Time For A Breakthrough in Your Real Estate Business?

Wade Webb
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real estate breakthroughNo matter how good you are at running your real estate business, there will come a moment when you start to feel your business levelling off. Maybe it’s a lull in your sales, maybe you aren’t bringing in as many leads as before, or maybe you simply don’t feel the energy, drive, and creativity to move forward. Now is a great time of year to work in your business and develop some strategies for a fall breakthrough for your business and bust through those plateaus in business finishing your year strong.

7 Breakthrough Strategies for Your Real Estate Business

  1. A Rebranding Strategy - One of the most effective ways to break through a plateau is by rebranding. However, this is only a viable option if you’re truly in need of a brand refresh. If your current branding is old and outdated; starting new and designing fresh ideas can spark the creativity you need to drive more sales. However, beware of alienating clients with something that comes totally out of left field. Your new vision should still stay true to your core values while elevating the overall perception of your company.
  2. Invest in a New Website - A new website is an investment. However, it is one of the best ways to drum up business and carry your company into the digital era. Today’s real estate agent needs a sleek and sophisticated website with bright, clear photos, enticing content, and persuasive call-to-actions. Working with an established website designer is hands-down the best way to go about launching a new website, as they will take care of every bell and whistle to make sure the website functions in today’s fast-paced tech world while also looking elegant and beautiful for customers.
  3. Add to your Team - If you are worried your team is starting to feel stagnant, it might be time to switch things up a bit. ISA (Inside Sales Associate) departments are the new big thing in real estate, but the idea has been around since the beginning. Essentially, an ISA team is your sales team. These independent sales agents work all day on the phone following up with and scrubbing leads in order to hand them off to a selling agent. They’re ideal for growing teams and established teams alike because they take away all distractions and focus solely on sales. ISAs don’t do administrative tasks or any other daily work other than lead generation and conversion.
  4. Change Some Processes - If you currently have an ISA team and you feel they are starting to lose momentum, you can always change up some of the processes to keep things fresh. For example, re-negotiating commissions, implementing new software, or adding tracking to your current processes are all ways to “light a fire” and inspire teams to try something new and exist outside their comfort zone.
  5. Adding A New Lead Gen Layer – So many agents don’t seem to have enough lead generation sources to their business and have been putting off adding another lead generation process or system. Don’t be one dimensional or have too few ways of generating leads and prospects in your business. Do you have all the “Fab Five” lead sources running in your business?
    1. Database touches
    2. Online leads
    3. Expired – FSBO
    4. Open House – Door knock
    5. Geographic farm?
  6. Pre, During, Post Sales Service – Do you create certain customer service experiences for your clients pre, during and post their sale? I call these critical non essential’s like a one day, one week, one month post sale check in call? Providing a moving day meal for the clients and more. “People don’t remember what you said but they remember how you made them feel.” Take the time to increase the consumers experience with you and your business and wow and awe the clients.
  7. Set New Goals – Maybe you have met your goals for the year and you really have nothing to shoot for the rest of the year. Maybe you didn’t really set a goal for the year and now is the time to set some goals and have a vision or target for the balance of your year. Most agent’s aim for nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy. Don’t be that agent!

There you have a few simple and practical ways to create a breakthrough for you and your real estate business to finish 2018 strong. Take the time to rekindle the fire and really go for it! To your success!

Strength and courage,




My book, The Lazy Realtor, is available in Paperback or Kindle format, on Amazon. You can preview it here and I’ll even include these bonus items:

The 10 Step Buyer Process Guide

Low or No Cost Real Estate Marketing Tips List

The Internet Lead Conversion system

and much more...