Finish Your 2013 Real Estate Year Strong… (It's Not What You Expect)

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Play... Rest and Enjoy Your Way to a Great 4th Quarter

2013 real estate strong finishToday we are fortunate to have a guest post from a high producing and successful real estate leader and instructor.

J'aime Nowak is a seasoned REALTOR® living in San Diego California, who began her career in 1995.

J'aime did extremely well in her own business before being asked to become office manager where she quickly performed a miracle turn around within a short period of time helping many of her agents double their income.

J'aime went on to join Buffini and Company in 2004. She now trains industry leaders all throughout North America.

Let's check out what J'aime from Buffini and Company has for us...

Finishing Strong

This is absolutely my favorite time of year!  There is crispness in the air (or it’s downright cold depending on where you live); nature puts on a spectacular display of color and abundance; and your opportunity in Real Estate is tremendous. 

I’m not saying everyone is out buying and selling in the fall & winter months, but now is a great time to build your relationships with your clients and other business owners while also adding new people to your database. 

How you ask? 

Just enjoy the season.

Don’t misunderstand me here. 

I know I just said “enjoy the season”. 

By that I mean, take full advantage of the opportunities that it offers AND play, rest and enjoy your friends and family too. 

If you make the mistake of not working much or with low intensity in the 4th quarter, you will put yourself at a true disadvantage in launching the New Year.  Instead of hibernating like a bear, look at these 3 months as a New Season of growth.  

Increase your activities of touching base with your clients in a fun, festive way and put yourself in situations to meet new people.  (Anyone have a few parties to go to?) 

Don’t be a secret agent!

During holidays, people are more receptive to engaging in conversations and enjoying time together.

Get Out There and See Your Best People

Oftentimes it is the "problem" client that gets all of our attention.  Flip this thinking on its head and take care of your best clients by calling to check-in on how they are or even better—go out and pop by to see them. 

Visiting your best clients at their home or work for 5-10 minutes is a fantastic way to show them that you are thinking of them, that they are important to you and to wish them a wonderful holiday season (before it gets too crazy). 

My favorite activity this time of year was to identify my top 40 clients and go out and deliver homemade goodies to them and their families.  I had a blast doing it.

They were always surprised and grateful and, I built my relationships deeper.  Showing an interest in their lives and personalizing my level of service had compounding effects for a strong repeat and referral-based business over the long-term.

Work hard. Rest. Repeat

This isn’t about working hard every day and grinding all the way to the end of the year. 

Who wants to do that?

This is about maximizing your energy and time instead, in a series of sprints. 

So…be intentional with your schedule. 

Book in your calendar your time to work, your time to play with friends and family, to celebrate, to rest, and then work again.

This provides for the ultimate real estate scenario—you are putting forth a good effort in your business and enjoying what you’re doing.

You have the freedom to pursue your hobbies and passions and also to invest time in your most important people during this special time of year. 

What a great business this is…this is real estate as it should be and that is my hope & prayer for all of you. 

Let’s connect, have fun and finish 2013 strong!

J’aime Nowak  Buffini & Company

Many thanks for this timely and encouraging post.

It's nice to know we can be out there having fun, doing what we enjoy with people who matter to us and still be effective in building our business at the same time.

Strength and courage,


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