20 Things We All Should Say More Often

Wade Webb
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20 things we should say more often

This week I had to share this powerful content from a mentor of mine Jon Gordon and the author of one of my favorite books and a must read “The Energy Bus.”

The words we speak matter. They help to shape the world around us. That’s why I believe we need to speak words of truth and hope not only to ourselves but to others as well.

Here are 20 things we should say more often if we want to make the world a more positive place:

  1. I love you.
  2. I believe in you.
  3. You are worthy. You deserve it.
  4. The best is yet to come.
  5. Stay positive.
  6. I was wrong. I'm sorry.
  7. Please.
  8. How can I help?
  9. I'm here for you when you want to talk.
  10. You can do it.
  11. You've got this and God's got you.
  12. Please forgive me.
  13. I forgive you.
  14. I've got your back.
  15. I'm open to your feedback. Make me better.
  16. You're not alone.
  17. Even if we disagree, we can still be friends.
  18. You matter. You have value.
  19. Thank You.
  20. There is greatness inside you.

Strength and courage,