Gratitude Unlocks the Fullness of Life…

Gratitude Unlocks the Fullness of Life...

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
~ Melody Beattie ~

The past few weeks I have been reminded how easy it is to take things for granted.

Especially the (seemingly) little and simple things in life.

My nine year old daughter Goldie has been experiencing health issues all this fall and we have not been able to get an answer with what is wrong with her. The situation came to a peak this last ten days with her getting a virus and becoming even more sick and in and out of emergency for days.

None of the medical staff was able to help us and the situation gave us more and more concern.

I am pleased to say she has turned the corner the last two days and has began to eat and keep it down for the first time in 9 days and is starting to gain back some strength.

This whole time we have felt so helpless and wanted to fix our little girl but there was really nothing we could do for her.

I am so grateful my little girl is getting better and turning the corner.

This time has caused me to stop and reflect on the many other things I am grateful for each day and not take for granted the little things like our health.

I encourage us all to take a little time out of our holiday season to reflect on all the great people in our life and the wonderful things that happened to us this past year.

I have found the more I am grateful the more things I realize I have to be grateful for... try it and let me know what you find.

My mentor Brian Buffini shared this affirmation to read and speak daily to help focus on the attitude of gratitude we all may need to be reminded of.


"The Seven Affirmations of a Rich Life"

1) I am in sound health
2) I have peace of mind
3) I enjoy the work that I do
4) I am free from the grip of fear and worry
5) I always have a positive mental attitude
6) I have material riches of my own choice and quantity
7) My life is full of healthy and loving relationships

I hope you enjoy these affirmations and your quest for daily gratitude of life's many blessings.

Strength and courage,
