Realtors… Here Are the Top 22 Things to Kick Start Your 2013

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Get a Great Start to 2013 With This Top 22 Checklist

happy new year 2013Welcome back and Happy New Year!!

Hope you had a great rest and time with your loved ones.

We had some great market activity in 2012 and there appears to be no reason for it not to continue well into 2013.

Turn to your neighbor and let them know “The market looks great in 2013. This is going to be my best year ever!!”

Many of us begin the New Year with resolutions to make our life better personally and in business but without a definite plan many of these plans quickly fall to the wayside.

To help you follow through to success in your real estate business for the entire upcoming year check out the following list I put together for you...

[ez_box title="Top 20 Things to Kick Start Your 2013" color="blue"]

1) Extend all your listings 90 Days – Make an appointment with sellers to review the saleability checklist
on their home for 2013.
2) Create a new CMA on all current listings. Include your statistics. Send out certificate for "No
Obligation Market Evaluation Update" for all your past customers on their homes.
3) Take new interior and exterior photos for all current listings. Make new feature sheets.
4) Prepare templates for flyers and postcards. Just Listed... Sold... Reduced... Open house (unaddressed ad mail campaign )
5) Mail out Best Year Ever Letter (click here to shoot me an email and I'll send you a free copy)
6) Mail out customer survey letters (click here to shoot me an email and I'll send you a free copy)
7) Mail out Tax fighter Kits (click here to shoot me an email and I'll send you a free copy)
8) Update and organize your databases. Clean, Purge and refresh your relationship lists. Launch
a monthly sphere campaign by sending your list "something" on a regular basis and don't forget ask for referrals.
9) Target expireds and FSBO’s. Learn to work the huge opportunity of business 90% of agents
fail to target.
10) Clean out your desk, office, briefcase and  vehicles
11) Laminate and print your 2013 Goals. Get a new family photo. (carry them both with you in
12) Prospect every other day of the year. Get back to basics. Start doing what made you money in the
past. Notes, calls, pop bys, additions to your database.
13) Call your past customers. Thank them for their continued support.
14) Call, Door Knock your Tel 20’s, Just Listed, Just sold, Open house.
15) Get your haircut. Start exercising. Get a new photo.
16) Read a good business book or a classic. “Think and Grow Rich... Richest Man in Babylon... How to
Win Friends and Influence People.”
17) Do or redo your personal home budget, work budget and business plan for 2013.
18) Arrange a special day this month with a spouse, family member or friend.
19) Get up 1 hour earlier for six days in a row... take note of how much more productive you are.
20) Clean up a mess. Personal Situation, Relationship. Something you have been putting off for a
long time.
21) Arrange a special event. Birthday, anniversary, holiday in the coming year.
22) Call someone you know every day this year. Ask them for a name of a friend worth talking to
about real estate.


I hope these items help you start off your real estate biz on the right foot this year.

Strength and courage,



PS Feel free to share any tips of your own that work well for you to start off a New Year with a bang in the comments below!