, and notice the symptoms that something might be awry. To check in on your mental health, ask yourself the following questions:

Am I still as interested in everything I used to be interested in?

Do I feel more irritated, angry or on edge than normal?

Am I drinking alcohol more than I used to?

Has the quality or quantity of my sleep diminished?

Has my appetite changed? What about my weight?

Do I have less energy than I used to?

Have my loved ones commented on any changes in my mood or behavior?

6. Learn about mindfulness meditation. Perhaps you’ve read about the benefits of meditation, but you either don’t have time to meditate or you don’t think it’s right for you. Enter mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is a form of meditation that allows you to focus on (and even control, in some instances) your thoughts. It can be done anywhere, at any time. The goal of mindfulness meditation is to be more present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

The benefits of mindfulness are far reaching: It can lower stress, improve your relationships, enhance your focus and memory, and help you feel more at ease. But how exactly does it work? Mindfulness can be practiced through deep, focused breathing. It can also be accomplished by going for a solo walk in nature or by practicing yoga. One other way you can practice mindfulness is by repeatedly reciting a short and uplifting message about yourself. Think of something that works for you (such as, “I am not my anxiety,” “I am strong,” or “I am fulfilled”) and repeat it to yourself. Aim to practice mindfulness meditation once (or twice!) each day for 20 minutes.

7. Prioritize your sleep. If you’re busy with things like work or raising small children, you might struggle to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. But doing so is imperative. After all, being sleep-deprived will only exacerbate emotional and psychological problems. In fact, one study found that people who reported having insomnia were four times as likely to develop depression within the next three years. Good quality sleep isn’t just about getting seven to nine hours of shuteye each night. It’s also about getting sleep that is restful and will ensure you’re energized for the day ahead. If you wake up 10 or 15 times each night, you won’t feel like you’ve gotten enough sleep to prepare you for the day ahead. If you’re struggling to get restful sleep, try to incorporate practices into your life that will help you achieve better sleep, like meditation. Exercise every day, if possible, eat a well-balanced diet, and try to eliminate things like caffeine, alcohol and smoking, which can negatively impact sleep. Keep your bedroom dark, cool and quiet, and refrain from doing anything other than sleeping in your bedroom.

8. Incorporate self-care into your life. Self-care is different for each and every person, but it’s a simple concept: It’s important to take time to care for your physical, emotional and mental health in order to live a fulfilling life. Self-care can include things on this list (such as getting restful sleep, meditating and exercising), as well as other things that make you feel good about yourself. Examples of self-care include: eating healthy, traveling somewhere new, trying new things, relaxing at the beach, spending time with a friend, or splurging on a massage or other luxury. The type of self-care doesn’t matter as much as the effect: It should make you feel like you’re taking care of yourself in a way that combats anxiety, depression and stress. Carve 20 minutes into your day to focus on self-care. Make a healthy smoothie before work, go for a long walk at lunch or spend time laughing with your significant other before bed.

9. Don’t be afraid to seek help. If there’s one thing today’s teenagers and young adults have taught us, it’s the importance of seeking professional care when necessary. Gen Z is the most likely of all generations to seek mental health treatment. They understand that there should be no shame or embarrassment in doing so. In years past, there was a stigma attached to seeing a therapist or psychiatrist. But today, that stigma has been removed, as more people than ever are seeking treatment for their mental health disorders, especially with the rise of online, remote therapy. If you feel like you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t be afraid to seek out professional help.

I am so grateful for the progress and change that we have experienced as a family in the past year or so and trust that you all take the time to implement some of these strategies and ideas into your own lives.

Strength and courage,

The Battle Staying Healthy and Happy In Real Estate

real estate healthy lifestyleThe holiday season is approaching us soon and I thought this might be a good time to share this journey and story. All my life I have been referred to as the “Big Guy” and something I have had to work at pretty much all my life. I am certain I was born as a baby weighing in at 55 pounds ; )

The struggle for me and my health during my 27 year real estate career and my go to for stress, anger, sadness and any emotional challenge in my life is food and beverage. It literally fires off these feel good charges in my brain for that period of time while I enjoy some good food and drink and then I have to feel the shame and guilt from going to that dark side to medicate my feelings and thoughts.

I was selling real estate and making a lot of money in 2004 and thought things were better than ever personally and professionally for me. Then in the middle of the night I woke with a terrible pain in my chest and had to go to the hospital and in triage they thought I may be having a heart attack. At that same time my wife was sick and tired of my working all the time and was wanting out of our relationship.

Remembering thinking the night before I was a balanced, healthy and happy money making real estate agent, I realized this was the furthest thing from the truth. I decided to hire a personal trainer that would kick me in the butt to train 3 days a week and challenge me on my eating. That was my start to lose the weight I needed and get myself healthy and my marriage and family healthy again.

Why it took the heart attack and divorce scare to wake me up I will never know but I stand here today still battling my food and beverage medicating demons but healthier and happier than ever. Here are a few tips I want to share with you and how I turned this “Big Guy” around in real estate and life.

  1. Reach out to people for help and support
  2. Find someone to hold you accountable to get exercise
  3. Find someone to talk to about the stresses and problems in your life regularly
  4. Prepare your food and meals in advance or have someone make good food for you
  5. Isagenix meal replacement has been a huge help for me. Two shakes a day and one regular meal a day
  6. Intermittent fasting… let me explain

Intermittent fasting, or limiting your food intake to specific times, has taken North America by storm in recent years. Research has shown intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, lower your risk of cancer and improve both your blood pressure and blood sugar. Here are three common methods of intermittent fasting to get you started and it has worked for me!

  1. The 12-Hour Fast – With this method of intermittent fasting, you fast for 12 hours each day. Before you worry about skipping meals, remember: The fast can be done overnight. For example, you can fast from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
  2. The 16:8 Method – A 12-hour fast isn’t enough for some people to get a metabolism boost. That’s where the 16:8 method for intermittent fasting comes in. It involves fasting for 16 hours (14 hours for women).
  3. The 5:2 Diet – This strategy involves eating as you normally would five days a week, then fasting for two days. On those two fast days, experts recommend men consume 600 calories or less and women consume 500 calories or less.

I hope my personal story and some of my solutions to help me with my own struggles will help some of you with your journey as well. Please comment below and share some of your own stories and solutions with the rest of our readers, we would love to hear from you. Healthy life is a happy life and without our health we can’t really do much of anything we really want to do in life.

Strength and courage,